7.3 To do or not to do - tto123

7.3 To do or not to do - tto123

To do or not to do


The subject of this period is doing sport.

  • Form groups of three or four pupils.

Discuss the following questions in your group:

  • Are you a lazy person?
  • What kind of sport do you like?
  • What do you know about rugby?
  • Write a list of sports. How many do you know? Do you know the rules?
Step   Activity Aim Time
  Introduction Find out what you already know. 10
Step 1 Listening
You can understand a song and answer questions about it. 15
Step 2 Reading
You can understand a text about rugby and answer questions about it. 15
Step 3 Vocabulary You can understand and use the vocabulary about sports. 15
Step 4 Grammar
You can understand and use prepositions. 15
Step 5 Speaking
A discussion about sports
You can have a discussion about sports. 10
Step 6 Writing
An essay about sports
You can write an essay about sports. 15
Step 7 Evaluation Reflect on what you have learnt. 05
Step 8 Extra
Sport and hobbies
Listen to a conversation about sports.  

Step 1 - Listening

The song
Some people play many sports and have many hobbies.
Others find it more difficult to do things...

You are going to listen to a song about a boy called 'lazybones'.
Listen to the song and answer the following two questions:

  1. Can you summarize what happens to the main character of the song in three sentences? 
  2. Which three people call him 'lazybones' in the song? 

Now listen to the song again and do the exercise below.
Look up the words you do not know in a dictionary.
Write them down in your notebook.

Step 2 - Reading


In the Netherlands rugby is not very well known.
In England, on the other hand, it is a very popular sport!

You are going to read more about rugby in the 'Guide to Rugby' on the BBC website (CBBC). On the right side of the page you will find the menu of the 'Guide to Rugby'. Use the whole guide to answer the following questions. After you read the text you are going to answer the following questions.

  • How did the sport rugby get its name?
  • What is one of the most important rules of the game?
  • How long does a rugby match last?
  • How does the rugby point scoring system work?  

    There are various ways to score points in rugby union:
    e.g. 'tries', 'penalties' and 'drop goals'.
  • What is the best way to score most points in a rugby union match?
  • Which country won the Rugby World Cup in 2007?
  • How many players are in a team in the "Rugby League"?

Now do the assignment.

Step 3 - Vocabulary

  • Study the vocabulary. (10 minutes)
  • Do the exercise.

Vocabularylist To do or not to do

Step 4 - Grammar

Study the knowledge base about prepositions.


Now make the following assignments.

Step 5 - Speaking

A discussion about sports
Discuss the following questions in your group:

  • What is the best sport for teenagers? Explain why.
  • Should sport be a part of the curriculum (= de lessen die op school worden gegeven)?
    Yes or no, and why?
  • Is there a difference between what sports boys or girls like? Explain your answer.
  • How could people who don’t like sports exercise?

Step 6 - Writing

An essay about sports
You have discussed about sports. Now you are going to write an essay about it. Use the arguments from the discussion.

  • Give your own opinion about the importance of sports.
  • Describe what you think is the best sport for a teenager and explain why.
  • Describe your own experience with sport.
  • Give your opinion on what sport in a curriculum should look like.

Ask your teacher how many words you have to use.

Step 7 - Evaluation

What have you learnt in this period?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What did you already know?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • What do you have to ask your teacher?

Step 8 - Extra

Where play different sports

Listen to a conversation about where Gemma plays different sports.

  • Watch the video.
  • List the sports mentioned. Put behind every sport where it is played.

  • Het arrangement 7.3 To do or not to do - tto123 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2022-09-27 16:06:56

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding en publicatie onder dezelfde licentie vrij bent om:

    • het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor tweetalig onderwijs, leerjaar 1, 2 en 3. Dit is thema 7 'Hobbies and sports'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: To do or not to do. In deze les staat wel of niet sporten centraal, waarbij in het bijzonder gesproken wordt over rugby als sport. De spreek- en schrijfopdrachten staan in het teken van favoriete sporten. De grammaticaopdracht gaat deze les over voorzetsels.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 3; VWO 3; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    1 uur en 40 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, engels, sporten, stercollectie, to do or not to do, tto123, voorzetsels

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    VO-content Engels. (2020).

    1.2 Preferences - tto123


    VO-content Engels. (2023).

    7.3 Sports - hv12
