2 - Think up search terms

2 - Think up search terms

2 - Think up search terms

Sample question



For a developer of educational games, you are researching how games about the history of Amsterdam can be effectively used in secondary education. First, you check if you can find any information about this subject.








Expanding search terms

In Searchlight Basic, you were given a number of tips for thinking up search terms. There are various ways of creating an even longer list of search terms. Which are these?

Search terms for each information resource

TIP: Match the search terms to the information resource you use.


Articles aimed at a wider audience will often contain different terms to those in a trade publication.

Scholarly articles will usually feature scientific words more often. The language used will be different to that in publications aimed at a wider audience or even trade journals.

The thesaurus

A useful tool for thinking up new search terms is a thesaurus. This is a list of words in which relationships between different terms are shown, such as broader or more specific (narrower) terms. Whenever you get but a few search results, you should use broader terms for your search. Conversely, whenever you get too many results, you should use narrower terms.

For example:

Secundary education


  • Secondary schools
  • Comprehensive education

Broader terms:

  • Education
  • Schooling

Narrower terms:

  • Lower vocational education
  • Senior general secondary education
  • Pre-university education
  • Special secondary education

        Related terms:

  • Pupils
  • Secondary school curriculum


An example of a general thesaurus is www.thesaurus.com.

Some thesauruses are specific for a particular field, such as the National Agricultural Library Thesaurus. Some large databases have their own thesaurus, like Business Source Premier, Eric, SportDiscus, and ProQuest. Checking a thesaurus is an easy way of finding new search terms.




When thinking up search terms, you have learned to:

  • consider spelling variations, conjugations, compound nouns, and antonyms
  • use information you already found
  • use a thesaurus to find new search terms

Search Logbook


Now note down the search terms you have thought up in your logbook.

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