Vandaag is de les ietsjes anders dan normaal. Deze les is namelijk helemaal digitaal op wikiwijs.
Dat betekend dat je vandaag zelfstandig gaat werken achter je Chromebook.
Helemaal onderaan de pagina's zie je twee pijlen '<' en '>'. Met deze pijlen kan je terug- en doorbladeren. De opdrachten zijn zo opgebouwd, dat je eigenlijk alleen maar door hoeft te bladeren (uiterraard mag je terugbladeren als je dat wilt).
Voor deze wikiwijs heb je oordopjes of een koptelefoon nodig om de kijk- en luisteropdrachten te maken. Verder heb je niks anders nodig. Het kan zijn dat iets niet duidelijk is of dat je een vraag hebt. Dan mag je hand op steken om geholpen te worden.
Good luck and have fun!
Today is all about extreme sports!
You're going to learn what an extreme sport is and different kinds of extreme sports.
You're also going to learn how to write a text message to your friend and how to use whatsapp.
But we are also going to focus on working with a Chromebook and working individually (zelfstandig). If you have a question, you can raise your hand and I will help you.
Do you know what an extreme sports is?
Do you know what the differences between normal sports and extreme sports are?
Before you start making the other exercises of the wikiwijs, make this exercise to test what you already know. Keep scrolling down to see the all the levels.
When you are done, go to exercise 2 of the wikiwijs.
Wat: Level 1 tot en met 5 maken.
Hoe: Scroll naar beneden om de opdrachten te zien. Maak ze een voor een.
Hulp: Informatie wat je gegeven wordt per level.
Tijd: Eigen tempo werken (niet langer dan 10 minuten hiervoor)
Uitkomst: Je weet wat een extreme sport is.
Klaar: Je mag door naar de volgende opdracht.
Exercise 2.1
Listen to the clip;
In this clip you will hear a boy talk to a girl about his weekend activities.
He will name different kinds of extreme sports. Start the exercise and make the questions while listening.
This exercise is all about knowing different kinds of extreme sports.
But before you do the exercises, here are some flashcards you can practise some new words with. Click on the card to see what it means.
When you are done practicing, go to the next exercise
When you click on start, it will open a new tab (een nieuwe tabblad). This tab stays open, so you can always take a look at the word list.
When you are done with the exercise, you can close it and go back to this page.
Wat: Maak de opdrachten bij Exercise 2.3.
Hoe: Klik op start om de opdrachten te maken.
Hulp: Maak gebruik van de vocabulaire lijst die is meegegeven en die je hebt geoefend.
Tijd: Eigen tempo werken (Niet langer dan 10 minuten).
Uitkomst: Je weet verschillende extreme sports.
Klaar: Als je deze opdracht moeilijk vond mag je naar exercise 4. Vond je deze opdracht makkelijk, dan mag je naar exercise 5. Maak deze exercises voordat je begint met exercise 3.
Here is the word list:
A forest
Een bos
A mountain
Een berg
A valley
Een vallei
A river
Een rivier
A hill
Een heuvel
Ironing board
To glide
To row
To iron
Dirtboarding is where you stand on a board with 4 very strong wheels. They are strong, because you ride down very rough tracks. You can go down forests, mountains and places that have a lot of dirt.
Extreme ironing is where you take an ironing board to very weird places. Most people go to mountains, but some people do this while skiing or even underwater. The places get crazier every time.
Extreme ironing is where you take an ironing board to very weird places. Most people go to mountains, but some people do this while skiing or even underwater. The places get crazier every time.
Canyoning is where you walk down a canyon. A canyon is a valley between mountains. It often has a river and sometimes even a waterfall. You start at the top of the canyon and go down by jumping or by hanging on a rope.
White water rafting is where you and your team sit in a rubber boat and you row. You often go through big rivers. Be careful, sometimes the waves can be very dangerous.
Zip wiring is where you hang off a very very long rope that is high in the sky. You glide from one end to the other end. You often glide through jungles or mountains.
Bungee jumping is where you jump off a high place (like a bridge, a mountain or a building) with an elastic rope tied to your feet. When the rope stretched all the way, you bounce back up until it stops.
Scuba diving is where you go deep into the sea. You wear a special suit to help you swim. You also wear tanks that help your breathe. You can see lots of fish and other sea animals. You can also see a lot of things that fell in to the sea, like boats.
Cheese rolling is a sport where you push a wheel of cheese down a very steep hill. Then you try to run after it and catch it. But, because the hill is very steep, lots of people get hurt by falling or rolling down.
Motocross is a race where you use a motorcycle to ride through difficult places, like grass, dirt, and big hills. The racer that finishes first, wins. It is a wild and rough race and there are no tracks
Exercise 3 (introduction)
Now you know more about extreme sports. Choose one of 10 extreme sports and ask a friend via Whatsapp if he/she wants to come with you. You can watch the clip on the next page to help you out!
Wat: Schrijf een whatsapp berichtje naar een vriend om hem/haar uit te nodigen voor een extreme sport.
Hoe: Via het invuldocument in Google Drive. Eerst een kopie maken van het origineel. Je mag hulp vragen aan de leraar.
Hulp: Alle informatie uit deze les. Je mag ook extra informatie opzoeken op het internet
Tijd: Eigen tempo werken (niet langer dan 15 minuten)
Uitkomst: Je kent de layout van een brief en kan deze toepassen met whatsapp
Klaar: Je mag feedback geven en daarna iets voor jezelf doen.
Here are the 7 points you have to put in your message.
Greet the person and ask how he/she is.
Tell the person which extreme sport you want to do together.
Give information about the extreme sport (minimal 3 sentences. Use your own words.)
Tell when and where you want to do the sport.
Tell that you would like to hear soon, because you have to sign up (inschrijven).
End the message friendly
End the message with you name.
Here is an example:
Hi Beth, How are you?
Would you like to go scuba diving with me?
Scuba diving is where you go underwater in a special suit. You carry tanks on your back to help you breathe underwater. You also wear a special scuba suit. You can swim underwater for a very long time and can see many fish.
I want to go scuba diving at Scheveningen next Saturday at 12’o clock.
Can you let me know soon, so I can sign us up?
TIP: Be creative and dont be affraid to make spelling mistakes. Writing = practicing & practicing = writing!! Try to describe your chosen extreme sport in your own words. You may also use the internet for extra information.
How to write a message...
Here is the clip that can help you make the assignment.
Exercise 3 (Write here)
Click on the button to go to your Google Drive. Here you can find the writing assignment with the name: '' Whatsapp message (copy me) ''
Right-click on this document and make a copy!!! The first thing you do is change the name of the document and write your own name. Than you can double-click on the Whatsapp message to write your own message
If you found exercise 2.3 (a little bit) hard, you can practise more here.
Choose and click on the right translation (vertaling)
If you have practised enough, you can start exercise 3
Exercise 5.1
You are gonna watch a clip of James Corden(the host of The Late Late show) and Tom Cruise(a famous actor known from the film series Mission: Impossible)
In this video Tom Cruise helps prepare James Corden to skydive. Watch and listen carefully. You can make answer the questions while watching. You can stop watching the video at 4:40.
Oefening: Tom Cruise Forces James Corden to Skydive
This is the challenge exercise.
That means that this exercise is a lot harder than the other ones!
When you click on start, the exercise will pop-up. When you close it, you have to do it all over again.
Good luck!
Oefening: Challenge yourself
Oefening: Challenge yourself
This is a challenge exercise! It is harder than the other exercises.
You will see the descriptions of the 10 new extreme sports you learned today, but some words are missing! Drag (sleep) the words to their correct place in the sentence.
You can try it as many times as you want. Good luck!
Het arrangement Extreme sports is gemaakt met
Wikiwijs van
Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt,
maakt en deelt.
Gani Caliskan
Je moet eerst inloggen om feedback aan de auteur te kunnen geven.
Laatst gewijzigd
2021-04-21 10:48:40
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Oefeningen en toetsen
Exercise 2.1 - listening; weekend activities
Exercise 2.3 - Extreme sports
Tom Cruise Forces James Corden to Skydive
Challenge yourself
IMSCC package
Wil je de Launch URL’s niet los kopiëren, maar in één keer downloaden? Download dan de IMSCC package.
Oefeningen en toetsen van dit arrangement kun je ook downloaden als QTI. Dit bestaat uit een ZIP bestand dat
informatie bevat over de specifieke oefening of toets; volgorde van de vragen, afbeeldingen, te behalen
etc. Omgevingen met een QTI player kunnen QTI afspelen.
Wikiwijs lesmateriaal kan worden gebruikt in een externe leeromgeving. Er kunnen koppelingen worden gemaakt en
het lesmateriaal kan op verschillende manieren worden geëxporteerd. Meer informatie hierover kun je vinden op
onze Developers Wiki.