A trip to London

A trip to London


Onderwerp Londen
Schooltype VO (havo/vwo)
Klas 2
Vakgebieden Engels
Aantal personen 4 leerlingen
Totale tijd Meer dan 10 klokuren

1. Inleiding

During the next school holidays you and your classmates will be going on a 5-day city trip to the most fantastic city in the world:


There is so much to see and do in London, but of course, a lot has to be arranged before you leave.

Well, guess what? For this trip you and your classmates are allowed to organise everything yourselves! How exciting!

Let's get to work and make this the most amazing city trip ever!


2. Taak

Arranging a trip to London requires several skills and a creative mind! In groups of four, you are free to choose the 5-day-itinerary.

To complete this assignment, you will need to research and decide on the following:

  • How are you going to get there?
  • Where are you going to stay?
  • What sights are you going to visit?
  • Which museums are worth visiting?

You also have to work through a couple of subtasks which you must include in your group's file.

Finally, you will present your plans in class using a PowerPoint presentation.

Good luck!

3. Werkwijze

1. First, write an introduction - 150-200 words

For example: What is the topic of this webquest? Who are the members of your group? What do you hope to acheive/learn by working on this project? What resources will you use to obtain information?


2. Research the following:




How will you get to London? (By bus, plane...?)

Departure from?

Total travel time?

What are the costs?


Where will you stay in London? (Hotel, youth hostel, B&B, host family...?)


What is the cost per night?


What sights are you going to visit? (Remember, you will be there for 5 days!)

Where are they located?

Why are they interesting?

Are there entry fees?


Which museums are you going to visit? (Describe at least 2)

Why did you choose these particular museums; what makes them interesting to you?

Where are they located?

What can you see there?

Are there entry fees?


You can choose to work on each task together or you can divide the tasks. But, remember to check each other's work! Each task must contain 150 - 200 words; 300 - 400 for task 3. Make sure you include pictures!

If you click on 'Bronnen', you will find links to websites that you can consult for information to complete the tasks, but feel free to find your own too! 

Do remember that your file will checked for plagiarism, so be sure to use your own words!


3. Write a conclusion - 150-200 words

Remember, a conclusion is always the opposite of an introduction. So, what have you learned by completing this webquest?


4. Design a PowerPoint in which you show your work


5. Write a reflection - 150-200 words per person!

Each group member must write a short reflection (in Dutch) about their experience of working on this webquest (see "Terugblik"). This must be added to your group's file before you hand it in!


6. Hold a presentation

Finally, divide the tasks equally and use your PowerPoint to present your work to the class.

4. Bronnen




How will you get to London?

By boat/ferry/hovercraft  http://www.stenaline.com

By train                          http://www.eurostar.com

By coach                         http://www.eurolines.com

By plane                        Check websites yourselves!





Where are you going to stay in London?

* Bed & Breakfast

* Hotel

* Country Lodge

* Check websites yourselves using  http://www.google.nl





What sights are you going to visit? Remember, you will be there for 5 days!

You can choose to use one of these websites but of course there are loads of other interesting websites with information about sightseeing etc.




And many more…..





Which museums are you going to visit?

You can go to www.google.nl and type: museums London.

Here’s another website which may come in handy: http://www.londontourist.org/museums.html

And of course, there are loads of other interesting websites with information about all the museums London has to offer!

5. Beoordeling

Your group will be assessed on the following points:


#1: Your Word file which must contain:


* Front page including: Title, your names, class, date, teacher's name

* Table of contents

* Introduction (Introduce the webquest, what is it about?)

* All your assignments elaborately worked out ( Task #1- Task #2- Task #3- Task #4)

* Conclusion ("wrap up" your webquest; summarize the main ideas)

* Project evaluation by each group member (see "Terugblik")

* Sources you have used (links to sites, names of books etc.)


#2: Use of English


#3: Group work - collaboration


#4: PowerPoint


Your speaking skills will be assessed individually during the presentation!

6. Terugblik

You have now experienced what it is like to plan a trip. Did you enjoy it?

As you now know, there are many things you need to take into account when you work in groups.


Each group member is to answer the following questions seperately; you may answer in Dutch, but I will be impressed if your attempt this part in English:)

* Which part(s) of the assignment did you complete?

* Would you do things differently next time or not? Explain.

* Would you like to work with the same group again, or would you rather work with other pupils instead? Explain.

* Are there things that need to be changed to make the webquest more fun or more difficult/easier? If so, what?

* And finally, what have you learned through making this webquest?


Thank you for sharing your experience!

7. Docentpagina

Report (Group assessment)

8 points

4 points

2 points



(webquest meets requirements)












Group work

(collaboration, division of tasks etc.)





Correct English

(grammar, vocabulary, spelling)



(content, slide creation, correct English)



(Individual assessment)

Good Sufficient Insufficient Comments

Speaking time



















  • Het arrangement A trip to London is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    2021-08-22 20:03:47

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    The most fantastic city in the world: LONDON!
    HAVO 3; VWO 3;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    10 uur en 0 minuten

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    Kiwijs, E. (2011).



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