Fake news as fact v456

Fake news as fact v456


Continuing the topic of the news, let’s now turn our attention to the newspapers. Does anyone still read the newspapers? Do your parents or grandparents read a daily newspaper on printed paper? Or do they subscribe to a paper and read it on a tablet? Do you read newspapers? Let’s find out what we know about newspapers nowadays. 

This second section contains 6 steps. Work them through step by step.






Find out what you already know.

Step 1

Watching and writing

Name as much UK national newspapers as you know. Watch a video and write down names of newspapers you hear. Explain whether you think a story is fake or not.

Step 2


Name the title of the article. Tick the topics you think will appear. Read the article and do the exercises. Answer questions in your own words.

Step 3


Find verbs in the text and match with the meaning. Complete sentences.

Step 4


About mixed conditionals. Read theory and do the exercises.

Step 5


Look at the picture. Answer questions about photojournalism. Listen to the audio and answer questions.

Step 6

Writing task

To provide a guide for younger pupils on spotting fake news, present your ideas in words and pictures.



Reflecting on what you have learned.

Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries


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2021-07-06 10:41:54

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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor vwo, leerjaar 4, 5 en 6. Dit is thema 'Media. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Fake news as fact. Deze les gaat over dat (jonge) mensen moeite hebben met echte nieuwsberichten onderscheiden van berichten die niet waar zijn en deze laatste soort berichten gebruiken als betrouwbare bron. Daarbij wordt gesproken over de gevaren dat het op kan leveren. Als laatst komt fotojournalistiek aan bod. De grammaticaopdracht gaat over mixed conditionals.
VWO 6; VWO 4; VWO 5;
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4 uur en 0 minuten
arrangeerbaar, betrouwbare bronnen, engels, fake news as fact, fotojournalistiek, mixed conditionals, spotting fake news, stercollectie, v456
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