This section is about Dress codes.
Dressing for success in the work place, work place dress codes.
This second section contains 6 steps. Work them through step by step.
Find out what you already know.
Step 1
Watching and writing
Look at the video about dress codes at work and answer questions.
Consider if you have ever been in a situation in which you had to dress in a certain way.
Write an email in reply to an email from Jo.
Step 2
Read an article and fill in the gaps. Find out about several dress codes. Answer some questions.
Step 3
Find the incorrect word. Explain why it doesn't fit in the row. An exercise in which you complete sentences.
Step 4
Writing and speaking
Describe what a classmate is wearing. The others must guess.
Step 5
Listen to three extracts. Answers questions.
Step 6
Look at two lists with female and male occupations and the qualities you need for this job.
Write a short paragraph explaining why both sexes could apply for a job or why you think it is gender specific.
In this section you are going to read about dress codes in the work place. About dressing for success in the work place and how some people feel that it is discriminatory.
Watch this short video and check your ideas.
What aspects do employers need to take into account when writing a dress code?
Your friend has just got a new job. Read her email.
So it was great to see you last night. Guess what? You remember that job I was telling you about? Working at the language school helping the new students with accommodation?
Well, I got it! What should I wear? Someone said to me that the first day is the most important and I want to get it right!
Step 2 - Reading
You are going to read an article entitled High Heels And Workplace Dress Codes: Urgent Action Needed, Say U.K. MPs. What do you think the story is about?
Read the article. Some words have been removed. Choose the word that best fits the gap.
Step 3 - Words
Which is the odd one out? Why? Use your dictionary or look an online dictionary.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
What do you think of the 'dress for success advice'? Do you agree? Why/why not? Do you think that you will dress like this?
How important is what you wear in the workplace? Why? Consider the following points:
the impression certain clothes give/ don't give
health and safety
workplace norms
tattoos and piercings
Some shopping centres in the UK controversially banned people from wearing hoods which cover faces, claiming that groups of young people with hoods up can appear threatening to customers.
What do you think? Can you imagine hoodies look like intimidating or is it just a fashion item?
Writing task
Your school is thinking about a dress code or uniforms for all students.
They think there should be a dress code for clothing teens wear to school to be reasonably modest and cover the body well. A uniform will do. But will that be the perfect solution?
Some people think that school uniforms will take away the rights of students to be themselves.
Some people think uniforms are the solution against bullying and ensure equality in the classroom.
What do you think?
You are going to write a letter to the principal of your school either supporting or opposing the requirement of wearing uniforms or a dress code (180-200 words).
Students should be required to wear uniforms
Write a letter to the principal of your school either supporting or opposing the requirement of wearing uniforms (180-200 words).
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Are you supporting wearing uniforms, state your opinion with at least three arguments.
Are you opposing wearing uniforms? Suggest at least three dress code rules in your letter to the principal.
Step 5 - Listening
Listen again. There are two questions for each extract.
Choose the correct answer.
Extract 1
You hear part of an interview with Elise Su, who took her company to court.
Extract 2
You hear part of an interview with Henry Smithson, who is a 'stay at home dad'.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
Look at the lists. Do you agree? Do you think the lists would be similar if they were written for The Netherlands? Are there any other jobs you would add to the lists?
Choose one of the jobs. Decide why it is a mainly male or female job – what qualities would you need?
If you think the job is non-gender, write a short paragraph explaining why both sexes can equally perform it successfully. If you think the job is gender specific, write a short paragraph explaining why (in about 180-250 words).
Most Female occupations
Dental hygienists
Preschool and kindergarten teachers
Secretaries and administrative assistants
Dental assistants
Speech-language pathologists
Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses
Child care workers
Hairdressers, hair stylists and cosmetologists
Receptionists and information clerks
Payroll and timekeeping clerks
Most male occupations
Logging workers
Automotive body and related repairers
Cement masons, concrete finishers and terrazzo workers
Bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists
Electrical power-line installers and repairers
Tool and die makers
Heavy vehicle/mobile equipment service technicians and mechanics
Home appliance repairers
Crane and tower opera
Fill in this schedule and answer the questions below.
(Copy to Word or write down in your notebook)
Satisfactory, good
Step 1 - Speaking and writing
I can watch and understand a video about dress code, answer questions and write an email in reply to an email, telling what to wear on her first day on her new job.
Step 2 - Reading
I can read and understand an article and fill in the gaps. Find out about several dress codes and answer the questions.
Step 3 - Words
I can use and understand the words (and explain why words doesn't fit in the row).
Step 4 - Writing and speaking
I can discuss with a classmate about dress codes and 'dress for success'.
Step 5 - Listening
I can listen and understand the three extracts about gender issues and answers questions.
Step 6 - Task
I can write a short paragraph about a job. Can both sexes equally perform it successfully?
What have you learnt in this period?
Answer the following questions:
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Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor vwo, leerjaar 4, 5 en 6. Dit is thema 'Men and women'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Dress codes. In deze les gaat het over kledingrichtlijnen en verschillende situaties waarop men verwacht dat je bepaalde kleding wel of niet draagt. Daarnaast wordt de vraag gesteld of er banen zijn die specifiek voor een bepaalde gender zijn en of er banen zijn die non-gender zijn.
Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor vwo, leerjaar 4, 5 en 6. Dit is thema 'Men and women'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Dress codes. In deze les gaat het over kledingrichtlijnen en verschillende situaties waarop men verwacht dat je bepaalde kleding wel of niet draagt. Daarnaast wordt de vraag gesteld of er banen zijn die specifiek voor een bepaalde gender zijn en of er banen zijn die non-gender zijn.
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