Rotterdam UAS Library Instruction


How can I get scientific articles? Where can I find current theses? Could I borrow this book at the library?


Welcome to the media library instruction of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. In this online instruction you will receive answers to the questions from the intro, among other things.

After following this instruction you will have sufficient knowledge of the services of the media library to find the information you need for your studies.

Rotterdam UAS has various sources of information

The most important sources within the university are:

START - START stands for STudy And Research Tool. It's the starting point for all your (desk) research. For even better results you can search the databases - search directly by subject or type of information. See also the databases section.

Information sources per study programme - Online resources for every study programme aimed at your area of expertise

You get access to these sources via the library website. You can also use these sources at home or from your internship location, on the condition that you are logged on to the Rotterdam UAS network. You can also install the Library Access plugin, then you'll only have to log on once.


library access

Library website

Through the library you have access to information sources that you need for your studies. Books and magazines, but also digital materials such as e-books and journal articles.

All these sources are accessible through the library website.




As of the 2019/2020 academic year you can find (almost) all our materials, paper and digital, through one search system: START.



Digital collection

With START you can search in many databases at once. You will find e-books, articles from (scientific) journals, literature references and statistical data.

On the advanced search screen, on the right, you can see which databases are being searched. You can also turn them on and off separately.

If you get a lot of search results you can use the filter options on the left. For example, you can limit your results to only books from the last 5 years, by checking 'eBook' and 'Last 5 years'.

Sometimes you will find references to books or articles that the library doesn't have access to. If you check 'full text' (under 'content') you will only get results that you can actually read.

If you would you still like to read a book or article that isn't available full text, you can request it via Interlibrary loan (ILL).



Print collection

You can also use START to search for printed books in the library. Left of the search results, you can select a library location to see which books are owned by that location, and whether they are available or on loan.

You can also select 'Print Book' under the 'Format' filter option (sometimes you have to click 'show more' first). If you didn't select a library location, you will see the books at all the locations.

If you would you like to read a book the library doesn't have access to, you can request it via Interlibrary loan (ILL).


print books

Borrowing, Renewals and Reservations

You can borrow books from the library at the self-service machine. You need your student card to borrow books.

You can also extend and return books via the self-service. You can also renew online via your START account.

You will find more information about borrowing, renewals and reservations on the library website.


borrowin, renewals and reservations


In databases you can do very specific searches.
The video below - with sound - explains the difference between using a search engine and searching in databases.


The library's databases

The RUAS library has access to a lot of databases. Some of these can also be searched with START, but usually the database itself has more search and filter options, allowing you to search more specifically.

By adding the Library Access extension to your browser, you have easy access to the databases of the library everywhere, even if you're not on the school network.

If you want to keep track of which databases and which search terms you have used, you can use the 'Desk research form'


Databases per study programme

As you've seen, the RUAS library has access to many databases.

Are you having difficulty choosing the right database for your information needs? Have a look at the Information sources per study program page. There you will find databases - and other sources - that are most relevant to your own course.


databases per study program

Google Scholar

with Google Scholar you can search for scientific articles. In Scholar you will find links to free 'Open Access' content as well as to articles for which you have to pay.

If you use Google Scholar via the link on the library website, or if you have installed the Library Access extension, you will also find articles with a Find@Hogeschool Rotterdam link behind them. These links go to the full version of the article in one of the databases that Rotterdam UAS has access to.


google scholar

Search tips

Finally, a number of tips for searching more effectively in START or in one of our databases.

You can find more information about search methods in our step-by-step guide.




Truncating is the replacing one or more characters at the end of your search term (and in some databases - e.g. Proquest databases - also in the middle of a search term). By using truncation you can use one search term to search for plural forms or variations of your search term.

For example: manag* will give results for the words 'manage', 'managers' and 'management'.

In the example below, we searched for manag* as a word in the title.




Advanced Search

On the advanced search page you have more options to search more specifically, for example by keyword, author or (word from the) title.

You can also combine these options with 'AND', 'OR' and 'NOT', the so-called Boolean operators.

You can also indicate if you are looking for a book from a specific library location.

It's also possible to select which specific databases you want to search in.


advanced search


You are now finished with the online library instruction. You saw what the library has to offer you during your studies and you learned where relevant information sources can be found and how you can search for them.

If you want to know more, take a look at the literature research guide on the website.

If you're still unable to find what you need or if you're looking for more support, feel free to contact the library, ask a question in the chat, or drop by at one of our locations!

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    Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences library instruction 2019-2020