Answer - Project B - 1960's TV Ads

Answer - Project B - 1960's TV Ads

Answers: 1960's TV Ads

1960's TV Ads

Ad 1 - Alexis Lechine Wines:

Alexis Lechine wines are full of flavor.
Alexis Lechine wines are dry.
Alexis Lechine wines are mellow.
Drink an Alexis Lechine wine with any kind of food or any time you feel like relaxing with a drink.
Alexis Lechine fine French wines.


Ad 2 - - Wonderful fords:

You are about to know the thrill of seeing that which has never been seen before. You are about to enter a beautiful, exciting, wonderful new world, the world of 1960. For the first time in history, you'll see… not one … not two … but three completely new kinds of Ford cars for 1960. A wonderful new world of Fords. First, representing the 1960 Fords, the finest Fords of a lifetime: the magnificent new Galaxy.
With a wondrous, new life in the course of a lifetime, The finest new Fords of a lifetime, In a beautiful, wonderful, new world of Fords. Beautiful from any point of view, worth more from every point of value, the 1960 Fords open up a whole, wonderful, new, world of styling, elegance and built-for-people comfort. And now the world's most wanted car: The Thunderbird, the finest of fine cars, The last word in wish-it-were-mine cars, The dream car of the wonderful, new world of Fords. The 1960s Thunderbird!
And finally, the car everyone's been waiting to see: the new-size Ford, the Falcon. The Falcon, the new-size Ford Falcon you'll find that, The new-size Ford Falcon's the easiest car in the wide world to own. Here's full comfort for six adults in a car that'll give you up to thirty miles a gallon. A new-size car with a new-size price. It's the easiest car in the world to own: the Ford Falcon. You can see these cars at your Ford dealer's showroom, now. The Falcon, the Thunderbird and the 1960 Fords. There's a big, wide, wonderful world of new Fords, Newly-proportioned-for-you Fords, A beautiful, wonderful, beautiful, wonderful, Beautiful, wonderful, new world of Fords.

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