1.1.1 Mindmapping (EN)

1.1.1 Mindmapping (EN)

The purpose of this building block


Image by Manfred Steger from Pixabay

Whether you want to come up with new ideas, determine what needs to be done for a new project, take notes from a meeting, or work through lesson materials for learning something new, mind mapping can help.

A mind map is a way of visually organizing information, which helps to structure and understand the information, gain an overview, but also communicate with others. It makes you more productive, creative, and allows you to remember information better.

In this building block we look at what a mind map is, how you can make it, and what you should pay attention to.

If you have any comments or questions about this module, please contact Danny Plass (Saxion).

Learning goals

After this building block:

  • You know what a mindmap is

  • You know what you can use mind mapping for

  • You can make a mindmap

  • You know the pros and cons of paper versus digital mind mapping

DOT framework

The DOT framework. HAN (link). cc-by-sa.

The DOT framework helps you reason about research when developing solutions. Methods are divided into 5 research strategies based on two considerations.

Mindmaps can be used in all kinds of situations to capture and structure information, and stimulate associative thinking. In the Library research strategy it is mainly used to summarize articles. In the Workshop to brainstorm. Mindmaps can also be used for communication in Showroom.

What is a mindmap?

Mind mapping is a method of structuring information in a visual way. A mind map has a central theme in the middle, from there branches to related themes, from which branches go to sub-themes, and so on.


Explanation of how to mind map with Tony Buzan, the inventor

Why mindmap?

Because mind mapping helps you structure information, it is useful for capturing, communicating, understanding and remembering information. Associative thinking also helps solve problems and come up with new ideas. Additionally, mind mapping helps you to concentrate on the task and create an overview.

Mindmapping - waarom en hoe

How to mindmap

Steps to create a mind map:

  1. Take a blank sheet of white paper and lay it in front of you in landscape orientation so that you can work the width of the sheet. Make sure the sheet is large enough to make branches, sub-branches and sub-branches.
  2. Place the subject of the mind map - the central theme - in the middle of the sheet. A simple picture can help with creativity, focus and memorization.
  3. Create branches from the central theme to the main concepts related to it. Tony Buzan's advice is to indicate the concepts with just 1 word. This ensures that you have to actively consider it, which increases the impact. For speed, adding a few more words is sometimes more useful, but keep it short.
  4. From these concepts, make branches to sub-concepts again. Continue in this way until you have captured the most important information in the mind map.
  5. Use color to stimulate your creativity and visually categorize information.
  6. Add simple drawings for creativity and memorability. A picture says more than a thousand. It doesn't have to be pretty.

You do not have to first map out all concepts or first fully work out a concept in depth. Follow the flow of how the relevant information or ideas come along and try to discover the structure in it. You may find out later that a different structure is more convenient. If you work digitally, you can adjust the structure at such a moment. On paper, it can be useful to get a new sheet in case of major changes.

Paper or app?

Which is best, mind mapping on paper or digitally in an application or website? Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of paper
The physical interaction makes you more present and stimulates memory. Paper is more flexible. You are not bound by the limitations of the software. This also allows you to be more creative.

Advantages of digital
Working digitally also has its advantages. It is legible. Words, drawings and structure are easily adaptable. You are not limited to the dimensions of your sheet of paper. You are less dependent on your drawing skills, because you have existing pictures and icons at your disposal. And not unimportantly: some tools make it possible to collaborate online.

Practical tips

  1. As with so many skills, you get better at it by doing it often. Therefore, identify moments when you can apply this technique -- for example, when you're taking notes, trying to understand something, or trying to solve a problem -- and try it out.

  2. For digital mind maps, Coggle is a handy online tool with the option to collaborate.

  3. Do you feel a bit uncomfortable with color and pictures? A practical mind map without all this still has advantages over linear lists. But do give it a try and compare your black and white version with the colorful version.

  4. Besides mind maps, there are also concept maps. With concept maps you can have several central themes and multiple relationships between the concepts can also be indicated. This extra freedom is sometimes very useful, such as when mapping complex situations. However, it comes at the expense of some focus.

  5. Also use mind maps when studying. Making these kinds of overviews with associations helps you understand and remember.


Self assessment (1.1 Curiosity prep)

Individual assignment (1.1 Curiosity prep)

Watch the interview below with a game developer about game development. Make a mind map on paper about the question "What is game development?". Take your mindmap with you to the 1.1 Curiosity workshop in week 1.

Interview with game developer Martijn Plass about game development

Extra exercise

Create a mind map to summarize the teaching materials for one of the learning objectives of the classes you are taking.

You will find this helps to create an overview, see the relationships, and remember the relevant information. This is why mind mapping is a common method of summarizing. You will also encounter this method in the Goal-oriented reading building block.

Project assignment

During a brainstorm about possible solutions, record the ideas in a mind map. In 1.1 Curiosity we will do this in a workshop in week 1.


Ayoa (2015). How to mind map with Tony Buzan. Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/u5Y4pIsXTV0

Buzan, T. (2018). Mind map mastery. Watkins publishing.

Simplemind (n.d.). Mind mapping basics. Retrieved from:https://simplemind.eu/how-to-mind-map/basics/


For the teacher

Sorry, only available in Dutch for now.

Het doel van deze bouwsteen

Mindmappen is een handige vaardigheid die voor allerlei zaken ingezet kan worden, van leren tot brainstormen tot notuleren. Het doel va deze bouwsteen is de student de handvatten te geven om mindmappen toe te passen.

Plaats in het curriculum en module

Mindmappen vereist geen bijzondere voorkennis en is erg handig om te kunnen. Het advies is daarom deze vaardigheid aan het begin van het curriculum al aan te bieden.

Voorbeeld lesplan

Studenten kun je vooraf verwijzen naar deze bouwsteen zodat ze de informatie rustig door kunnen kijken.

In de workshop kun je bijvoorbeeld beginnen met een korte test die aan de ene kant jou als docent inzicht geeft in hoe voorbereid de studenten de klas in zijn gekomen, en tegelijkertijd voor de studenten werkt als een korte verfrisser of zelfs als korte uitleg.

Vervolgens geef je de studenten de mindmapopdracht. Afhankelijk van het doel van de mindmap kan dit individueel zijn (bijvoorbeeld: het samenvatten van een artikel), of als groep (bijvoorbeeld: het bedenken van oplossingsrichtingen).

Als een stukje peer review, kun je studenten mindmaps laten uitwisselen en laten aanvullen. Doordat ze het werk van anderen zien komen ze op nieuwe ideeën, zowel voor het onderwerp waar ze mee bezig waren als hoe ze in de toekomst beter kunnen mindmappen.

Tips voor begeleiding

Kijk of studenten de basisprincipes volgen. Stimuleer ze om dingen uit te proberen, zoals het toevoegen van plaatjes en kleur, zodat ze het effect ervan kunnen ervaren. Ook het uitproberen van papier versus digitaal kan een erg nuttige ervaring zijn.


Beoordeling van mindmaps kan bijvoorbeeld op basis van structuur, creativiteit en compleetheid.

  • Het arrangement 1.1.1 Mindmapping (EN) is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    2020-08-26 16:02:32

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Whether you want to come up with new ideas, determine what needs to be done for a new project, take notes in a meeting, or work through lesson materials for learning something new, mind mapping can help. A mind map is a way of visually organizing information, which helps to structure and understand the information, gain an overview, but also communicate with others. It makes you more productive, creative, and allows you to remember information better. In this building block we look at what a mind map is, how you can make it, and what you should pay attention to. This is a HBO-ICT building block for Research in Education.
    HBO - Bachelor;
    2 uur en 0 minuten
    brainstorm, building block, concept map, hbo ict oio, investigative attitude, mindmap, onderzoek, onderzoekende houding, workshop


    Bron Type
    Explanation of how to mind map with Tony Buzan, the inventor
    Interview with game developer Martijn Plass about game development

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    Saxion HBO-ICT. (2020).

    1.1.1 Mindmappen


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