English class 01

English class 01

Welcome to Listening

Online leermateriaal voor Engels Luistervaardigheid


Welkom bij de online cursus voor Engels luistervaardigheid. Dit is een online leermateriaal in de form van een website die je zal helpen met je Engelse taal en vaardigheden. Deze versie houdt zich bezig met je luistermogelijkheden. Een vaardigheid die bedrieglijk lastig kan zijn, maar makkelijk is om te beheersen. We zullen samen werken aan vele manieren van luisteren, problemen die zich kunnen optreden tijdens het luisteren en hulpmiddelen die opdrachten wat makkelijker maken.    

The way you will approach this class is by following each instruction accordingly. As you make your way through these assignments, they will teach you what you will be doing, how to tackle difficult situations and give you feedback afterward. If you do not understand or are stuck on an exercise, search for the 'tip' section below the page for further assistance.

Besides this introduction page, rarely will there be any Dutch language given in this format. This is so that you will be better associated with the language and get yourself familiar with it. After all, we are here to learn English, not Dutch.

This is enough reading for now, let’s go further to the next page.
(Click on the arrow below to go further)


At the end of this online class, you will be able to;

  • Understand the differences between Intensive and Extensive listening and how to listen to listening questions based on the asked information.
  • How to answer multiple-choice questions for listening assignments.

You will get more new information and instructions about the assignments as you make your way through this online class.
I'd tell you more, but you are about to receive some practical experience.

Exercise A

Exercise A1

You will now listen to a scene from the movie: Mean Girls (2004). You will hear a dialogue between 4 students having lunch in the cafeteria of their school. One student is new, while the other three are trying to make her feel welcomed.
The video will show the scene three times. When you first listen to it, I want you to relax and absorb everything. When you listen to it the second time, I want you to listen more carefully.  

This video is the property of a YouTube channel called: Exciting English. All the rights are going to them. For more info and videos check out the link in the ‘sources’ section of the online class.    

After you are done listening, head over to the next page for the questions. 


Learn/Practice English with MOVIES (Lesson #37) Title: Mean Girls

Exercise A1 Questions

Exercise A2

You will now listen to a scene from the movie: The Adventures of Tintin (2011). You will hear a dialogue between 2 men sneaking into a cabin to steal a key while trying to avoid the guards. The captain is giving instructions, while the younger guy is trying to steal the key.
The video will show the scene three times. When you first listen to it, I want you to relax and absorb everything. When you listen to it the second time, I want you to listen more carefully.

This video is the property of a YouTube channel called: Exciting English. All the rights are going to them. For more videos check out the link in the ‘sources’ section of the online class.

After you are done listening, head over to the next page.


Learn/Practice English with MOVIES (Lesson #102) Title: The Adventures of Tintin

Exercise A2 Questions

Post Exercise A

Intensive and extensive listening

The reason why you are being trained at ‘tempo read’ is so you can absorb information at a faster rate. If you are going to read a text in the target language, which in this case is English, word by word, then it will take you forever to properly understand it. Don’t get me wrong, you can absolutely read word for word, but listening is a different case altogether. You can’t set the audio to a stop and reflect on what you just heard. You need to listen to it as it goes on until it stops. So the more you ‘tempo read’, and as a result ‘tempo listen’, you will consume the information at a faster rate.

Reading word for word is what we usually call, ‘intensive’ reading. Normally you will do this with the intention of trying to find specific information. I.e. a digit, a phone number, or a name. You will rarely be doing this in your life after school. Now the opposite of intensive is ‘extensive’. This is where you read and try to understand the whole thing, with minimum intensive reading. Now when it comes to listening, you will need to minimize your intensive listening even further, because the audio will not wait for you.

In this class, we will focus on extensive listening, since you are more likely to practice that in your life after school. It is important to understand the whole message. Try to get everything that you understand, and if there are words you don’t, just let them be and focus on the whole meaning of the audio.
Practice ‘tempo reading/listening’ in your free time as much as possible.  

Welcome to a ‘Post Exercise’ part of this online class. In this part, we will look at some theories to apply for the exercises coming up. These theories will help you understand how to handle listening in the target language, which in this case is English. This will be a sort of introduction before you'll be working on the following exercises. 

Click on the right arrow below to go further.

Interpreting what you hear

Interpreting is another form of summarizing what you have just read or listened to with more emphasis on the thoughts, emotions, believes, and intentions behind the writers or speakers. What are these people thinking as they are saying this? What are they feeling? What do they believe? So now, not only do you understand what they are really saying, but also why they are saying it.

When it comes down to a book, you have to focus on the way something is written, the types of words used, or maybe even an image to complement. However, when you are listening/watching, you got to focus on the body language that is being shown on screen. The facial expression has to be clear. Sometimes you have no image and then you only listen to the audio. In these times you have to listen to the way words are being spoken. The volume in their tone. Are they angry? Are they sad? A lot can be interpreted by the tone of someone’s voice.

If you made some mistakes in Exercise A, please go further to Exercise A* for one more additional practice with some extra help. However, if you made no mistakes in Exercise A, please go further to Exercise B.

You can go directly to Exercise B by clicking on the menu on your left.

Exercise B

Exercise B1

You will now listen to a scene from the TV series: The Sopranos (1999). You will hear a dialogue between a family having dinner in their house. The father is angry at the FBI for investigating their house earlier that day, while the rest of the family is trying to change the subject to cool him down.
The video will show the scene only once, but you may listen to it twice. This time around you will see no subtitles so listen carefully. Like last time, I want you to listen to it extensively.

This video is the property of a YouTube channel called: Justin M. All the rights are going to them. For more info and videos check out the link in the ‘sources’ section of the online class.

After you are done listening, head over to the next page for the questions.

The Sopranos - Italian Dinner Discussion

Exercise B1 Questions

Exercise B2

You will now listen to a scene from the movie: The Breakfast Club (1985). You will hear a dialogue between a group of students, who had to show up at school on a Saturday for detention. Because they are from different clubs and have different friend groups, they didn't think much about each other at first. But after becoming friends that evening, they argue if they will still remain friends on Monday. 
The video will show the scene only once, but you may listen to it twice. This time around you will see no subtitles so listen carefully. Like last time, I want you to listen to it extensively.

This video is the property of a YouTube channel called: Michael Starr. All the rights are going to them. For more info and videos check out the link in the ‘sources’ section of the online class.

After you are done listening, head over to the next page for the questions. 

The Breakfast Club - What Happens on Monday?

Exercise B2 Questions

Exercise B+


You are now about to watch and listen to me working on a specific type of exercise for listening in the video below. The website I will be using is https://www.examenglish.com
This exercise is meant for students who had trouble with the previous practices and want some more help with listening. If you did not have any trouble with the previous exercises then you may skip this practicum. If not and you want some more help + some handy tips, stick around!  

Next to attempting the exercise, you will also hear me commentating. I will be talking about how to properly tackle the exercise and I will also talk about tips to help you in future assignments. This video is to prepare you for Exercise C, 'The Halfway assignment' since it shares the same type of questions.

I have also added subtitles to the video, so if you have difficulties understanding me, you can activate the subtitles which I have put in myself. Be warned that the listening exercise in the video does not have any subtitles. The subtitles are only for when I'm speaking. This is so to mimic the exercises from the Halfway assignment where you will also only listen and not see any subtitles.

If you want to work side by side with me on this exercise, then you can grab a piece of paper and a pencil. This is not required, but it is recommended.
If you are going to do the exercise too? Then good luck!
The answers will be displayed in the video.    

Script of the video

Here you can read the script used for the preparation video for the Halfway assignment. After reading the script, there will also be a vocabulary list available at the end.  

"Hello, guys and welcome to this preparation video for Exercise C. I know this video might seem random, but please stick with me for a bit. What you guys are seeing in front of you may seem familiar. It is the same website you guys use for practicing English. The link will be provided back on Wikiwijs.

So here we are seeing a couple of things. These are different exercises for listening, level A2. Now before we start, I want to tell you guys that not every exercise here has the same type of questions. We won't be choosing an exercise at random. The one we will be attempting will share the same type of questions with Exercise C.    

We will be attempting this exercise right here called 'free time'. And here you guys can see what the questions will look like. Exactly, you will have to fill in the answers yourself. This may look a little messy and confusing at first, but it is just as simple as it sounds. You just listen to the audio and fill in the blanks. Now what you may notice here is the audio clip. That's right, no video format. There is no movie to watch, only an audio clip to listen to.

Well get used to it, this is how it is going to look like from here on out when doing an exam. So without any further delay, we are going to attempt this exercise. One thing I always do is to first listen extensively. After that, I listen to it more intensively. Feel free to handle the exercises how you think works the best for you. If you don't know, try my way and see if that helps. Now let's start.


Ok, so that was the first time listening. Now let us do this again, but this time around let us listen more carefully and focus on the details. Writing and listening at the same time is no easy, so you have to practice it a lot. One thing that helps is to visualize the conversation in your head when there is only an audio clip available. Ok, let us do this one more time.


Ok, that was the exercise. I didn't do this in advance so I don't know if I have all the answers correct. Let us check the answers. Ok nice, we got all of them.

It was really sneaky how they talked about what Molly's mum did on Saturday, at the end of the clip. We could have easily missed that one. Usually, it is just writing down as the words come by. Never assume that they will be giving you the answers in order. Next to listening, they also like to test your memory. Be careful of any last-minute details.

Remember, don't panic, as you will be listening to the audio two times. Try listening more carefully the second time around and definitely practice listening and writing at the same time. Visualizing the conversation in your head works too. I hope this video helped you with understanding how to tackle this type of question. Now good luck with Exercise C.

If you like to read the script for this video, it will be available on Wikiwijs. Re-reading and listening is also a great tool to further work on your English skills. See you at the next one.  



Vocabulary list

preparation: voorbereiding

familiar: vertrouwd, bekend zijn met

provided: voorzien

delay: vertraging

visualize: visualiseren

in advance: vooraf, alvast

sneaky: stiekem

assume: uitgaan van, aannemen

Exercise C

Exercise C1

Welcome to exercise C. This exercise is made for students who not only did not make any mistakes in the previous assignments but who also like a challenge and think that the previous exercises were a little too easy. If you are up to the challenge and want an additional exercise that is a little bit harder than the previous ones, then keep reading. If you don't think the previous exercises were a walk in the park and want to keep on the same level, you may skip this exercise and go further to the Halfway Assignment.

The first practice of exercise C is about 'accent'. English is a well-known language, but people often don't speak it in the same way. You can compare this to how people speak Dutch in Friesland way differently compared to the rest of The Netherlands. You are about to watch and listen to a clip from the movie: Meet Joe Black (1998). You will hear a dialogue between Joe Black and an old woman in a hospital. The woman is in deep pain and she requests Joe Black that he takes her to the afterlife. Cause you see, Joe Black's identity is "Azrael", the angel of death.

The video clip lasts a little longer than the usual clips used in this learning material, about 4 minutes long. If need be, you may watch it two times. This video is the property of a YouTube channel called: saturnzreturn. All the rights are going to them. For more videos and info check out the link in the 'sources' section of the online class.

After you are done listening, go to the next page for the questions.  

Brad Pitt talking patois - Everyting gwarn be iree

Exercise C1 Questions

Exercise C2

In this part of exercise C, we will be listening to the British accent. You will now watch a scene from the movie: Sherlock Holmes (2009). You will hear a dialogue between Sherlock Holmes, Watson, and his fiancee. In the clip, Sherlock shows Watson's fiancee how he makes assumptions of people by only looking at small details of them. Afterward, he tries to figure out the background of Watson's fiancee herself. Mind you, this is the first time Sherlock is meeting her. 

The scene is 4 minutes long and per usual you may listen to it two times before answering the questions. This video is the property of a YouTube channel called: Mariapaula. All the rights are going to them. For more info and videos check out the link in the ‘sources’ section of the online class. 

After you are done listening, head over to the next page for the questions.

Sherlock Holmes Scene "The lady insists"

Exercise C2 Questions

Halfway assignment

Feedback on Halfway assignment using Padlet

Now that you are done with the Halfway assignment it's time to review and look back on it. Below you will see a bulletin board on the previous assignment. Write down on the far left what you thought of the assignment and grade it on a scale of 0 to 10 on how difficult it was. (0 being easy and 10 being very difficult).

On the right side, you will see other boards on the questions. If you have any questions on a particular question you can add a comment here asking for some help. Other students in your class can see it and help you while also giving you their own advice. If you don't have any questions, check if other students have and help them with their questions, in English of course!

Gemaakt met Padlet

Vocabulary test by Quizlet

In this part of the online class, we will be testing our vocabulary. Below you will see a program that will challenge your knowledge of vocabulary regarding today's class. These words have been used in the various selected videos, reports, and songs on this website. What you have to do is to combine the words with their definition on the screen.

There are no restrictions on this practice. You can play this game however times you want to, but at least once. In the game, there is a timer that shows you how quick you have been with finishing. It is advised to play the game two times for each time you play, there will be new words added to the roster. At the end of this class, you should be able to understand the new vocabulary.  


Google Form


[Exciting English]. (2018, 27 januari).
Learn/Practice English with MOVIES (Lesson #37) Title: Mean Girls [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ0v9A5iEG4&t=85s

[Exciting English]. (2020, 26 januari).
Learn/Practice English with MOVIES (Lesson #102) Title: The Adventures of Tintin [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzpdK1gzI7M&t=46s

[Justin M]. (2010, 3 december).
The Sopranos - Italian Dinner Discussion [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d2RlyAz6VQ

[Michael Starr]. (2016, 19 augustus).
The Breakfast Club - What Happens on Monday? [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL69yWD8UOY&t=47s

Durmus, Y. [Yusuf Durmus]. (2019, 27 oktober).
Kennisclip voor Wikiwijs: Preparation for exercise C [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van https://youtu.be/NngG-t4s8A4

[saturnzreturn]. (2010, 24 april).
Brad Pitt talking patois - Everyting gwarn be iree [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnBupO_Kjto

[Mariapaula]. (2011, 15 april).
Sherlock Holmes Scene "The lady insists" [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=388-rOzD9SM

Shockne, R. (2015). Sera Was Never [Geregistreerd door E. I. Khripounova]

Prince of Wales, C. [BBC]. (2012, 11 mei).
Prince Charles presents the weather forecast - BBC Scotland [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQTPdEKGEBs

[Pui Tak Center's ESL Program]. (2018, 29 mei).
Weather Report [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzPA-YKJmVk

Kynaston, M. [KTNV Channel 13 Las Vegas]. (2019, 20 november).
7 A.M. morning traffic report | Nov. 20 [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpjtQ5BVI3Y

Delancey, S. [KTNV Channel 13 Las Vegas]. (2019, 20 november).
7 A.M. morning traffic report | Nov. 20 [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpjtQ5BVI3Y

Brown, A. [Great Big Story]. (2019, 17 julie).
Slurping Down Headless, Raw Fish in the Netherlands [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqv82pxFNck

Yamane, M. (2007). Nocturne [Geregistreerd door Michiru Yamane]

Gabriel, A. [National Geographic]. (2019, 8 februari).
Tigers 101 | National Geographic [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK3dav4bA4s

[stijnbraas]. (2010, 6 september).
Keep your station clear [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgiK-HWKPjw

[PrincessAzulaTV]. (2014, 2 februari).
Boiling Rock Escape: Full Scene [HD] [YouTube].
Geraadpleegd van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzkL7TsEeK4&t=103s



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    2020-11-08 20:20:03

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    This is an experiment to test if this kind of teaching is effective in my classes. It will contain grammar and vocabulary assignments to educate A2 students.
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    Bron Type
    Learn/Practice English with MOVIES (Lesson #37) Title: Mean Girls
    Learn/Practice English with MOVIES (Lesson #102) Title: The Adventures of Tintin
    The Sopranos - Italian Dinner Discussion
    The Breakfast Club - What Happens on Monday?
    Brad Pitt talking patois - Everyting gwarn be iree
    Sherlock Holmes Scene "The lady insists"
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