Answers 5 Step 5 - Reading

Step 4 - Reading


Step 4 Readng

The best situation to illustrate hypercopresence:

b. We usually go to Grandma’s for Christmas. We have a big family and it can be really stressful. There are lots of people, and lots of noise and then Mum always argues with Uncle Brad. Every year!


1 It’s a stressful time and people are forced to live closely with lots of others. This is not the way that people
live for the rest of the year.

2 Sitting at the meal table, playing a computer game – anything that people usually do on their own and
don’t need to wait for someone else, or someone else to interfere with them.

3 Talk to relatives throughout the year – not just once a year. Allow people to go off and do their own thing.
Have a flexible schedule and give different people different responsibilities for different things.

4 Young people do need them to stay in touch with their friends, and that isn’t something that older generations
did. But young people should also be respectful and so it’s a good idea to agree on when mobile phones
can be used.


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    Answers 1 Step 9 - Pronunciation