The subject of this period is shopping in a foreign country.
Form groups of three or four pupils.
Discuss the following questions in your group:
Have you ever been to a foreign city just to go shopping?
Where did you go? With whom?
Where would you go shopping if you could choose a city in Europe?
Make a mind map of things that are important to you in a city for shopping.
Write down what you think is important (do not mention names of shops themselves, think of what category they are and write the category down).
Find out what you already know.
Step 1
Listening Shopping for clothes
You can understand a story about two men going shopping and answer questions about it.
Step 2
Reading Shopping walhallas
You can understand texts about shopping in foreign citiesand answer questions about them.
Step 3
You can understand and use a vocabulary about shopping.
Step 4
Grammar Past perfect
You can understand and use the past perfect.
Step 5
Speaking Speech card
You can have a conversation about buying clothes.
Step 6
Writing Shopping walhalla
You can write about your shopping walhalla.
Step 7
Reflect on what you have learnt.
Step 8
Extra Shop Till You Drop
Watch the video.
Step 1 - Listening
Shopping for clothes
You are going to listen to a story about two men going shopping for Christmas.
Listen to the story and do assignment 1.
Read the questions.
Listen again and do assignment 2.
Assignment 1
Download the worksheet and fill in the grid (on your own) and discuss the answers in your group. Make a copy of the worksheet in your own account (File - Make a copy ...) or download the worksheet (File - Download as).
Who hates shopping the most?
What does George give people for gifts?
What did George buy his mom this year?
What does George's dad currently wear to work?
What does George wear to work?
What size jeans does George need?
What does Adam refuse to pay?
What section of the store does Adam have to shop in for his wife?
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
You are going to read texts about three European cities that are renowned for shopping: Barcelona, London and Milan.
Read the texts and do assignment 1.
Read the texts again and do assignment 2 and 3.
Assignment 1
Download the worksheet and fill in the grid (on your own) and discuss the answers in your group. Make a copy of the worksheet in your own account (File - Make a copy ...) or download the worksheet (File - Download as).
Text: Shopping walhallas
The most famous places to go shopping are Oxford street, which has almost 300 shops, and Harrods. Harrods is one of the most famous department stores in the world.
The store is very big and it will take you a long time to see the whole place.
The spots you must visit are the food hall and the gift shop.
In Barcelona, shops are open from 10 am to 8.30 pm, closed on Sundays and on Spanish public holidays. Some shops are open 24 hours a day.
Barcelona Tomb Bus is a bus service that brings tourists to the main shopping areas of the city.
The most famous shopping area in Milan is the Golden Triangle.
You can choose between designers such as Armani, Prada, Gucci, Valentino and many others. In Milan you can find many outlet stores where you can buy designer clothes for a much lower price. You can get discounts up to 70%!
Enjoy Spanish fashion, visit one of the many Zara or Mango megastores or buy the young trendy Spanish brands as Desigual and Bershka in the city centre.
Barcelona’s main shopping area starts from the famous Rambla to Plaça de Catalunya.
Here you can find a huge variety of clothes shops selling international and national designer collections.
Alternative, dynamic and stylish.
London offers a big choice of shopping areas to find the most trendy and up-to date clothes and accessories. London offers everything you can imagine.
Combine the Spanish culture with shopping pleasure walking around the Barrí Gotic, one of the oldest districts of Barcelona with some Roman remains. Here you may find many bookstores, handcraft shops, music stores and much more.
Usually shops are open from 9.30 am to 12.30 and from 3.30 to 7.30 pm in winter and from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and from 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm in summer.
Some shops are open every day.
Most shops are closed on Sundays and during the Italian public holidays.
Shopping lovers choose Milan to buy the best of Italian fashion and design.
There are plenty of places to go shopping in the city, you can just walk around and you will find many shops spread across the city centre.
In London shops are open every day from 9 am to 6 pm, and have 'late night shopping' on Thursday.
Assignment 2
The paragraphs are still in the wrong order.
(On your own) read the paragraphs and reconstruct the three texts.
(In your group) discuss your answers.
Assignment 3
Divide the texts into four parts (two or three paragraphs).
Each one of you takes a part.
Write two questions about it.
Give your questions to your group members.
Answer the questions.
Check the answers.
You could also swap your questions with another group.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
Now you are going to pracise having a conversation in a clothing store. Work together with a classmate. Both of you are salesperson and customer one time. Imagine you would like to buy a pair of jeans from the clothing store.
If you need some extra help, go to your StudioWozzol account and take another look at the chunks.
Now you are going to try to have a conversation with someone else.
Find someone to work with and use the speech card A or B on page two.
Write down a couple of words to help you during the conversation.
Practise your conversation at least twice.
After practising twice, do the following things:
Find another pair to work with.
Act out your conversation.
Let the others write down feedback for you.
Let them act out their conversation and write down feedback for them.
Discuss what things were good and what you can do better next time.
Person A: Salesperson
Person B: Customer
Greet person b. Ask if the other person is looking for something special.
Greet person a. Say you are looking for a new pair of jeans.
Say that there are jeans on sale right now. They are hung on the two racks there.
Say thank you to the salesperson. Ask if they have dark jeans in size 30.
Say you have another pair of jeans on sale. Show these to the customer.
Say that you like these jeans and would like to try them on. Ask where the changing rooms are.
Say the changing rooms are there (point to the changing rooms).
(After having tried on the jeans) Explain the jeans are not the right size for you.
Offer to bring another pair of jeans.
Accept the offer. Ask how expensive the jeans are.
Say these jeans fit perfectly.
Say you agree.
Say you would like to buy these jeans.
Ask how the customer would like to pay.
Say that you would like to pay in cash.
Agree. Sell the jeans to the customer and end the conversation.
Have you ever been to a foreign city just to go shopping?
Where did you go? Whom with?
Have you ever been shopping in a city outside the Netherlands? Where? Why there?
Where would you go shopping if you could choose a city in Europe?
Make a mindmap of things that are important to you in a city for shopping.
Write down what you find important (do not mention names of shops themselves, think of what category they are and write the category down).
On the following pages you are going to read texts about three European cities that are renowned for shopping: Barcelona, London and Milan.
Read the texts on the following pages.
Write down which of the three cities (Barcelona, London or Milan) you would like to go shopping to.
Also write down why. Use at least three words from the text of the city you chose to explain your anwer.
Enjoy Spanish fashion, visit one of the many Zara or Mango megastores or buy the young trendy Spanish brands as Desigual and Bershka in the city centre.
Barcelona's main shopping area starts from the famous 'Rambla' to 'Plaza de Catalunya'.
Here you can find a huge variety of clothes shops selling international and national designer collections.
Combine the Spanish culture with shopping pleasure walking around the 'Barrí Gotic', one of the oldest districts of Barcelona with some Roman remains. Here you may find many bookstores, handcraft shops, music stores and much more.
In Barcelona, shops are open from 10 am to 8.30 pm, closed on Sundays and on Spanish public holidays.
Some shops are open 24 hours a day.
Barcelona Tomb Bus is a bus service that brings tourists to the main shopping areas of the city.
Alternative, dynamic and stylish.
London offers a big choice of shopping areas to find the most trendy and up to date clothes and accessories.
London offers everything you can imagine.
The most famous places to go shopping are Oxford street, which has almost 300 shops, and 'Harrods'.
Harrods is one of the most famous department stores in the world.
The store is very big and it will take you a long time to see the whole place.
The spots you must visit are the food hall and the gift shop.
In London shops are open every day from 9 am to 6 pm, and have 'late night shopping' on Thursday.
Shopping lovers choose Milan to buy the best of Italian fashion and design. There are plenty of places to go shopping in the city, you can just walk around and you will find many shops spread across the city centre.
The most famous shopping area in Milan is the 'Golden Triangle'.
You can choose between designers such as Armani, Prada, Gucci, Valentino and many others.
In Milan you can find many outlet stores where you can buy designer clothes for a much lower price. You can get discounts up to 70%!
Usually shops are open from 9.30 am to 12.30 and from 3.30 to 7.30 pm in winter and from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and from 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm in summer.
Some shops are open every day. Most shops are closed on Sundays and during the Italian public holidays.
Step 7 - Evaluation
What have you learnt in this period?
Answer the following questions:
What was the easiest part of this lesson?
What did you already know?
What was the most difficult part?
What was new to you in this lesson?
What do you have to ask your teacher?
Step 8 - Extra
Shop Till You Drop | Funny Clips | Mr Bean Official
Watch and enjoy the video.
What do you think about this video.
Write down what you like and what you dislike.
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Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor tweetalig onderwijs, leerjaar 1,2 en 3. Dit is thema 16 'Shopping and fashion'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Shop till you drop. In deze les wordt besproken wat voor soort gesprekken er plaats kunnen vinden in kledingzaken. Daarnaast is er aandacht voor winkelen in het buitenland. In de grammaticaopdracht komt de past perfect aan bod.
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VWO 1;
VWO 3;
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1 uur en 40 minuten
arrangeerbaar, engels, kleding, kledingzaken, past perfect, shop till you drop, stercollectie, tto123, winkelen in het buitenland
Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor tweetalig onderwijs, leerjaar 1,2 en 3. Dit is thema 16 'Shopping and fashion'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Shop till you drop. In deze les wordt besproken wat voor soort gesprekken er plaats kunnen vinden in kledingzaken. Daarnaast is er aandacht voor winkelen in het buitenland. In de grammaticaopdracht komt de past perfect aan bod.
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Shopping for clothes
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