0971200_much, many, a lot of

0971200_much, many, a lot of

Many or much

Het Nederlandse woord 'veel' kun je in het Engels vertalen met het woord 'many', met het woord 'much' en zelfs met 'a lot of'. Hoe zit dit en welke heb je nou precies nodig? Dit ga ik voor je uitleggen in deze les.

''Hello, can I take you order please?''

''Yes I would like much fries, many fruit, much tomatoes and much bits of salade on my burger! Oh and I would like many juice... Or many coffee, many tea or many water? No, actually, scratch all of that! I just want much cookies!''

''Sorry ma'dam, but could you say that again...?''


OH NO! This went horribly wrong... How come you can't say much cookies or many cheese? We are going to find out today!

PS: Het is erg belangrijk dat je stap voor stap door deze les gaat. Heb je de volledige pagina gelezen? Klik dan op 'Volgende'.

Content for today

De inhoud voor vandaag;

1. Allereerst lees je de introductie en de inhoud door en kijk je wat er van je verwacht wordt.

2. Vervolgens neem je de doelen door op de volgende pagina en zie je waar je aan moet werken voor deze les.

3. Ten derde ga je de theorie over de stof lezen waarbij je indien nodig terugscrollt om het opnieuw te lezen.

Deze theorie gaat over het gebruik van ''much, many, a lot of''. Ik zal beginnen met zelfstandige naamwoorden. Schrik niet, dit zijn woorden als ''cake, brood, tafel''. In het Engels noemen we dit 'nouns'. Er zijn verschillende 'nouns' die ik ga uitleggen. Daarna lees je een uitleg over 'many', 'much' en 'a loft of'.  Hierbij zijn verschillende regels over wanneer je welke gebruikt..

4. Ten vierde maak je een toets om te kijken of je het nu volledig snapt.

Deze toets is een 'formatieve toets' wat betekent dat je er nog geen echt cijfer voor krijgt, maar wel kunt zien of je het voldoende snapt. Deze toets gehaald? Ja? Super! Dan beheer jij het goed. Na deze pagina staan nog wat extra oefeningen voor jou. Nee? Maakt helemaal niet uit! Samen gaan we nog wat oefenen! Ik geef je nog wat extra uitleg door een video.

5. Tenslotte komt de Eindtoets. Voor deze toets krijg je wel een cijfer.

Goals this lesson

  • De leerling kan aan het eind van de les een toets met minimaal een voldoende halen.

  • De leerling snapt hoe zij ‘veel’ kunnen aangeven.

  • De leerling snapt waarom we deze woorden om ‘veel’ aan te geven gebruiken.

  • De leerling kent vrijwel alles van much, many en kan dit navertellen.



Okay, let's start!

Ps: Maybe write down some notes because you are going to have to do a test at the end of todays class.



A noun is a person, place or thing and must be in every sentence. You can also call a noun a "PPT" to remember that a noun is a person, place or thing.


Examples of these nouns are:






man, meisje

man, girl


hond, paard

dog, horse


auto, geld

car, money


liefde, geluk

love, luck


Countable nouns

Some nouns, as the ones above, can be made plural; One books, two books. One girl, two girls. The noun means the same, but there are just more of that one noun. In English, we call these nouns you can count ‘countable nouns’.


Uncountable nouns

Some nouns, also as the ones above, you can not make plural; One love, two love? One luck, two luck?. You can not count these so we call them ‘uncountable nouns’.The most 'uncountable nouns' are food, materials, feelings, activities or something like this;


Food and drinks

     bread, butter, meat, tea, rice


     water, oil air, plastic, paper, wood

Feelings and concepts

     love, anger, work, education, advice


     swimming, shopping, cycling

Similiar things 

     money, luggage, furniture


Now, watch a short summary from Diana about the differences between 'countable nouns' and 'uncountable nouns'.

Countable or uncountable nouns?

Exercise 1

Okay. Time to practice. Let's see if you can tell the differences between 'countable nouns' and 'uncountable nouns'. Drag the words to the right type of noun.

Pay attention! The words have to be alphabetically (op alfabetische volgorde).


A quick reminder of the alphabet...


Much or many

Okay, so we know the nouns. But when do we use 'many' or 'much' then...?



We use the English word 'many’ with 'countable nouns'. Here are some examples;


Er zijn veel meisjes in mijn klas.                         There are many girls in my class.

Hoeveel honden heb jij?                                     How many dogs have you got

Ik heb niet veel pennen.                                     I haven’t got many pens.

Er zitten veel eenden in de vijver.                       There are many ducks in the pond.



Many ducks

Many ducks




We use the Eglish word 'much’ with 'uncountable nouns'. Here are some examples;

Er is veel geld over.                                             There is much money left.

Heb ik veel tijd?                                                    Have I got much time?

Ik heb niet veel geluk.                                         I haven’t got much luck.

Er is niet veel liefde in mijn hart.                         There isn't much love in my heart.



Much love

Much love


A mnemonic (ezelsbruggetje) I tend to use is ''much money, many people''. When you say it really fast it is quite funny and it reminds you of when to use much and when to use many. Much with uncountables like money and many with countables like people.


A lot of

Besides much and many, we have ''a lot of''.

Most of the time, we use ''a lot of'' in affirmative (bevestigende) sentences. We can use a lot of with countables AND un countables.

For questions and negative sentences we use much/many.


For example:

We have a lot of free time this week. (time is uncountable)

We do not have much time this week.

Do we have much time this week?


She has a lot of friends. (a friend is countable)

She does not have many friends.

Does she have many friends?



Here is another video to summarize what you just read!

Much or many?

Exercise 2

In Exercise 2 you must tell me when you use 'many' and when to use 'much'. Type 'many' or 'much'.


Okay, now it's time for me to teach you again! Here is a small video I made to explain when to use ''much'' and ''many''. Pay attention, because I added ''a lot of''. 


Like we say in Dutch, veel kijkplezier!


Much, many, a lot of

Now it's time for the formative test. It shows me if you understand whatever you just read. Do not worry, you can always look back at the theory or practice extra activities.


Here it is! Goodluck.

Formative test

Did u get 11 out of 15 right, u passed! Press 'Passed the test?' on the side bar and continue with extra difficult theory. 


Did u get less then 11 points, you didn't pass the test. But don't worry, or again as the Dutch say ''niet getreurd'', because there are some extra exercises. Press 'Didn't pass the test?' on the side bar or press ''volgende'' at the bottom of this page.

Didn't pass the test?

Ahh sad! You didn't pass the test... You need some extra activities! I will help you with this.


Nouns/Countable nouns/Uncountable nouns

So remember the first thing you read? A noun are words who doesn't need anything around it. People, animals, things. Pete, doesn't need anything around it. A dog, is just a dog. A table is just a table. These are nouns you can touch and count. There are also nouns like luck, happiness, love. You can't count or touch them but they are also words who don't need anything around it. ''I have much love for you'' or ''I love you''. In Dutch we call nouns zelfstandige naamwoorden. These nouns are thus ''zelfstandig''. 


The ones you can count are ‘countable nouns’ and the ones you can't are ‘uncountable nouns’


Much or many?

Exercise 3; extra help

Okay, we will practice again. Here, go ahead.



You are now ready for the challenge. Press ''Volgende''.


Good luck!

Passed the test?

You passed the test or the extra activities! YAY.





Now it's time for a challenge. This will be a bit more difficult...

Counting uncountables!

Ways of counting uncountable nouns

So, there are some uncountable nouns. But what if I told you, YOU CAN COUNT UNCOUNTABLES. Insane, right? Let me explain;


food and drink

food and drink


The food on the left page is 'countable' and can be plurals 'bun-buns' and 'hotdog-hotdogs'. The food on the right page 'uncountable' can't be plurals. You can't change 'rice', 'coffee' or 'meat' into plurals.

However, you can count them in some kind of way.



Bread a loaf of bread two loafs of bread
Water a bottle of water two bottles of water
Coffee a cup of coffee two cups of coffee
Juice a glass of juice two glasses of juice
Meat a kilo of meat two kilos of meat
Sugar an ounce of sugar two ounces of sugar


Let's practice!

Counting uncountables is difficult because you have to learn them by heart (uit je hoofd). It’s about the way you count things. You can say you have some bread but if you want to tell someone exactly how much you might tell them you have two loaves of bread or three slices of bread.


Some common ways of counting uncountables:

- Bags may be used to count flour and sugar and things like that.

- Small amounts of liquid come in bottles.

- Sometimes drinks or meat come in cans.

- Cartons contain milk and juice.

- You can buy beer and wine by the case (a box of bottles).

- Use ‘head’ for lettuce, cabbage and cauliflower.

- Jam, and other sticky solids are kept in jars.

- Usually potatoes but also sand, cement and such things are transported in sacks.

- Ice cream comes in tubs.

Exercise 4; challenge!

Ooooff, that was difficult. Did you understand everything? Read all of the information again if you are unsure and do one more practice test. With the challenge questions! 


After this... It's the final test!


Now it's time for the test. 


Good luck.


Please, raise your hand and tell me you grade. Once I've written down your grade, continue to the next page.

The end

Great. U have finished todays class. At the end of your exam, you saw your grade. Please come to me and tell me what you got. 


Thank you very many! Uhhh... I mean very much...


See you next time!

Oh by the way... Did we pass all of our goals? Check for yourself;

  • De leerling kan aan het eind van de les een toets met minimaal een voldoende halen.

  • De leerling snapt hoe zij ‘veel’ kunnen aangeven.

  • De leerling snapt waarom we deze woorden om ‘veel’ aan te geven gebruiken.

  • De leerling kent vrijwel alles van much, many en kan dit navertellen.


Do something for yourself. Either homework, reading or studying for English or a different course. Stay quiet, because other people might still be working!!