Answers 1 Step 1 - Watching and speaking

Step 1 Watching and speaking


Step 1 Watching and speaking

Possible answer Famous buildings:

  1. Big Ben in London is a clock tower. It is part of the Houses of Parliament. It was completed in 1859.
  2. The Empire State Building in NYC is a skyscraper. It has 103 floors with the last being an observation deck.
  3. The Eiffel Tower is a tower. It was built by Gustav Eiffel. It was one of the tallest buildings when it was constructed. Tourists visit it every year and there are steps and lifts. Eiffel built himself an apartment in the tower.
  4. The Statue of Liberty in NYC is a statue. It was a present to the people of New York from France. It was built by Gustav Eiffel. It is a symbol of freedom and welcome to immigrants to the USA.
  5. Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio is a statue, and it represents Christianity. It took nine years to build.
  6. Today, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is a museum. But the building was originally a mansion built for Louis and Hendrick Trip, sons of the wealthy trader Jacob Trip in 1662. It took two years to build. It has the largest façade from that time in Amsterdam.
  7. The Sydney Opera House was completed in 1973. It is an arts centre and was built by a Danish architect. The design reminds us of a sailing ship.
  8. The Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan as a tomb to his wife. It is white. It has a mosque, a guest house and is set in formal gardens. It was completed in 1931. Some organizations that have had their offices there include some airline companies, Boy Scouts of American and LinkedIn.
  9. St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican is one of the largest churches in the world. It is said to be the burial site
    of St Peter. It was built during the renaissance period.
  10. This is the largest of the pyramids in Giza. It is the only remaining building of the Seven Wonders of the
    World. It was built as a tomb. It took between 10 and 20 years to build, and it was completed in 2500BC.


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