The joints

The joints

The joints

The goals

At the end of this class you should be able to:

  • Name 5 ways of how bones are connected with each other and give for each form an example.
  • Explain what a synovial joint is and give three examples.
  • Explain how the three types of synovial joints work and give examples of places in the body where they can be found.
  • Recognise and name the parts of a synovial joint.

Connecting bones

The bones in our body are connected in different ways. Without these connections we would nog be able to move or our skeleton would not be able to support is. There are five ways in which the bones are connected: Jointssutures, fontanellescartilaginous joints and intervertebral discs.

Joints are places were bones meet. In some of these places, a lot of movement is possible, such as in your knee or elbow but other joints can not move at all. The bones in your skull for instance are fused together at the joints forming a hard protective cover for your brains. These joints are called suture. During the first two years of a person's life, these bones fuse togther but while there's still space between them, a thick membrane called the fontanelle protects the openings.

 Some joints allow for just a little bit of movement. These are cartilaginous joints. two bones are connected by cartilage such as the ribs and the sternum or between the hipbones. Finally the joints between the vertebrae are intervertebral discs. These discs from cartilage connect the vertebrae together while the spinal nerve (ruggenzenuw) goes through them.

Synovial joints

The joints (add subtitles to the video by clicking on the square button on the lower right side)

The synovial joints are the joints in the body that can easily move over a large range. The elbow, the shoulder and the neck joint are all examples of a syniovial joint. Because of a special fluid in the joint, called the synovial fluid, theese joint move smootly. The fluid act as a lubricant and is formed and secreted (uitgescheiden) by the synovial membrane. Strong bands of connective tissue hold the bones together. These bands are called ligaments.

There are several forms of synovial joint as described in the video but for the purpose of this class we'll look at three different types:

  • Hinge joint: these joints allow movement in one direction. Your knee and elbow are examples.
  • Bal and socket joint: these joints are formed by a bowl-shaped bone in which a ball-shaped bone locks. These joint allow for a lot of movement and are founbd mostly in the shoulders and the hip.
  • Pivot joint: this joint is formed by two bones roling along each other such as the ulna and the radius and the vertebra in your neck and the skull.
Four different types of synovial joints. There are 6 different types of synovial joints in total.



So far we have had a loook at the different types of joints in the humna body with the corresponding goals.

At the end of this class you should be able to:

  • Name 5 ways of how bones are connected with each other and give for each form an example.
  • Explain what a synovial joint is and give three examples.
  • Explain how the three types of synovial joints work and give examples of places in the body where they can be found.
  • Recognise and name the parts of a synovial joint.

Copy the bold words (dikgedrukte woorden) from this class and write the explanation of that word behind it in English. Make sure to hand this in via the inleverperiode on monday the 20th of April!

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    In this class, we're going to have a look at different types of joints and how they work
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    The joints (add subtitles to the video by clicking on the square button on the lower right side)
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