De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
You are going to read a text about Partner Selection.
Read the text and do assignment 1.
Read the text again and do assignment 2 and 3.
Assignment 1
Copy and fill in the grid (on your own) and discuss the answers in your group.
What information do you get? (use key words)
Evolutionary theory
Social role theory
Read the text.
What we know, and don’t know, about the process of mate selection.
Published on December 2, 2014 by Noam Shpancer, Ph.D. in Insight Therapy
Most of us seek a partner, for life or at least for a while. But how do we choose? After all, we meet hundreds, even thousands, of people in the course of our daily lives. What makes two people pick one another from among the myriad available candidates? Psychological science has long been trying to answer this question, and with considerable success.
Two main theories have guided scientific thinking on the subject. First is evolutionary theory, which claims that behavioral tendencies ,physical characteristics, and personality features that promote our chances to survive and reproduce become, by that virtue, desirable to us.
In addition, biological and anatomical differences between organisms will dictate different optimal solutions to the same problem. For example, if two animals, one with nimble feet and the other with strong wings, encounter a hungry predator, how will they deal with the survival threat? Most likely, the first animal will run away and the second will fly off.
Likewise, the evolutionary approach predicts that the biological and anatomical differences between men and women will result in different preferences for partner selection. For example, human biology dictates that women need help and protection during pregnancy, and that their fertility is time-limited .
Therefore, it makes sense that men who can provide protection will be deemed attractive to women, and that young—and hence fertile —women will be attractive to men. Indeed, studies show that when it comes to long-term relationships, women overall emphasize the importance of status parameters while men find female youth highly attractive.
On the other hand, 'social role theory,’ developed by the American psychologist Alice Eagly, argues that social—rather than biological—processes dictate our social choices. According to this argument, the mate selection rules are dictated by the roles that women and men occupy in society.
Thus, people's preferences in the search for a mate are expected to shift as social roles and norms shift. For example, women are attracted to men with power and money because society limits their own ability to gain power and money. If, tomorrow, most positions of power and money go to women, then a man’s status and wealth will matter much less to women, while male beauty, youth, and stamina may come to matter more.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
Er zijn verschillende manieren om woordjes te leren.
Je kunt de woorden hardop voorlezen of overschrijven.
Het belangrijkste is dat je dit niet te lang achter elkaar doet, want dan leer je niets meer.
In twee keer 10 minuten leer je meer dan in een half uur.
Irregular Verbs
Bekijk de onderstaande kennisbank en bestudeer de volgende irregular verbs (onregelmatige werkwoorden):
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
You read the text Laws of Attraction: How Do We Select a Life Partner? In your group discuss and decide what property would be advantageous for men and women, according to the Evolutionary Theory and the Social Role Theory.
Choose some expressions from the list or suggest some other qualities by yourself.
There is no single correct solution to this assignment: everything goes, as long as you can provide a valid argument.
being rich
being famous
being caring
being docile
being funny
being strong
being intelligent
having lush hair
having facial hair
having body hair
having eyes set wide apart
having full lips
having a smooth skin
having hairy eyebrows
having broad shoulders
having large breasts
having a six pack belly
having a slightly bulging belly
being slim
being fat
having broad hips
having narrow hips
having a musculair bum
having a large bum
having shaven legs
walking or sitting up straight
talking in a high voice
talking in a low voice
talking in a loud voice
talking in a soft voice
Step 6 - Writing
An essay about attraction
You read the text Laws of Attraction: How Do We Select a Life Partner? You discussed about attraction, so now you are going to write about the subject.
Introduce the subject.
What makes men and women attractive?
What are the most important theories about attraction?
Conclude with your own opinion.
Ask you teacher how many words you have to use.
Open het werkbestand in google docs: 2.2 Falling in love -An essay. Maak een kopie van het werkblad in je eigen omgeving (Bestand - Een kopie maken...)
of download het werkblad (Bestand - Downloaden als).
Step 7 - Evaluation
Fill in the schedule and answer the questions below.
niet leuk
weet ik al
What have you learnt in this double period?
Answer the following questions:
Het arrangement Falling in love - hv3 is gemaakt met
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Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:
Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollecties voor Engels voor havo en vwo, leerjaar 3. Dit is thema 2 'Being in love'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Falling in love. In deze les staan aspecten van verliefd worden centraal zoals, liefde op het eerste gezicht, aantrekkingskracht en romantiek. De onregelmatige werkwoorden in deze les zijn: to cut, to deal, to dig en to do. In de grammaticaopdracht wordt de 'future' behandeld.
VWO 3;
Leerinhoud en doelen
1 uur en 40 minuten
aantrekkingskracht, arrangeerbaar, engels, falling in love, future, hv3, liefde op het eerste gezicht, romantiek, stercollectie
Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollecties voor Engels voor havo en vwo, leerjaar 3. Dit is thema 2 'Being in love'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Falling in love. In deze les staan aspecten van verliefd worden centraal zoals, liefde op het eerste gezicht, aantrekkingskracht en romantiek. De onregelmatige werkwoorden in deze les zijn: to cut, to deal, to dig en to do. In de grammaticaopdracht wordt de 'future' behandeld.
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Oefeningen en toetsen
Love at first sight
Laws of Attraction: How Do We Select a Life Partner?
negative form - will not
negative form - won't
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