De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
My favourite subject*
Sally and Maria have written an essay about their favourite subject.
Read the essays and do assignment 1.
Read the essays again and do assignment 2.
* Favourite is written ‘favourite’ in British English (BrE) and ‘favorite’ in American English (AmE).
Sally Reyes
Guess what my favorite subject is in school? I like P.E. That is my favorite subject. I like P.E. because it’s fun and competitive. P.E. is a time to have fun with friends and staying healthy.
Click, click, click. Another subject I like in school is computer lab. I feel relaxed just sitting down, ready to listen, and ready to start my assignment or activity. I’m always ready to go in class, too, but like I said, we’re talking about computer lab. School can be hard work, but some subjects can be fun. So I’ve told you my favorite subject. Tell me yours.
Maria Beas
First of all, I don’t have a favorite subject, I like too many!
One of them is math. I love taking five-minute times tests. You have to finish 100 multiplication problems in five minutes. I love getting back tests to see what I got!
I also love science, because you learn something new every day. My favorite part is when they bring in animals and tell us what they do.
I especially love art, because you get to express your feelings. When you’re happy you can paint a flower or a rainbow. If you’re upset or angry, paint a thundercloud with lightning. I guess you get the idea. Well, anyway, thank you for reading my story. Hey, reading. That’s another subject I like.
Write difficult words down in your notebook so you will remember them.
Do the exercise.
Assignment 1
You are going to get information from the text by filling in a grid.
Read the text and fill in the grid (on your own).
Compare your answers in your group.
Some more questions about the essays now.
You are going to determine which of the following statements are true. You are allowed to read the essays again.
Sally likes P.E. (physical education) and working in a computerroom.
Sally likes P.E. (physical education), because it is fun, competitve and keeps you healthy.
Sally doesn't like classroom lessons.
Sally thinks school is easy and fun.
Maria doesn't have one favorite subject. She likes so many subjects.
Maria likes to do tests with five multiplication problems.
Maria likes it when animals are shown in the classroom and when more is told about these animals.
Now you can read the essays again and do the exercise.
Read Sally's and Maria's essays below and answer the questions.
Sally Reyes
Guess what my favorite subject is in school? I like P.E. That is my favorite subject. I like P.E. because it’s fun and competitive. P.E. is a time to have fun with friends and staying healthy.
Click, click, click. Another subject I like in school is computer lab. I feel relaxed just sitting down, ready to listen, and ready to start my assignment or activity. I’m always ready to go in class, too, but like I said, we’re talking about computer lab. School can be hard work, but some subjects can be fun. So I’ve told you my favorite subject. Tell me yours.
Maria Beas
First of all, I don’t have a favorite subject, I like too many!
One of them is math. I love taking five-minute times tests. You have to finish 100 multiplication problems in five minutes. I love getting back tests to see what I got!
I also love science, because you learn something new every day. My favorite part is when they bring in animals and tell us what they do.
I especially love art, because you get to express your feelings. When you’re happy you can paint a flower or a rainbow. If you’re upset or angry, paint a thundercloud with lightning. I guess you get the idea. Well, anyway, thank you for reading my story. Hey, reading. That’s another subject I like.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
To be able to do all the assignments correctly, you need to know some words and sentences.
For each theme there are word lists ready in Wozzol, with which you can practice:
There are many ways to study vocabulary. You can read the words aloud or copy them. The most important rule is never to spend more than 10 minutes studying words. Every minute you spend longer is a waste of time.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
A discussion about school
You have listened to Wonderful world by Sam Cooke (step 1).
Discuss the following questions in your group:
What do you think Sam Cooke tries to say with the song?
How important do you think school is? What is the most important purpose of school?
Do you think school helps you to prepare for life?
Did you ever skip school? What did you do instead of going to school?
Step 6 - Writing
An essay about your favourite subject
You have read the stories of Sally and Maria about their favourite subjects. Now you are going to write about your favourite subjects.
Describe at least two subjects you like and explain why.
Describe at least two subjects you dislike and explain why.
Would you like to be a teacher in your favourite subject? Explain your answer.
Ask your teacher how many words you have to use.
Step 7 - Evaluation
What have you learnt in this period?
Answer the following questions:
What was the easiest part of this lesson?
What did you already know?
What was the most difficult part?
What was new to you in this lesson?
Do you have any questions for your teacher?
Step 8 - Extra
Learn the Top 10 School Subjects in English
In this video, you'll learn top 10 school subjects.
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Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:
Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor tweetalig onderwijs, leerjaar 1, 2 en 3. Dit is thema 6 'School'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: School subjects. De les gaat over schoolvakken. In de grammaticaopdracht wordt een grammaticatoets gegeven.
VWO 2;
VWO 1;
VWO 3;
Leerinhoud en doelen
1 uur en 40 minuten
arrangeerbaar, engels, grammaticatoets, school subjects, schoolvakken, stercollectie, tto123
Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor tweetalig onderwijs, leerjaar 1, 2 en 3. Dit is thema 6 'School'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: School subjects. De les gaat over schoolvakken. In de grammaticaopdracht wordt een grammaticatoets gegeven.
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My favourite subject
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