When talking about your childhood memories you are defintely talking about the past. The past is the time that is finished and not relevant to the present, which is here and now! Please watch the video on childhood memories. In the film the persons use different ways when telling about what they did when they were younger. Most of the time they talk about special memories that happened regularly and in the past. Try to keep track of the different ways and tenses they use. Good luck!
Clip about people being interviewed about their childhood memories
In the video that you have just watched, the people say used to quite often. Used to is used when you are telling about past times in which things happened always.
Okay, now you have watched the video. If you have listened carefully, you might have noticed that the people in the video said "used to" a lot of times. "used to" is a way of saying that in the past they always did some things.
when you want express a childhood memory in this way, you use: used to + full verb. ( hele werkwoord).
an example: My parents used to go for walks in the wood, but nowadays we go to the gym.
Oefening: Complete the sentences about things that always happened in the past. Use used to and the verbs:
Algemene Informatie
Complete the sentences about things that always happened in the past. Use used to and the verbs:
The Past Simple:What happened in those days is far from the present
So, after having decided what was usually done in the past we are now going to focus on particular events that happened in the past. When something happened and we know exactly when it happened we use the past tense. So the time of the event is important and it is mentioned.
This is the past simple: the past simple is formed by the full verb + -ed (in case of a regular verb)
example: I watched a movie last night.
Of course, there are exceptions! If a verb:
* ends in an -e -d is added to challenge challenged
* ends in a consonant (medeklinker) +y, -y is replaced by -ied to dry dried
* ends in a short vowel (klinker + consonant) the consonant is doubled to slam slammed
*has more syllables (lettergrepen) and end in -l, -led is added to travel travelled
If there are regular verbs then there must be irregular verbs as well: of course they have there own ending:
The past simple negative(ontkennend) and interrogative(vragend):
If you want to want to say that something did not happen in the past, the past simple goes as follows:
- did/ didn't + full verb example: He didn't go to the match.
When you want know if he went to the match, you ask the question:
- Did+ subject(onderwerp)+ full verb example: Did he go to the match?
Facts of history also belong to the past. For example when you wonder how people in early times used to live.
If you would write a report on a history subject then you would use the past simple lots of times. For example: Christopher Columbus discovered a new world in 1492.
Oefening: Complete the sentences. Use the past simple.
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Lesdoel: Aan het eind van de les zijn de leerlingen in staat om ervaringen uit hun jeugd te beschrijven.
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Leerniveau: 3 Havo
Type: zwakke en snelle leerlingen
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Oefeningen en toetsen
Complete the sentences about things that always happened in the past. Use used to and the verbs:
Translate the following sentences into English using used to:
Complete the sentences. Use the past simple.
Past simple. Write questions in the past simple using the prompts;
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