Citing sources A2: Why should sources be cited?

Why should sources be cited?

Why would you record the sources you have used, not just for yourself but for your readers too?

Ponder this and then watch the next video.

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Reasons listed

So, the reason it's important to cite sources when writing a paper or thesis is because it:

  • allows you to show that you understand what others have said on the topic;
  • allows you to distinguish between your own ideas and those of others;
  • makes it easier to identify and look up your source;
  • acknowledges and/or thanks your source
  • shows that you are building on prior knowledge
  • increases your credibility and integrity
  • avoids plagiarism

Basics of citing

You cannot simply cite a copyrighted source. The citation must form part of your argumentation and may not quote more than is necessary for this purpose.

Common knowledge

Whenever you are discussing facts and opinions that can be considered general knowledge in your field, it is not necessary to cite sources.
The following statements are examples of this:

"At the beginning of the 20th century, Dutch society was strongly divided into ideological or faith-based 'pillars’."

"During the past years, the role of social media has become very important in our discipline."

Statement like these do not need to have a source cited.

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