Assignment: STD & What is your opinion?

Assignment: STD & What is your opinion?

Sexually Transmitted Diseases & What is your opinion?'


Welcome to this assignment!

This assignment was developed for students from (T)HAVO 2 and (T)VWO 3 of the Over Betuwe College in Bemmel. With the help of this assignment you will learn more about one specific STD. You will also work on a short assignment about norms and values.

Your own opinion is especially important here. This is the final assignment of chapter 5.





"Two years ago I had sex with my ex. Without a condom. One week later I got a fever. Urination hurt. And I got blisters on my labia. I went to the doctor for an STI test. My presumption was confirmed: herpes genitalis. This attack would disappear, the doctor said. A complete misconception. The blisters just got worse. Two days later I went to a STI clinic of the GGD. I immediately received medication.

The virus will never disappear from my body again. Some people will never have a herpes attack again. Then they are only carriers of the virus. But I suffered from an attack every month for one and a half year.

That is why I have to take medicines every day. It's not nice but since then I have no problems anymore. Unfortunately, it doesn't mean I can't infect other people anymore. As long as I take medicines and don't get an attack, the chance of contamination is very small.

The disadvantages of using condoms do not outweigh the benefits. People are only afraid of HIV. While other STDs can also have far-reaching consequences. I will be stuck with herpes for the rest of my life. That is not worth any lovemaking. "(…)



This is one of the many experience stories about getting an STD. STD is the abbreviation for a Sexually Transmitted Disease, also called venereal disease (they are often occur in a genital area). Examples of STDs are AIDS, genital warts or chlamydia.

In this assignment you will delve into one of the following 8 STDs: AIDS, candida, chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital warts, hepatitis B, herpes or syphilis. You have to collect this information from your book or from the internet. Please note that you have to judge for yourself whether this site is reliable! You can find a few reliable websites in this document under the heading 'Information sources'.

By using these sources you will get the answers to the questions asked. You design a folder, report or story that you hand in via magister (it will be an assignment in ELO).

You will also work on a short assignment about norms and values. You respond to a number of statements if you agree or disagree and give also arguments for this.



The first assignment is to design a folder, report or story about the STD that you are assigned. So you can choose one of these three possible products yourself. Make sure that you  choose a product that suits you.

You will design a product by searching for information on the internet, your textbook or other books and by using your own creativity. In each product the same  questions have to be answered. These questions are at the bottom of this page.

The products are briefly described below. Read all three of them and learn more about them in the  Method heading.

  1. The folder has to be on an A4 sheet with the text divided into three columns, so that you can fold it nicely like a real folder after printing it. With this folder you inform people so they know quickly  all the important information. The folder looks attractive and could really be in a doctor's office.
  2. The report consists of theory, where you can put a lot of text and images in order to give an extensive answer to all the questions. It consists of a front cover, table of contents, introduction, answer to the questions + images and an afterword.
  3. The story is about a person who thinks he or she has the STD. You can decide for yourself what kind of person it is and in which direction you go with your story, as long as you answers the questions.

The questions below should be answered in your product.

  1. How can you get the STD? describe two ways.
  2. What are the symptoms of STDs? describe at least two.
  3. What should you do if you think you have the STD?
  4. What happens if someone waits too long to treat the disease ? In other words: what are the   consequences of the STD for the body?
  5. How do you cure from STD?
  6. Give 2 tips to discuss condom use.
  7. Name two interesting facts about the STD


In the second assignment you choose 2 statements from the list. You state per statement whether or not you agree and indicate with at least 2 arguments why.


Procedure assigment 'STD'

Below you can read what we expected from you with each assignment. Hand in your product on time through the ELO!


The folder contains little text, but the text it contains is important and must be complete. You give a short but powerful answer to all questions, and don't forget the facts!

When creating the folder you can think about the following points:

  • What does an expanded folder of an A4 look like? How is the text arranged? Click for help on this website: (this site is in Dutch)
  • You can use 2 pages for the folder ('front and back').
  • The folder should look attractive; a catchy title, clear images and a clear layout help with this.
  • Don't forget the source list!
  • Make sure the font is clearly readable.


The report consists of all important parts, which you could also read in the assignment. It is the intention that you give an extensive answer to the questions, and the facts may also be extensive.

  • Here is a link to the document "How do I make a report?": (this site is in Dutch)
  • This explanation can help you write the report. Note that you write about a paragraph of 50 to 100 words per question, and that not all of them have to be on a different page. The images you use should not only represent the shape, but also add something substantive.


Writing a story often involves even more than you think. For example, you should think about the main character and what he or she is going through.

  • This link can help you with this: story-step-by-step plan /  (this site is in Dutch). They described in five steps how you can write a good story. It is also important that you answer the theory questions in your story and mention two fun facts.
  • Don't forget to add a source list!
  • Your story should be at least 1.5 A4 long, with Arial 11 font.
  • It may contain an image.
  • Think up a nice title for your story!


Procedure assignment 'What is your opinion?'

How do you proceed?

  1. You choose 2 statements from the list.
  2. You copy the statements in a page after your report/folder/story. So you ensure that the SOA assignment and the 'What do you think?' assignment will be placed in a single document.
  3. You provide at least 2 well-founded arguments for each statement why you agree or disagree. You express your own opinion clearly with each statement (see example).
  4. You may use one or more sources (a book, magazine, website, etc.) that support your argument. There are a number of reliable websites under the heading 'Information sources'.
  5. For your information: no other students will see your statements + opinion, only your teacher.


Example (with 2 sources):

I agree with the statement 'masturbation can be healthy and nice'. According to the website   https://mens-en-  , it is healthy because it relaxes your body and mind. You also get to know your own body well, which can be an advantage if you (later) have a relationship with someone. This way you can better indicate what you like during sex. When you masturbate, you may have an orgasm  (but this is not always the case). According to our textbook, cumshots give a good feeling.

Propositions to choose from:

  • You should not have sex with someone until you are married.
  • French kissing is also a form of sex.
  • Love is unconditional.
  • It's okay if two women get married.
  • It's okay if two men walk down the street hand in hand.
  • It is important that someone shaves his / her pubic hair.
  • You can only be in a love relationship with one person.
  • It is good that someone who is transgender can undergo surgery to change sex.
  • The profession of 'sex worker' (someone who makes money with sex) should be prohibited in the Netherlands.
  • It is normal to talk about sex with your parents.
  • Two people of the same sexes may have and raise children together.
  • If you don't want to kiss someone, you should say "no" clearly to that person if they clearly want to.
  • Girls are not allowed to wear short skirts.
  • Boys should not cry in front of others.
  • It is good that someone is only allowed to have a tattoo at the age of 18 without parental permission.
  • Kissing in public should be banned.





sources (dutch)

For the STD assignment:

The textbook: Bricks biology havo/vwo part 2


For the "What is your opinion?" assignment:


The textbook: Bricks Biology havo/vwo part 2


These links are all in Dutch. Of course you can also use other English sources!


Pay attention to the reliability.

A source is probably reliable if you find the same information on multiple sites. This does not mean that if you come across literally the same text on multiple websites, this is reliable! Often the information you find on weblogs or forums is not considered reliable. It comes from one person, who probably hasn't researched it.

If you are unsure about the reliability, ask your teacher to take a look.

Make sure you always convert the text into your own words, otherwise it is plagiarism and you will be judged on this!


Review schedule

What do you hand in?

  • The product (the folder, the report or story)

  • The 'what is your opinion?' document


 Answers to the questions 




 Answering sub questions







15 points





 Assignment folder 




 Information is short but powerful and   unque (no plagiarism)




A person can quickly find important and clear information will come







20 points





 Assignment report




Information is theoretically well written, complete and unique (no plagiarism)




All parts of a report are in







20 points





 Assignment story




 The answers to the questions have been incorporated in the story




 the story contains creativity and empathy and is unique (no plagiarism) 







20 points





 Assignment  'What is your opinion?'




Own opinion is clearly exspressed




There are at least 2 arguments per statement







15 points

 Hand in late     = -5 points per day 

 No source list  = -5 punten







50 points


Score: number of points x 2 / 10 (counts  2x)

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