Answers 3 Step 5 - Task

Step 5 - Task


Step 5 - Task

A possible answer:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to find out more about your plastic bag policy. I have been reading about the environment and about the Great Barrier Reef and I am concerned that the overuse of plastic bags is contributing to the increase of the sea temperatures. This in turn will lead to further bleaching of the reef.

I would like to know what your policy is concerning plastic bags and whether you have a policy for reducing the number that shoppers use. For example, do you charge a significant amount for bags to discourage shoppers from using them? If so, do you have an alternative in place, after all shoppers need a way to carry their shopping to the car.

I would strongly suggest that plastic bags are banned from your supermarket. Once your shoppers realise this, they will use their own bags – as our grandmothers did in the past! If you feel that you cannot ban bags immediately, perhaps you could slowly introduce the idea but make it clear to shoppers that by a certain date, your store will have eliminated the use of plastic bags. As an alternative, you could sell good quality and well-made shopping bags with your logo on. Then shoppers would be proud to use the bag and you would be gaining free advertising every time they used it.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours faithfully,

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    Answers 2 Step 1 - Speaking