22.2 Women and computers - tto123

22.2 Women and computers - tto123

Women and computers


The subject of this period is women and computers.

  • Form groups of three or four pupils.

Discuss the following question in your group:

  • What do you know about the Internet?
  • Is it safe to use the Internet?
  • How important is the Internet for you?







Find out what you already know.


Step 1

Jen this is the Internet

You can understand a comedy about the Internet and answer questions about it.


Step 2

Girls and computers and Internet safety

You can understand texts about girls and computers and about Internet safety and answer questions about it.


Step 3

Vocabulary and irregular verbs

You can understand and use vocabulary about computers. The irregular verbs: to shine, to shoot and to show.


Step 4

Negative Imperative, Never

You can understand and use Negative Imperative and Never.


Step 5

A discussion about girls and computers

You can have a discussion about girls and computers.


Step 6

Internet safety

You can write about Internet safety.


Step 7


Reflect on what you have learnt.


Step 8

Internet love song



Step 1 - Listening

Jen this is the Internet

You are going to watch a fragment of the comedy The IT crowd.

The characters you are going to see are Jen, Moss (the guy with the glasses) and Roy.

  • Watch the video and do assignment 1.
  • Read the questions.
  • Watch the video again and do assignment 2.

Assignment 1

Watch the video and answer the questions.


  1. What is Moss presenting to Jen?
  2. Can she keep this gift?
  3. Why does he give it to her?
  4. What does Jen say about the gift?
  5. What is Jen worried about if she uses it?
  6. What does Jen say when she touches the gift?
  7. What does Roy say when he enters the room?
  8. Where does the gift need to go, and why?
  9. What arguments does Roy give against Jen having the gift?
  10. Why is Stephen Hawking mentioned?

Step 2 - Reading

Girls and computers and Internet safety

You are going to read two texts, one about girls and computers and one about Internet safety.

  • Read the texts and do assignment 1.
  • Read the texts again and do assignment 2 and 3.

Assignment 3

Divide the texts into four parts.

  • Each one of you takes a part.
  • Write two questions about it.
  • Give your questions to your group members.
  • Answer the questions.
  • Check the answers.

You could also swap your questions with another group.

Step 3 - Vocabulary

  • Study the vocabulary. (10 minutes)
  • Study the irregular verbs.
  • Do the exercises.

Vocabularylist Women and computers

There are many ways to work on your vocabulary in Wozzol.
You can say or copy the words out loud.
Click in Wozzol on the red arrow for the different options.
The most important thing is that you don't do this for too long, because then you don't learn anything anymore.
In two 10-minute sessions you learn more than in half an hour.

Irregular Verbs

Check out the knowledge base below and study the following irregular verbs:

  • to shine
  • to shoot
  • to show

Irregular verbs

Step 4 - Grammar

Negative structures

There are a number of negative structures in English ranging from basic negative sentences to the more complicated neither ... nor and not ... either.
Learn the most common negative structures and do the exercises.
The most common negative structures are:

  • Negative Verb Conjugation
  • Short Negative Answers
  • Negative Imperative
  • Never
  • Double Negatives
  • 'Any' words
  • 'No' words
  • Negative + Any or 'No' word
  • Neither... nor

Study the 'Kennisbank' Negative structures:

Negative structures

Assignment 1: Negative sentences

In pairs, taking turns, form negative sentences. Do this either in writing or orally.
Let your partner or your teacher assess your sentences. Ask your teacher for instructions.

  1. play – your food
  2. chase – the cat
  3. surf – the Internet
  4. lean – the wall
  5. rock – your chair
  6. pick – your nose
  7. try – understand him
  8. hope – to succeed
  9. wait – for me
  10. sleep – too long

Assignment 2: Never

  • Study Never in the 'Kennisbank'.
  • Form groups of three or four pupils.
  • Discuss the theory.
  • Do the exercise.

In pairs, taking turns, form negative sentences. Do this either in writing or orally.
Let your partner or your teacher assess your sentences.

  1. read a book – I have to
  2. watch the News on TV
  3. do homework
  4. stop – play on line games
  5. drink – black coffee
  6. wear – straw hat
  7. use – pencil sharpener
  8. allow make – web cam pictures
  9. read local papers
  10. say – I love you

Step 5 - Speaking

A discussion about girls and computers

You read a text about girls and compters in step 2. In your group discuss the following questions:

  • What do girls think about computers according to the text?
  • Do you agree? Why? Why not?
  • What do you think about the gender gap in technology described in the text?
  • Do girls and boys feel different about computers? Explain your answer.

Step 6 - Writing

Internet safety for children

You are going to write about Internet safety for children.

  • Read the text (on your own).
  • Ask your teacher how many exercises you have to do (on your own).
  • Do the exercises (on your own).
  • Form groups of three or four pupils.
  • Read and discuss your work.
  • Help each other and correct mistakes.
  • Hand in the final work to your teacher.

Read the text.

The increasing popularity of social networking sites and mobile phone texting have presented society with problems in how to protect children online. More and more youngsters are becoming victims of Internet predators and bullies. Parents are finding it more difficult to ensure their kids are safe online. Gone are the days when Mum and Dad could keep an eye on their child’s surfing with parental controls on the family computer. Today’s new mobile and networked world poses new and dangerous threats to online kids. Two recent initiatives aim to teach children about cyber-safety. Internet safety will soon be taught in UAE schools, while in Indiana, USA, parents will attend an Internet Social Networking conference.

The UAE has launched a nationwide programme aimed at educating students on how to use the Internet safely and avoid suspicious websites. Spokesman Jay Bavisi said: “Advances in instant communication media, including the likes of Twitter, Facebook, and other instant messaging services, drive the very fabric of our modern society. Parents, siblings, teachers and children alike will need to understand the dangers the connected world presents.” The Indiana conference will explore topics like cyber-bullying, sexting and online child exploitation. Local attorney Steven DeBrota said: “The number one way to keep a kid safe is for them to be skeptical. If they do not believe automatically what people tell them, they will be safer.”

Source: www.breakingnewsenglish.com

Excercise 1 - Internet Safety

  • Make a poster about Internet safety.
  • List the things children and parents must do to stay safe online.
  • Make a vocabulary list.

Exercise 2 - Cyber bullying

  • Write a magazine article about cyber-bullying.
  • Include imaginary interviews with a cyber-bully and one of his/her victims.

Exercise 3 - Letter

  • Write a letter to the leader of your country.
  • Ask him/her three questions about Internet safety.
  • Give him/her three opinions on the laws he/she should pass to make sure kids are protected online.

Use the items of the 'Gereedschapskist activerende werkvormen' to help you with your poster, article or letter:​

Poster maken

Op een informatieve poster kun je laten zien wat de belangrijkste delen van de lesstof zijn. Ook kun je weergeven hoe bepaalde delen zich tot elkaar verhouden.


Artikel schrijven

Een artikel is een goede manier om informatie te presenteren of een gebeurtenis te beschrijven.


Brief schrijven

Een brief is een goede manier om aan iemand te laten weten wat je van een bepaald
onderwerp vindt of iemand te vragen om in actie te komen rond een bepaald onderwerp.


Step 7 - Evaluation

Fill in the schedule and answer the questions below.






I already know this













































What have you learnt in this period?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What did you already know?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • What do you have to ask your teacher?

Step 8 - Extra

Extra: Internet love song

  • Have you got time left? Watch this!

You are going to listen to Internet love song by John Cedrick featuring Tikki Thunder.

  • First read the questions:

    - What Internet words are mentioned in this song?
    - Which website is mentioned in this song?
    - What meaning does the song give for LOL?
    - What meaning does the song give for SMH?
    - Which of the following words are in the song: safe, upload, online, log in.

  • Listen to the song.

Answer the questions.

  • Het arrangement 22.2 Women and computers - tto123 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2022-09-27 17:30:48

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding en publicatie onder dezelfde licentie vrij bent om:

    • het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
    • het werk te bewerken - te remixen, te veranderen en afgeleide werken te maken
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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor tweetalig onderwijs, leerjaar 1, 2 en 3. Dit is thema 6 'Internet'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Women and computers. Deze les staat in het teken van de manier waarop meisjes/vrouwen computers gebruiken. Ook komt internetveiligheid aan bod. De onregelmatige werkwoorden in deze les zijn: to shine, to shoot, en to show. In de grammaticaopdracht worden Negative Imperative en Never behandeld.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 3; VWO 3; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    1 uur en 40 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, engels, internetveiligheid, negative imperative, never, stercollectie, tto123, women and computers

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    VO-content Engels. (2020).

    Women and computers - hv3
