1.1.2 Doing research with the research cycle

1.1.2 Doing research with the research cycle


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

As an IT student or professional you will have to solve all kinds of IT challenges. To do this, you will have to answer questions in order to arrive at a suitable solution, such as "What does the end user actually want?" and "Are there perhaps suitable solutions for this already?". When finding an answer requires more than "just Googling" and clicking on the top answer, you will have to conduct an investigation to arrive at a correct answer.

In this building block you will learn what conducting research actually is (not just for scientists!), You will be introduced to the research cycle, use it to determine an approach for your research (at question level) and to reflect critically.

Do you have any questions or comments about this building block? Please contact Danny Plass (Saxion).


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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

When finding an answer requires more than "just Googling" and clicking on the top answer, you will have to conduct an investigation to arrive at a correct answer. In this building block you will learn what conducting research actually is (not just for scientists!), You will be introduced to the research cycle, use it to determine an approach for your research (at question level) and to reflect critically. This is a HBO-ICT building block for Research in Education.
HBO - Bachelor;
2 uur en 0 minuten
bouwsteen, hbo ict oio, onderzoek, onderzoek doen, onderzoekscyclus

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Saxion HBO-ICT. (2020).

1.1.2 Onderzoek doen met de onderzoekscyclus


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