How to Feed the World v456

How to Feed the World v456

How to Feed the World


In this next section you are going to watch a video about expiry and best by dates and read an article entitled 'Feed the world'. It is an opinion article in which the author sets out some ideas for the problem that we will face in 2050:
how to feed 9 billion people?

This second section contains 4 steps. Work them through step by step.






Find out what you already know.

Step 1

Speaking and watching

Answer questions with your classmate. Watch a video about 'Food past its 'best before' date'. Answer questions about the video.

Step 2


Answer a question about different farming methods. Read the article 'How to Feed the World'. Answer questions in your own words.

Step 3


Unjumble phrases. Complete sentences, tick the correct words and complete a text.

Step 4


Write a summary in about 180-200 words. Tips are given.



Reflecting on what you have learned.

Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries

Step 1 - Speaking & Watching

Answer these questions with your partner:

  1. What is the difference between a use by date, sell by date and a best by date?
  2. Do you eat foods that have passed either one or all of these dates?
    Why/ why not?

Watch the video and check your answers.

Watch again and answer the questions of the exercise.

Step 2 - Reading

Before you read, what are different farming methods?
Think back to ways that people farmed in the past, and how farming is done nowadays.

Read the article and check your answers to the above question.

It’s been 50 years since President John F. Kennedy spoke of ending world hunger, yet on the eve of World Food Day, Oct. 16, the situation remains dire. The question “How will we feed the world?” implies that we have no choice but to intensify industrial agriculture, with more high-tech seeds, chemicals and collateral damage. Yet there are other, better options.

Something approaching a billion people are hungry, a number that’s been fairly stable for more than 50 years, although it has declined as a percentage of the total population.
“Feeding the world” might as well be a marketing slogan for Big Ag, a euphemism for “Let’s ramp up sales,” as if producing more cars would guarantee that everyone had one. But if it worked that way, surely the rate of hunger in the United States would not be the highest percentage of any developed nation, a rate closer to that of Indonesia than of Britain.
The world has long produced enough calories, around 2,700 per day per human, more than enough to meet the United Nations projection of a population of nine billion in 2050, up from the current seven billion. There are hungry people not because food is lacking, but because not all of those calories go to feed humans (a third go to feed animals, nearly 5 percent are used to produce biofuels, and as much as a third is wasted, all along the food chain).
The current system is neither environmentally nor economically sustainable, dependent as it is on fossil fuels and routinely resulting in environmental damage. It’s geared to letting the half of the planet with money eat well while everyone else scrambles to eat as cheaply as possible.

While a billion people are hungry, about three billion people are not eating well, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, if you count obese and overweight people alongside those with micronutrient deficiencies.
Paradoxically, as increasing numbers of people can afford to eat well, food for the poor will become scarcer, because demand for animal products will surge, and they require more resources like grain to produce. A global population growth of less than 30 percent is projected to double the demand for animal products. But there is not the land, water or fertilizer — let alone the health care funding — for the world to consume Western levels of meat.
Let’s at last recognize that there are two food systems, one industrial and one of small landholders, or peasants if you prefer. The peasant system is not only here for good, it’s arguably more efficient than the industrial model. According to the ETC Group, a research and advocacy organization based in Ottawa, the industrial food chain uses 70 percent of agricultural resources to provide 30 percent of the world’s food, whereas what ETC calls “the peasant food web” produces the remaining 70 percent using only 30 percent of the resources.

Yes, it is true that high-yielding varieties of any major commercial monoculture crop will produce more per acre than peasant-bred varieties of the same crop. But by diversifying crops, mixing plants and animals, planting trees — which provide not only fruit but shelter for birds, shade, fertility through nutrient recycling, and more — small landholders can produce more food (and more kinds of food) with fewer resources and lower transportation costs (which means a lower carbon footprint), while providing greater food security, maintaining greater biodiversity, and even better withstanding the effects of climate change.

Yet obviously not all poor people feed themselves well, because they lack the essentials: land, water, energy and nutrients. Often that’s a result of cruel dictatorship (North Korea) or war, displacement and strife (the Horn of Africa, Haiti and many other places), or drought or other calamities. But it can also be an intentional and direct result of land and food speculation and land and water grabs, which make it impossible for peasants to remain in their home villages. (Governments of many developing countries may also act as agents for industrial agriculture, seeing peasant farming as “inefficient.”)
The result is forced flight to cities, where peasants become poorly paid laborers, enter the cash market for (increasingly mass produced) food, and eat worse. (They’re no longer “peasants,” at this point, but more akin to the working poor of the United States, who also often cannot afford to eat well, though not to the point of starvation.) It’s a formula for making not only hunger but obesity: remove the ability to produce food, then remove the ability to pay for food, or replace it with only one choice: bad food.

We need to see more investment in researching the benefits of traditional farming. Even though simple techniques like those mentioned above give measurably excellent results, because they’re traditional — even ancient — “technologies,” and because their benefits in profiting multinationals or international trade are limited, they’ve never received investment on the same scale as corporate agriculture.
“The trick is to find the sweet spot,” says Mr. Foley of the University of Minnesota, “between better nutrition and eating too much meat and junk. The optimistic view is to hope that the conversation about what’s wrong with our diet may deflect some of this. Eating more meat is voluntary, and how the Chinese middle class winds up eating will determine a great deal.” Of course, at the moment, that middle class shows every indication that it’s moving in the wrong direction; China is the world’s leading consumer of meat, a trend that isn’t slowing.
But if the standard American diet represents the low point of eating, a question is whether the developing world, as it hurtles toward that nutritional nadir — the polar opposite of hunger, but almost as deadly — can see its destructive nature and pull out of the dive before its diet crashes. Because “solving” hunger by driving people into cities to take low-paying jobs so they can buy burgers and fries is hardly a desirable outcome.

By MARK BITTMAN. Mark is a food journalist, author and contributing opinion writer for The New York Times.

What do you think? How far do you agree or disagree with the author?
Give at least three reasons.

Step 3 - Words

Step 4 - Task

Your teacher has asked you to write a summary of the reading about 'Feed the world' for some colleagues who were on a school trip.
Here are some tips for summary writing.

  1. Do not just copy the original text.
  2. Keep it short.
  3. Use your own words.
  4. Note down the main ideas and refer to them in your summary.
  5. Read the text with who, what, when, where, why and how questions in mind.
  6. You don’t need to include your own opinion or ideas.

Write up the notes in about 180-200 words.


Fill in this schedule and answer the questions below.

(Copy to Word or write down in your notebook)







Step 1 - Speaking

I can watch and understand the video about 'Food past its 'best before' date' and answer questions with my classmate.




Step 2 - Reading

I can answer a question about different farming methods, read and understand the article 'How to Feed the World' and answer questions in my own words.




Step 3 - Words

I can unjumble phrases, complete sentences, tick the correct words and complete the text.


Step 4 - Task

I can do the writing task.





What have you learnt in this period?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What did you already know?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • What do you have to ask your teacher?
  • Het arrangement How to Feed the World v456 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    2021-05-27 16:33:09

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor vwo, leerjaar 4, 5 en 6. Dit is thema 'Food issues'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: How to Feed the World. In deze les wordt er aandacht besteedt aan hoe om te gaan met de houdbaarheidsdatum. Daarbij komt een artikel aan bod over verbouwingsmethoden en hoe het beste omgegaan kan worden met de problemen rondom voedselschaarste in de wereld.
    VWO 6; VWO 4; VWO 5;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    4 uur en 0 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, engels, houdbaarheidsdatum, how to feed the world, stercollectie, v456, verbouwingsmethoden, voedselschaarste