Giving advice

Giving advice


In this class we will take a look at three modal verbs used to give advice. Using these words you will be able to tell your classmates what to do and what not to do.

You should read the explanations thoroughly and had better do well on the test.


This class is meant for English havo/vwo 2, and corresponds to chapter 4 of THINK.


At the end of this class you will be able to use the words "should", "ought" and "had better" to form sentences to give advice to your peers.

Grammatical terms

Add the following to the grammar section in your notebook :


main verb

The verb in a sentence describing the actual action going on.
"I have been running."

auxiliary verb

Any verb in a sentence that isn't the main verb
"I have been running."

modal verb

A verb used to change the mode of a sentence.
"I can play the piano"

modaal werkwoord



In this chapter we look at should.


Should is a modal auxiliary verb. It is used to give advice to other people. If you want to advise a friend a certain restaurant you can say :

"You should eat pizza at Vapiano."

You can use these recommendations for many things. Not only for going places, but also trying different foods or even experiencing different things.

The word should, is put in front of the main verb of a sentence, as shown in the example above.



In this paragraph we look at ought.


Ought is almost the same as should. It is grammatically almost the same, however ought is a bit stronger compared to should. It also is used more in formal situations.

You ought to do well in school.

Is a good example of this word in use.

Like should, ought also is put in front of the main verb. Unlike should however you'll always need to write 'to' between ought and the main verb.


Had better

In this paragraph we look at had better.


Had better is slightly different to should and ought. It implies that there's consequences to the advice. This means that if you say

"You had better give me a hug."

you tell the other person that if they do not give you a hug something (bad) will happen.


Had better is sometimes contracted to 'd better. for example: "You'd better give me a hug"



In this chapter we look at the negative forms of should and had better.


Shouldn't is the negative form of should. It is a contraction of should not. This means that when you use it you recommend someone not to go somewhere or not to do something. So when you say the following:

"You shouldn't go to italy."

You mean to advice your friend not to visit italy.

Had better not

Had better not is the negative form of had better. This means that when you use it you advise someone not to go somewhere or not to do something, with consequences following if they do it anyway.

"You had better not cheat on your test."

Means that if you cheat on your test, you probably are going to get a really bad grade, or maybe other punishments.

Like had better, had better not can be contracted to 'd better not. As an example: "You'd better not take those shoes."



Learn the following vocabulary using Quizlet. Some of it might occur in the test at the end of this Wikiwijs.


Enter three sentences in this padlet. Use should, ought and had better to recommend things to your peers.

Made with Padlet

Help, i don't get it yet!

A video explaining the subject will be posted here later, for now as the teacher if you have any questions before taking the test.




sources :

Shankar, R. (n.d.) Should vs. Ought to vs. Must. Retrieved november 9, 2020, from


Had better (n.d.) Wiktionary. Retrieved november 9, 2020, from

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    This lesson will teach - should - ought - had better and tests the usage of this grammar.
    VWO 2; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engels; Dagelijks leven; Gesprekken voeren; Informele gesprekken; Informatie uitwisselen;
    0 uur en 45 minuten
    advice, english, giving advice, grammar, had better, modals, ought, should, think chapter 4
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    Exercises ought

    Exercises had better

    Exercises negative forms

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