Christmas writing

Christmas writing

Introduction & goals

Welcome to today's lesson. We are going to talk about Christmas. In the following slides, you will be making a Christmas quiz, getting some tips & tricks and writing a text. At the end, we will ask you to fill out an evaluation form about the online lesson. We hope you enjoy & good luck! 

Christmas Game

We are going to start today's lesson with a fun game. Doing this game before the writing exercise will activate your knowledge about Christmas related vocabulary, which will be useful for the writing exercise since it's about the same subject. Goodluck!

Instruction clip with tips

Test yourself

Christmas writing exercise

Your friend has written a letter to you describing her Christmas Holiday. You are going to write back and tell her about your Christmas Holiday. Use the past simple, past continuous, past perfect, adjectives and adverbs. Your story should be between 150 and 200 words.

You can write your story directly into Padlet or you can copy and paste it into Padlet.



Made with Padlet

Extra Writing exercise B1

If you found the previous exercise too hard and would like to have some extra practice than make the exercise below.

If you did not have any problems with the previous exercise please refer to the upper intermediate B2  exercises on the next page.


You have lost your jacket. Write a notice to put on the wall in your school. You should include a happy memory of when you wore the jacket. Use the past simple, past continuous, past perfect, adjectives and adverbs. The story should be around the 100 and 150 words.


You can write your story directly into Padlet or you can copy and paste it onto Padlet.



Made with Padlet

Extra writing exercise upper intermediate B2

If you did not have any problems with the previous exercise please refer to the upper intermediate B2 exercises below.


Write a story with the title “Christmas Miracle”. Your story should have a clear beginning, middle and end (paragraphs). Use direct or indirect speech when the characters talk and use a variety of narrative tenses. Your story should be between 180 en 220 words.


Example of direct speech: ‘Can I borrow lamp Joep?’ Asked Jonas.

Example of indirect speech: Jonas asked Joep if he liked cheese on his bread.


You can write your story directly into Padlet or you can copy and paste it onto Padlet.


Made with Padlet

Evaluation (google forms)


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    2020-11-08 17:57:53

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Engels, B1(B2), Leerlingen zijn aanwezig in de klas, maar leergierig.
    4 uur en 0 minuten
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