Citing sources A1: What are sources?

What are sources exactly?

If you use information or ideas from others in writing a paper or thesis, these are considered sources. Sources are used in writing papers and theses, since

  • this involves building on existing academic knowledge,
  • and doing so helps to convince readers your argumentation is sound.

Watch the video on the benefits of four types of sources, as well as their differences and similarities.

  • handbook
  • monograph
  • text bundle
  • academic journal article


Watch the video

Types of sources

There are many more types of sources that you can use for information or ideas, and not just textual ones either:
  • newspaper articles
  • sound recordings
  • blogs
  • interviews
  • tweets
  • images
  • annual reports
  • web pages
  • graphs & charts
  • research data
  • films
  • tables
  • archive material

It is standard practice in academia to cite your sources. However, this is not simply convention: it is much more significant. If you do not cite your sources, or do so poorly, this is considered plagiarism, meaning you are wrongly creating the impression that you thought up something you didn't. This is considered a cardinal sin in academia, and could lead to you being expelled from your degree programme. This course will teach you how to avoid plagiarism.

In some academic disciplines, a distinction is drawn between primary and secondary sources.
In the case of History, such first-hand information, which has been provided by an eyewitness, is referred to as a primary (or direct) source. Anything else is a secondary source.
In Literary Studies, research objects (e.g. novels or poems) are referred to as primary sources, while any interpretations or analyses of these are called secondary sources.

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