This lesson will be given in English, as this is the language that we are here to learn.
However, difficult words are translated for you into Dutch, to help you understand the information given.
Good luck!
Todays lesson
Todays goals.
In this lesson we are going to learn about adjectives (bijvoeglijknaamwoord) and adverbs (bijwoord).
With this lesson there is one lesson goals, which is:
End the end of this lesson, you can describe an object, place, person or idea using adjectives and adverbs.
Why are you learning this?
Well, describing objects, places, people or ideas is something you come across everyday.
For example, when you asks somebody to meet somewhere and they are not familiar with the surroundings, they might ask you to describe the place you are meeting at. You could say 'It is a cafe with chairs by a church', but that does not rule out many other cafes.
However, is you were to say 'You can describe the place as a small cafe, with wooden chairs, next to a old church', it gives a clearer description and helps to other person finding the cafe.
You can describe the place as a small cafe, with wooden chairs, next to a old church.
Describing things is not only useful in personal life, but also in your professional life. During your work you will have to describe many things to other people, that is why we are learning this today!
Entry test
You got this in highschool, but how much do you remember?
This test is not for a grade, it is to see how much you already know.
What: Take the entry test. The test consist of multiple choice, fill in, and other variety of questions on adverbs and adjectives.
How: Individually.
Help: -
Time: 10 min.
Result: You can see how much you already know of the topic.
Done: Continue the lesson by going to the header of adjectives.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
What is an adjective?
Adjectives (bijvoeglijknaamwoord) are words that tell something about a noun (zelfstandignaamwoord).
They can tell something about the size, material, colour, age, shape, taste, oder, number, etc. of the noun. (Swan, 2016)
How to find an adjective?
To find an adjective (bijvoeglijknaamwoord) you have to dissect (ontleden) a sentence.
When dissecting a sentence you can come across a lot of different kind of word classes (woord soorten). But for this lesson we are sticking with these:
Table 1:
Word classes with examples.
Word class
I, You, He, She, It, They
Katy, Car, Road, Dog
Walk, Run, Think, Be
Really, Very, Fast, Happily
Red, Fast, High
Opmerking. Aangepast overgenomen uit An Introduction to English Grammer (p. 36) door G. Nelson en S. Greenbaum G, 2016, Oxon: Routledge. Copyright 2016, Gerald Nelson and Sidney Greenbaum.
When dissecting a sentence you are looking for the noun (zelfstandignaamwoord). A noun can be the person, place or thing in the sentence. If there is a word in front of the noun, which tells something about the noun, it is most likely an adjective (bijvoeglijknaamwoord).
(Swan, 2016)
Adjectives explained
Definition of an adjective.
An adjective (bijvoeglijknaamwoord) describes a noun (zelfstandignaamwoord) and gives it a characteristic.
For example: If we stood infront of many trees and I were to say 'look at the tree'. It is impossible to understand which tree I mean. But if I were to say 'look at that tall tree'. You look for tall trees and find the one I meant.
By adding more adjectives I could make my descripting more clear. If I were to say 'look at that tall, green, widley branched tree' it would make the descripting more specific.
When talking about multiple adjectives (bijvoeglijknaamwoord) you do not add 'and' between each word. (Swan, 2016)
Part of speech.
Adjectives (bijvoeglijknaamwoord) are part of speech, this means that every sentence has words with specific roles.
There are nouns (zelfstandignaamwoord), which are people places, buildings, things, and ideas.
Next there are verbs (werkwoorden), which is the action that takes place in a sentence, such as running, walking, talking and many more.
And there are adjectives (bijvoeglijknaamwoord) like green, round, wooden, and many others.
(Swan, 2016)
Location of the adjective.
An adjective comes, most of the time, before the noun.
For example: The kind girl shared her sweets.
Girls is the noun (zelfstandignaamwoord) in this sentence and kind tells something about the noun, which makes it an adjective (bijvoeglijknaamwoord).
(Swan, 2016)
Video explanation
Below you find a videoclip with the same information previously given.
It may help to understand the information better if you see and here it.
If you know that is does not you can skip this step and continue to the practise excersise.
This is the video explanation.
Let's practice adjectives
Let's see if you understand adjectives.
What: Do the practice exercise below.
How: Individually
Help: Teacher and explanation on adjectives.
Time: 10 min.
Result: You have visualised your knowledge on adjectives.
Done: Follow the steps below.
You can try it two times.
- If you get 8 or more correct the first time, well done and please go do the challenge yourself exercise.
- If you get between 6 and 8 correct the first time, you passed, but think about if you want to practice some more. If you do, please go do the extra practice exercises. If you do not, please do the challenge yourself exercise.
- If you get below 6 the first time and/or needed to try again, no worries, you need to practise some more. Please do the extra practice exercises.
What is an adverb?
An adverb (bijwoord) is a word or multiple words that tell information about a verb (werkwoord), adjective (bijvoegelijknaamwoord) or other adverbs (bijwoord).
They modify verbs to inform us how, when and where it is done, adjectives to inform us to which degree and adverbs to which extent.
(Swan, 2016)
Adverbs ending on -ily -ly.
Adverbs (bijwoord) are most of the time easy to recognize in a sentence because of the ending.
For example: He is very loud. In this sentence loud is an adjective, because it tells something about the the noun 'He.'
But in this sentence: He talks very loudly. 'Loudly' tells something about the verb (werkwoord) and that makes it an adverb (bijwoord). In most sentences if a word ends in -ily or -ly it is an adverb. (Swan, 2016)
How to find an adverb.
To find an adverb, you have to dissect (ontleden) a sentence.
When dissecting a sentence you can come across a lot of different kind of word classes (woord soorten). But for this lesson we are sticking with these:
Table 1: Word classes with examples.
Word class
I, You, He, She, It, They
Katy, Car, Road, Dog
Walk, Run, Think, Be
Really, Very, Fast, Happily
Red, Fast, High
Opmerking. Aangepast overgenomen uit An Introduction to English Grammer (p. 36) door G. Nelson en S. Greenbaum G, 2016, Oxon: Routledge. Copyright 2016, Gerald Nelson and Sidney Greenbaum.
Kinds of adverbs explained
What kind of adverbs are there?
There are different kind of adverbs in the English language, but you are going to learn 4 today.
Which are:
- The adverbs in relation to verbs
- The adverbs in relation to adjectives
- The adverbs in relation to other adverbs
- The adverbs in relation to frequency
(Swan, 2016)
Adverbs in relation to verbs.
The adverb (bijwoord) says something about the verb (werkwoord).
For example:
Katy drives safely.
Katy, the person who does something, is the noun (zelfstandignaamwoord) in this sentence.
Drives, the action that is done, is the verb (werkwoord) in this sentence.
Safely, the manner in which the action is done, is the adverb (bijwoord) in this sentence.
In this sentence ‘safely’ tells something about the action that Katy does, which is driving. Because it tells us how Katy drives, it is an adverb (bijwoord). (Swan, 2016)
Adverbs in relation to adjectives.
The adverb (bijwoord) says something about the adjective (bijvoegelijknaamwoord).
For example:
Katy is very tall.
Katy, the person who does something, is the noun (zelfstandignaamwoord) in this sentence.
Is, the action that is done, is the verb (werkwoord) in this sentence.
Very, gives the degree, is the adverb (bijwoord) in this sentence.
Tall, tells us what Katy is, is the adjective (bijvoegelijknaamwoord) in this sentence.
In this sentence ‘tall’ tells something about the way Katy is, which makes it an adjective (bijvoegelijknaamwoord). ‘Very’ tells something about the degree of how tall Katy is, which makes it an adverb (bijwoord). (Swan, 2016)
Adverbs in relation to other adverbs.
The adverb (bijwoord) says something about another adverb (bijwoord).
For example:
Katy runs really fast.
Katy, the person who does something, is the noun (zelfstandignaamwoord) in this sentence.
Runs, the action that is done, is the verb (werkwoord) in this sentence.
Really, gives the extent, is the adverb (bijwoord) in this sentence.
Fast, the manner in which the action is done, is the adverb (bijwoord) in this sentence.
In this sentence ‘fast’ tells something about the how Katy runs, which makes it an adverb (bijwoord). ‘Really’ tells something about the extent of how fast Katy runs. Because ‘really’ says something about the adverb (bijwoord) in this sentence, it becomes an adverb (bijwoord) itself. (Swan, 2016)
Adverbs in relation to frequency.
The adverb (bijwoord) says something about how many times something is done.
For example:
Katy never drinks coffee.
Katy, the person who does something, is a noun (zelfstandignaamwoord) in this sentence.
Never, the frequency in which the action is done, is the adverb (bijwoord) in this sentence.
Drinks, the action that is done, is the verb (werkwoord) in this sentence.
Coffee, the object that is used, is a noun (zelfstandignaamwoord) in this sentence.
In this sentence ‘never’ tells something about the amount of times Katy drinks coffee, which makes in an adverb (bijwoord).
Grammar rule with regards to frequency.
If the sentence has the verb ‘to be’ (zijn) in it, the frequency words go after the verb.
For example: Katy is never late.
Is comes from the verb ‘to be’ (zijn), so the frequency word ‘never’ comes after the verb.
(Swan, 2016)
Commen frequency words. Table 2:
Adverbials of indefintie frequency.
Adverb of frequency
Hardly ever/rarely
Opmerking. Aangepast overgenomen uit Practical English Usage(p. 198) door M. Swan, 2016, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Copyright 2016, Micheal Swan.
Video explanation
Below you find a videoclip with the same information previously given.
It may help to understand the information better if you see and here it.
If you know that is does not you can skip this step and continue to the practise excersise.
This is the video explanation.
Let's practice adverbs
Let's see if you understand adverbs.
What: Make the practice exercise below. Before starting the exercise, please check, in options top right, if you answer with definitions. If not, please change that and start the exercise.
How: Individually
Help: Teacher and explanation on adverbs
Time: 10 min.
Result: You visualised your knowledge on adverbs.
Done: Follow the steps below.
You can try it one time.
- If you get 8 or more correct, well done and please go do the challenge yourself exercise.
- If you get between 6 and 8 correct, you passed, but think about if you want to practice some more. If you do, please go do the extra practice exercises. If you do not, please do the challenge yourself exercise.
- If you get below 6, no worries, you need to practise some more. Please do the extra practice exercises.
Extra practice
Adverbs vs Adjectives
What: For exercise one, You need to choose between an adjective and an adverb. You choose by clicking on the right word.
At the end click on 'Controleer Antwoord' to check your answers.
How: Individually
Help: Teacher and explanation on adverbs and adjectives.
Time 10 min.
Result: Better understanding of adverbs and adjectives.
Done: Do more extra practise exercises or make the final exam.
Changing from Adjective to Adverb
What: For exercise two, you need to choose the right adjective that fits the sentence and drag the right adverb to the sentence. You choose the words from the right vertical box.
If you are done, click on the 'Controleer Antwoord' box to check your answers.
At the end click on 'Controleer Antwoord' to check your answers.
How: Individually
Help: Teacher and explanation on adverbs and adjectives.
Time 10 min.
Result: Better understanding of adverbs and adjectives.
Done: Do more extra practise exercises or make the final exam.
Making an adjective and adverb
What: For exercise three, you need to choose a word that fits the sentence and make that word into an adjective and an adverb. You write the right answer in the answer box in the sentence.
At the end you click the 'Controleer Antwoord' box to check your answers.
If you are done, click on the 'Controleer Antwoord' box to check your answers.
How: Individually
Help: Teacher and explanation on adverbs and adjectives.
Time 10 min.
Result: Better understanding of adverbs and adjectives.
Done: Do more extra practise exercises or make the final exam.
Challenge Yourself!
Well done!
You seem to understand the difference between an adverb and an adjective. But why stop with learning?
Challenge yourself and try a harder test.
When pressing the challenge button a new tab will be opened. When you are done with the quiz close the quiz tab and return to the Wikiwijs to continue the lesson.
What: Take the challenge yourself quiz, by clicking on the challenge button below. You enter the code MYRTHE6352 to make the quiz.
How: Individually
Help: Teacher
Time: 20 min.
Result: You understand adjectives and adverbs to a higher degree.
Done: Close the tab and make the Final examination.
Describing assignment
Describe your dream workplace.
What: Write a short text, minimum of 10 sentences, about what your dream workplace would look like. Use adjectives and adverbs to describe for example, the building, your colleagues, your work space, etc. Put the text in Padlet.
How: Individually
Help: You can look up translations for adjectives and adverbs online and teacher.
Time: 20 min.
Result: You know how to correctly describe things.
Done: Make the final examination.
Final examination
What: Make the final examination on adverbs and adjectives.
How: The final examination consist of 16 questions.
There are a total of 20 point, and you need 15 to pass the exam.
The exam is made up of multiple choice, ticking boxes and open questions.
Help: -
Time: 20 min.
Result: You have learned new knowledge of adverbs and adjectives.
Done: Please fill in the evaluation of this lesson.
Good luck, you can do it!
Sources used to make this Wikiwijs on Adjectives and Adverbs.
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Adverbs vs Adjectives
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