Bali Project


What is this Wikiwijs about?

This Wikiwijs is about living in The Netherlands. It is mostly about our daily routines. We will go grocery shopping and have lunch. We will tell a bunch of information about the products that you can find in The Netherlands.

We want to help everybody with their English through this website, so we've made a few assignments for each subject that you can find on this website. The assignments are between A2 to B1 level. 

There is no test at the end, but you'll be able to give the assignments several tries!

About us

We are three students (Sabrina, Marjolein and Sanne) from Rotterdam University of Aplied Sciences in the city of Rotterdam.

At the moment all three of us are following the course to become an English teacher. We've become very good friends and we took the challenge to do this project together. We are not only hoping to help children in Bali with this project, but also anyone who is interested in practicing their English.

If you have found this page on the internet, we hope to help you with your English!


Introduction to The Netherlands

Nationalities in The Netherlands

Lesson goals:

At the end of this subject, you can combine at least three flags with their countries.

At the end of this subject, you can tell of at least three dishes where they come from.

Assignment 1

You have seen a video about different nationalities in The Netherlands. Can you remember them? Match the flag with each of the countries!

To do this assignment, click on the picture down below.


Assignment 2

You have seen a video about the different nationalities you can find in The Netherlands. Can you all rememeber them? Try to connect them together. Every country has 3 tiles that must be connected.

(Extra) Assignment 3

Do you want to know where you can find these countries on the map?
Play this little game and find out! Click on the picture below to play....

(Extra) Assignment 4

Do you want to practise some more, you do this assignment as well.

Daily Routines

Going to the supermarket in The Netherlands

Lesson goals:

- At the end of this subject, you can name at least three different kind of products they sell in The Netherlands.

- At the end of this subject, you can answer how you check out at a self check-out register in The Netherlands.


Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Having lunch

Lesson goals:

- At the end of this subject, you can order your own drink in English.

- At the end of this subject, you can name at least two ingredients to add to a sushi.


Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Products and flavours you can find in The Netherlands

Lesson goals:

- At the end of this subject, you can name at least three type of fruits.

- At the end of this subject, you can tell at least two types of flavour.

Assignment 1

You have watched a video about fruit and flavours. Marjolein and Sanne told you a lot about flavours and in which fruits those flavours hide. Try to find them in te puzzle down below.

Assignment 2

This assignment is an extra challenge!




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  • Het arrangement Bali Project is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Sabrina Broekhuijsen Je moet eerst inloggen om feedback aan de auteur te kunnen geven.
    Laatst gewijzigd
    2020-06-25 13:34:22

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding vrij bent om:

    • het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
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    • voor alle doeleinden, inclusief commerciële doeleinden.

    Meer informatie over de CC Naamsvermelding 4.0 Internationale licentie.

    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    This website was made for a project for students on Bali. These materials were prepared based on our lives and our daily routines in The Netherlands. This series of lessons can be helpful for students from countries that mostly depend on hospitality and tourism.
    VMBO gemengde leerweg, 2; VMBO kaderberoepsgerichte leerweg, 1; VMBO kaderberoepsgerichte leerweg, 2; VMBO basisberoepsgerichte leerweg, 4; VMBO gemengde leerweg, 3; VMBO basisberoepsgerichte leerweg, 1; VMBO theoretische leerweg, 1; HAVO 1; VMBO theoretische leerweg, 4; VMBO gemengde leerweg, 1; VMBO theoretische leerweg, 2; VMBO basisberoepsgerichte leerweg, 2; VWO 1; Praktijkonderwijs; VSO; VMBO theoretische leerweg, 3; VMBO basisberoepsgerichte leerweg, 3; VMBO kaderberoepsgerichte leerweg, 4; VMBO gemengde leerweg, 4; VMBO kaderberoepsgerichte leerweg, 3;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Luisteren naar tv, video- en geluidsopnames; Instructies lezen; Engels; Publieke sector; Dagelijks leven; Lezen; Gesprekken voeren; Informele gesprekken; Informatie uitwisselen; Aantekeningen, berichten, formulieren; Luisteren en kijken; Schrijven;
    english, english for beginners, hospitality, leisure, nationalities, tourism


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