1.1.4 Citing sources (and preventing plagiarism) (EN)

1.1.4 Citing sources (and preventing plagiarism) (EN)


Throughout your project, you use information to arrive at a good end result. You may have already gone through the other information literacy building blocks which provide information and tools for finding information and evaluating its suitability. At this point you will have found some relevant information to use in your project. How do you include this information in your report (such as your plan of approach or a design document)? What should you pay attention to when you do this?

In this building block we explain what plagiarism is and how you can prevent it by citing and referring to sources in a consistent way.

We start with why you would want to cite other sources to begin with, followed by a section concerning what is plagiarism and what is not. To prevent plagiarism you will need to indicate your sources, so we will show you two often-used citation styles you can use to do this in a consistent way, followed by two ways to incorporate the original information: by citing and by paraphrasing. In the assignments you will look up how to cite often-used types of sources and apply it to your project. The self-assessment you can use to afterwards or in advance how well you (already) know the learning goals of this block. Be sure to check out the practical tips - they provide answers to questions and problems we commonly see in practice.

If you have any comments or questions about this building block, please contact Danny Plass (Saxion).


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2020-09-18 03:45:31

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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

You use information throughout your project to arrive at a good end result, but how do you refer correctly to the information sources you have used? How do you prevent plagiarism? In this building block we explain what plagiarism is and how you can prevent it by citing and referring to sources in a consistent way. This is an HBO-ICT building block for Research in Education.
HBO - Bachelor;
2 uur en 0 minuten
apa, available work, bronverwijzing, building block, hbo ict oio, information literacy, library, plagiarism, research, showroom

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hbo-ict open-oio. (2018).

Citing sources (and preventing plagiarism)


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