Citing sources B3: Citation tools

Citation tools

Whether you are choosing a style or using a prescribed one, it is always important to be able to find the guidelines in question and to apply these consistently. How does this work in practice?

If you are doing this by hand, you need to type all of the references in the text, footnotes and endnotes, as well as the entire references in the bibliography, carefully applying all of the citation rules. This is a major chore, and you can easily overlook small errors.

We recommend automating this job by using a citation tool, or citation software. This will save you a lot of time You can choose between RefWorks, Zotero and Mendeley.

The following video explains how these tools work.

Watch the video

RefWorks, Zotero and Mendeley

RefWorks, Mendeley and Zotero are tools you can use to construct a personal database of all the sources you have used or will be using for your paper or thesis. All of the tools allow you to fill the database manually, either by copy and pasting or typing. However, it is much nicer to be able to immediately store any (potentially) useful material you come across in your literature search in your databank, without having to type or paste anything, by using CatalogusPlus, PsycINFO or Scopus, for example.

When writing your paper or thesis, you can add a reference to, for instance, a book or article from your personal database.

And finally, another benefit is that the tools will consistently format citations correctly in the style you have selected, right down to the footnotes, endnotes and bibliography.

However, even when using a citation tool, it remains imperative to check your work carefully and to make any corrections required.

Test yourself

Select a tool

Each tool has its benefits and drawbacks, so which one you select will depend on the working method you prefer, the type of computer you are using and which version of Word.  
Will you be using a Mac computer with MacOS Mojave or Catalina, or perhaps a Mac with Word 2019? In that case, Zotero is to be preferred.

Are you looking to quickly collect search results from a catalogue or database? This is easiest to do in RefWorks. Zotero is also eminently suitable if you are primarily searching in CatalogusPlus, JSTOR, Web of Science and Scopus. Although you can also collect titles from other databases, this will require an extra step.

Have you already stored many PDF versions of articles and would you like to make notes in these? In that case, Mendeley and RefWorks are your best bet. Mendeley is to be preferred if you also want to share your notes with others.

Would you like to collaborate with others on a document? This is easiest to do in Mendeley or Zotero.  

Are you using a word processing program other than Word?

  • GoogleDocs: select RefWorks or Zotero
  • Libre Office: select Mendeley or Zotero
  • Pages: none of the three programs can be used.

Getting to grips with the tools

The University Library website has all the information you need to get to work with the tool of your choice (click on its logo and the information will be displayed in a new window).






De Bibliotheek van de UvA biedt gratis hands-on cursussen waarin je oefent en routine opbouwt met de tools.

Closing words

This is the end of the course.

You now know that there are requirements in place regarding citation, and that as an academic (or prospective one), you will also be judged on these.

You are now knowledgeable concerning a number of citation styles and have considered which one you will be using in order to fit in with your academic community.

You have had a glimpse of how RefWorks, Mendeley and Zotero increase the ease of inserting citations in your text and consistently applying a certain style.

All that remains is to wish you every success in your subsequent steps in writing and publishing academic texts.





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    2021-02-01 12:49:28

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    Bron Type
    RefWorks, Zotero and Mendeley

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    Team Informatievaardigheid, Bibliotheek UvA. (z.d.).

    Bronvermelden B3: Methoden (o.a. RefWorks)