Today we are going to learn how to tell the time, make questions and negative sentences in English!
But first, we are going to do something different than grammar... and that is school! But not just any school, American schools! We know them from famous movies or tv shows and maybe even dream of attending one! But it's not always like in the movies... We will be looking at other characteristics and the system of American schools in comparison with Dutch schools.
Learning goals
At the end of this lesson...:
you know more about the American school system
you can tell the time in English
you can form questions in English with the use of 'do' or 'does'
you can form negative sentences with the combination of 'not' and the verb 'to do
American schools
Here is a video about the American School System. Pay attention! Because after the video, we will look back at some points with the help of Quizlet.
Here is a Quizlet set based on the video above. You can practice the definitions named in the video that fit with the terms.
Time, Questions & Negatives
Telling the time
What time is it?
In school, you always need to look at the time to make it to your next class or to know when you have a break.
With telling the time you mostly use the words 'o'clock', 'past' and 'to'. The words 'quarter' and 'half' are also used, just like in Dutch.
In this video it is further and clearly explained how telling the time works.
If the video doesn't work, the link below can help out with that!
Below you can see an image with different clock times. If you click on a clock, the written time appears.
Try to guess the times on the image before you look at the answer.
Making questions
How do we start?
That is a question, but not the kind we will be discussing today. Today we will use verbs that we put in front of the sentence, instead of the interrogative pronouns: 'Why, Who, What, Where, When, How'. In school, you always ask questions when you don't understand something in class.
The verb 'to do' is often used to form a question sentence. Don't forget with he/she/it there comes -es after do: does. The verb after 'does' does NOT get an -s, because it's already in the sentence.
"She has a brother." ► "Does she have a brother?"
"Do you like dogs?"
You can also switch the subject and the verb in the sentence to create a question stentence.
The last grammar part of this lesson is about negations (=ontkenningen). To say something is not, you use the verb 'to do' again and put the word not after it. It is often shortened into don't or doesn't.
Don't forget: with he/she/it it becomes does. Or in this case: doesn't.
Also: The verb after doesn't does NOT get an -s, because it's already in the sentence.
"She works at a bakery" ► "She doesn't work at a bakery"
We have almost come to the end of this lesson... but before you go, I'd like to test your skills you have learned and practiced today by doing one last "test". Don't stress out yet, it is just to see if you have listened and understood what I have explained to you today, so let's begin!
Grab your phone and scan the QR-code below and make the quiz. Good luck!
Extra grammar material
Need help? or Too easy?
If you thought the test you just did was too hard, feel free to go to 'Extra practice' to practice more!
Was it easy? Go to 'Bigger challenge' to improve your skills even more!
Extra practice
Oefening: Extra practice
It's okay if you need some more practice. You'll get there! Good luck!
And one last thing before you go... I know, I'm asking a lot from you. But I would like to know what you thought of this lesson? So grab your phone and scan this QR-code to fill in the form! Thank you in advance and have a nice day.
Derkse, D., Falinska, S., Praster, I., Scholtens, E. & Stupenea, V. (2019). Stepping Stones 1 vmbo-kgt text/workbook A. Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers.
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