In Amsterdam, many events are organised on King’s Day every year. Security is an important aspect of this. In order to guarantee security, organisers need all kinds of information, and you are going to collect it.
Databases: video
Sources and information resources
The terms sources and information resources are sometimes used interchangeably. In this course, an information resource is the place where you find information. This could be a person, but also a search engine like Google, for example. A source is an interview, for example, or a book, or an article.
In the next video, you will see what other information resources exist besides Google.
Databases can vary considerably, so which one should you choose?
First, look carefully at your question: what type of information do you need? Knowing this makes choosing the right database a lot easier.
Types of information
It is important that the information resource you choose is relevant to the question in terms of content and form.
Statistical information is an example of factual information which you can find in a database such as Euromonitor. In other resources, you will find background information, legal information or research information, for example.
The form in which the information is provided often tells you something about the content. It is important to ask yourself what it is you need exactly. If you are looking for background information, then a book would be more useful than a journal article. If you are looking for the most up-to-date information, then a newspaper would be more useful than a book. Information can be found both online and on paper. Additionally, video and audio may also be suitable.
Full Text
You can read the full version of many articles in major journal databases such as Business Source Premier, the ProQuest databases, or Science Direct. But, sometimes you can only view the summary. Do you wish to read the article in its entirety? Use the bibliographical information relating to the article - the title, the name of the author, the title of the journal, etc. - to check if a full text version is available in one of the other journal databases.
Search tips for each type of information
News items, for example articles from Dutch and international newspapers and newsmagazines can be found in database Nexis Uni.
(Text) books: there are a number of databases offering eBooks: Books24x7, eBook Collection by Ebsco and Safari Books Online. Printed books can be found by using “Search the AUAS library” on
Statistical information can be found in databases such as CBS Statline, Eurostat, Euromonitor or a website such as
Law texts can be found for example on sites like
For encyclopedic information, look at or
Trade information can be found on dedicated websites by trade associations.
Research reports: some of these can be found for free on websites by organizations such as The Netherlands Institute for Social Research, SCP ( and the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, CPB ( Both are government-related (but independent) organizations.
You have learned:
how to match different types of information to different types of questions
what databases are
what information found in the library databases adds to Google
to choose a database that matches your question
Search Logbook
Now note down the information resources you are going to use in your logbook.
Het arrangement 3 - Select information resources is gemaakt met
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