For your internship with a company, you interviewed your fellow students. You have made a file of all the names of the students and the transcriptions of the interviews.
Privacy-sensitive information
In the basic course, you learned that you should always acknowledge a source if you use the work of other people. However, there are some types of information which you may never include in your reports. On the other hand, there is some information that may be used by everyone. So how do you know whether or not you may use certain information in your reports?
So, you may not use information as you see fit. For example, you must always acknowledge your sources. On the internet, you can often see what you may do with certain information when a Creative Commons (CC) licence is provided. With a CC licence, an author gives permission to everyone to use his or her work, subject to certain conditions. “Use” here means that you may copy, distribute, and display the work to others.
A CC licence consists of the following building blocks:
Building block
Attribution. Others may use your work, as long as they mention your name. This building block comes with every licence.
Non-commercial. Others may use your work, as long as they derive no income from it.
NoDerivatives. Others may use your work, as long as they do not alter it or use it as the basis for new material
ShareAlike. Others may use your work as a basis for creating new material, as long as they use the same licence as you have.
If you would like to keep all your sources in one place and make quick references to them in Word, then use the RefWorks program. Watch the video for more information.
If you would like to use RefWorks, go to the Library website to create a free account.
Would you like to use RefWorks? Visit the library's website to create a free account.
APA style
The APA style is the most commonly used citation style at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Would you like to learn how to mention sources in the APA style? Go to the APA module.
You have learned:
that you need a person’s permission to use their personal details
that you must anonymise people’s names
that you should treat commercial information with care
what a Creative Commons licence is
what CC licences exist and what they mean
Search Logbook
Now note down your own information in your logbook.
Het arrangement 6 - Process your information is gemaakt met
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