You are researching the use of educational games in Amsterdam primary schools. One of the questions you would like to answer is:
What educational games are there for primary schools at present?
You would like to find as much usable information as possible.
Thinking up search terms
Search terms are the words you use to carry out a search. If you are carrying out a targeted search for information, then you should think very carefully about the search terms you use. Why is this so important and how do you approach this?
It is often difficult to think up search terms off the top of your head. You should therefore use helpful tools. What helpful tools would you use in order to think up search terms?
Examples of helpful tools
Maybe you have already thought of some helpful tools you could use. Possible examples include:
Van Dale dictionaries
Specialist dictionaries, such as:
Technical dictionary
Medical dictionary
Financial-economic dictionary
If you have already found a relevant article, it may be useful to see if it contains usable search terms.
You have learned to:
use different search terms
retrieve important elements from your question that you can use to carry out a search
think up different search terms for each element
find search terms in different ways
Search Logbook
Now note down the search terms you have thought up in your logbook.
Het arrangement 2 - Think up search terms is gemaakt met
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het lesmateriaal kan op verschillende manieren worden geëxporteerd. Meer informatie hierover kun je vinden op
onze Developers Wiki.