Tijd: 10 minuten - dus neem je tijd om goed de tekst te lezen!
Uitkomst: je hebt de tekst gelezen en de vragen beantwoord
Klaar: wanneer je klaar bent, steek je hand omhoog in Teams zodat ik weet wanneer ik verder kan.
Reading text
You received an E-mail from a friend you haven't heard from for a long time.
I've been meaning to write for ages and finally today I'm actually doing something about it. Not that I'm trying to make excuses for myself, it's been really hard to sit down and write, as I've been moving around so much. Since we last saw each other I've unpacked my bags in four different cities. This job has turned out to be more of a whirlwind than I expected, but it's all good!
I went from London to Prague to set up a new regional office there. You know I'd always wanted to go, but maybe I was imagining Prague in spring when I used to talk about that. Winter was really hard, with minus 15 degrees in the mornings and dark really early in the evening. But at least it was blue skies and white snow and not days on end of grey skies and rain, like at home. It's tough being away from home over Christmas, though, and Skype on Christmas Day wasn't really the same as being with everyone.
From there I was on another three-month mission to oversee the set-up of the office in New York. Loved, loved, loved New York! It's like being in one big TV show, as everywhere looks just a little bit familiar. I did every tourist thing you can think of when I wasn't working, and must have spent most of my salary on eating out. It was really hard to leave for the next job, especially as I kind of met someone (!) More about Michael later ...
So then I was posted to LA, which felt like a whole other country compared with the East Coast. I could definitely get used to that kind of outdoor, beach lifestyle, but I didn't spend as much time getting to know California as I could have because I was flying back to see Michael every other weekend. He came to see me when he could, but his job means he's often working at weekends, so he couldn't make the flight very often. Those three months flew by and then I was off again, to Frankfurt, which is where I am now. And … so is Michael! He got a month off work and we're trying to work out how we can be in the same place at the same time for a while. We figure the first step in that direction is getting married, which is also why I wanted to write – I can't get married without my oldest friend there! The wedding's going to be at home in London in September and I hope you can come!
Anyway, tell me all your news and I promise not to leave it so long this time!
Lots of love,
Task 1
You can always go back to the reading text without losing your progress here.
Task 2
You can always go back to the reading text without losing your progress here.
Discussion in English
What form of communication would you use to tell old friends important news and via which platforms?
Forms of communication: (Non) Verbal, written, visual, etc.
Platforms: WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, FaceTime, Skype, MS Teams, etc.
Assignment 2
Writing assignment
What: you are going to write a response to Kath.
How: write in a Word document and make sure the requirements are met.
Help: preparation task, reading text, discussion, grammar task, own knowledge.
Time: 15 mins + Homework
Result: a well written response to Kath. Also, you have practiced writing and shown that you understand what you've read by responding in an accurate and relevant manner.
Done: done early? Go over your work one more time and turn it in before you forget and then do something for yourself in the meantime.
Deadline 6-12-2020 23:59 (00:00 = your work will not be checked)
Where to turn in your writing assignment: send it in a Word document in MS Teams to me in a private chat.
Name your Word document: your first and last name_class_writing_assigment_2-12-2020
Requirements of the writing assignment:
Use of minimal 2 expressions from ‘Preparation – match the words’ task (under keuzemogelijkheden)
Your response is between 250 and 350 words.
State that you would like to use another communication platform, which one that is and why you want to use that platform. Also give the necessary information to be able to communicate in that platform (if you want her to WhatsApp you, you give your (fake) number obviously).
Respond with a written emotion (remember, you haven’t heard from her for a long time).
Tell her that you can make it to the wedding and ask for the location / address.
Make up something that’s going on in your life to tell her about it (examples: you got a new job, adopted a kitten, graduated from school, etc.) If you didn’t reach the minimum word count, make up some more stories!
Pay attention to your spelling and punctuation (leestekens) Capital letters, periods . , question mark? Etc.
Don't hesitate to ask questions in chat, keep in mind:
You can type your question in chat if you want to.
Want to ask a verbal question? Please raise your virtual hand first.
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