School life

School life



Here in the Netherlands school is an everyday thing that we either love or hate. We go to school Monday to Friday, do our homework and make exams. The question is: do other countries experience school in the same way?

In this lesson we will find out how children in the USA and in the UK go to school. We will also learn about expressing our feelings when it comes to something we like or not like.



At the end of the lesson...

- ... you can name the differences between American and English school life.

- ... you can explain which schoolsystem you like best.

- ... you can talk about things you like.

- ... you can talk about things you don't like.


School in the USA

Going to high school in the United States of America is a little different than here in the Netherlands.

Is it just like the movies? Do they actually sing and dance like in High School Musical? Sadly they do not but they do go to school in a yellow schoolbus and they also play sports for their school instead of a club, like we do.

Here you start high school from the age of 12 and depending on your level of academics you wil study till the age of 16, 17 or 18. In the USA you start high school at the age of 14. Before that you go to middle school which is two years. Then they go on to start freshman year of high school, then sophomore year, junior year, followed by senior year. Every student follows the same level and programme. For most students Prom is the highlight of their high school career.

Watch the video below and answer the following question.

High school highlights

School in the UK

In the united Kingdom the school system is quite similar to the dutch system. They start with primary school, ages 5- 10. Then they go on to secondary school from the age of 11 till 15. After that they will have a form of college from 16 till 18, where they do important exams to get into university.

However, going to school in another country is always different than what you are used to. Read a day in the life of an English student below and answer the following questions.

My school day

I go to school at 8:30 in the morning to see my friends before school starts at 8:45. We all wear the same thing because we have school uniforms.

I like the subject maths because it is fun, easy and I like to solve problems.

I don’t like geography because I don’t like the teacher. She is very strict and not fun.

At lunch I meet with my friends, eat together and then go to the library to play card games and do homework (that I meant to do earlier).

Then we go back to do our final lesson, we have five lessons a day which are 55 minutes long. Sometimes we have two of the same lessons after each other which can be hard because it is a long time to study one subject for me.
After school, on Wednesdays and Thursdays, I play the saxophone in the school band. Every week we practice because we play at the school concerts and we also go abroad to play in different countries which is really fun.


- Luke Feneley

Norfolk, England

Scan the QR code with your phone or click the link. 

Answer the question in padlet. 

What to like?

Now, on to a little bit of grammar. Watch the video below and answer the following questions. 

What to like?

Test yourself!

Make you new skills even better!

Did you find this difficult or way too easy? 

If you think you need some more practice, head over to "Extra practice". 

Do you think you can handle a harder challenge, skip to "Stepping it up". 

Extra practice

Stepping it up!

Do you think you can handle something a bit more difficult?

For this exercise you need to write down what you do like about school and what you don't like. Make sure you use the correct form of the verbs! If you don't remember what form to use, don't be afraid to go back to the video! Good luck.





Gjaltema, S., Kiestra, F., Roberts, K., Scholten, C., Schonewille, A., Steinvoort, S., van Veen-Bogaerts, L. & Versteeg, M. (2013) Stepping Stones 1 (T)HV textbook. Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers.


The Gilbert School 2019 Promotional Video

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    This lesson is meant for Havo 1 students. In this lessen students will learn about different school cultures around the world. They will learn how to tell the time and talk about school schedules.
    HAVO 1;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Luisteren naar tv, video- en geluidsopnames; Instructies lezen; Engels; Dagelijks leven; Lezen; Lezen om informatie op te doen; Luisteren naar aankondigingen en instructies; Luisteren en kijken; Schrijven; Vrij schrijven (Engels);
    0 uur en 50 minuten
    english lesson


    Bron Type
    High school highlights
    What to like?