Thema Jobs - hv12

Thema Jobs - hv12



You are about to start the theme: Jobs.
It is about the world of work!

How are you going to practise?
You are going to practise your writing, reading, listening and speaking skills by:

  • reading about applying for a job, jobs and application letters;
  • listening to conversations about jobs;
  • speaking and writing about jobs.

Your English will improve, if you practice a lot!

Need help?
Use the toolbox if you need help. Here you will find (new) words and expressions.
You will also find help for grammar and pronunciation.

Getting started

You have just started the theme: Jobs.
You will find different things to watch, to listen to, to read and, of course, to do.

There are videos, recordings, pictures, photos, texts and exercises.
There are different types of exercises. Some of them you have to do on your own, others are group work.

At the end of those group exercises you are going to discuss the answers in your group.
Some exercises will be checked by the computer.

Need to know

How would you describe the word 'job'? The following description is given on simple Wikipedia.

Can do

In this theme you will focus on the following 'can do' statements.


  • You can understand simple sentences about the theme Jobs when people talk slowly and clearly.


  • You understand simple sentences in a covering letter and job adverts and other texts within the theme of Jobs.

Gesprekken voeren

  • You can take part in a simple conversation about Jobs.
    The person you are speaking to, speaks slowly and sometimes repeats sentences.
    They also help you to formulate what you are trying to say.


  • You can ask and answer simple questions about the theme Jobs.
  • You can use simple expressions and sentences to talk about jobs.


  • You can write a covering letter or a CV, a day in the life of and a blog.
    In doing so, you use words that have to do with the theme Jobs.

To do

In this theme you are going to do the following things:

  • Listen to people who are talking about their jobs and job interviews.
  • Read about jobs.
  • Write a job application, CV, a day in the life of and a blog.
  • Talk about job interviews, your (side) job, your dream job.

But you don't have to be able to do this right away!
If you take the following steps (lessons) you'll find out what you need to know!





Choosing between jobs

Listen, read, speak, and write about choosing between jobs.

Grammar: practise with ‘passive’.


Changing jobs

Listen, read, speak, and write about changing jobs.

Grammar: practise with ‘passive’.


Talking about jobs

Listen, read, speak, and write about (side) jobs.

Grammar: practise with ‘if and when’.


Applying for a job

Listen, read, speak, and write about applying for a job.

Grammar 'take a Grammar test'.




Hieronder vind je de vier blokken die horen bij dit thema.
Maak je keuze.

Blok 1

Choosing between jobs

Blok 2

Changing jobs

Blok 3

Talking about jobs

Blok 4

Applying for a job


Vocabulary Jobs

These words and chunks can help you with the lessons. You don't need to learn them by heart.
Deze woorden en chunks kunnen je helpen bij je lessen. Je hoeft ze niet uit je hoofd te leren.


Jobs vocabularylist Jobs useful sentences





Er zijn veel manieren om te werken aan je woordenschat. Je kunt de woorden hardop uitspreken of kopiëren.
Klik in Wozzol op de rode pijl voor de verschillende opties.

Finishing touch

Je hebt de blokken van het thema 'Jobs' doorgewerkt.
Tijd voor de Finishing touch.
Je vindt hier drie extra schrijf- of spreekopdrachten.
Kies er een of twee uit. Werk samen met een klasgenoot.
Maak daarna de D-toets en beantwoord de evaluatievragen.


Project A: Interview about side job

  • First do exercise 1. Choose one of the two options.
  • Answer the questions of exercise 2. Discuss your answers with a classmate.

Exercise 1: Interview

You are allowed to have a side job from the age of 14. Interview your classmate about their side job (option A).
If your classmate doesn’t have a side job, ask questions about what they would like to do (option B).

OPTION A – Talk about your side job

  • How did you find and get your job?
  • Did you have to do a job interview?
  • Do you think you get paid well enough?
  • Do you have fun colleagues?
  • What do you like and/or dislike about your boss?
  • Do you get an end-of-year bonus?
  • What are the pros and cons of your job?

OPTION B – Talk about the side job you’d like to have

  • Which job would you like to have?
  • What do you think you’ll get paid?
  • Would you have a lot of colleagues or not?
  • What do you like and/or dislike about this job?
  • Do you think you’ll get an end-of-year bonus?
  • What are the pros and cons of your job?
  • What are you going to do to get this job?

Exercise 2: Discussion

There are 11 questions below.
Choose five questions together with a classmate.
Find the answers to these questions and prepare a conversation about the answers.

  1. At what age do people usually begin to work in your country?
  2. A what age do people usually retire in your country?
  3. Do you think women can have the same jobs as men?
  4. Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job?
  5. Would you like to do the same job all your life? Why? Why not?
  6. Do you think people over 65 can still work?
  7. What are the qualities a good boss should have?
  8. Do you think you could become a workaholic?
  9. Why are some jobs more popular than others?
  10. What do you think is the most interesting job?
  11. What do you think is the most boring job?

Project B: Your characteristics

At this site you will find a list with 150 different characteristics.

  1. Choose 5 of these qualities, translate them in English.
  2. For each quality, write down a situation in which you were proud of yourself, using that quality. This is to show that this characteristic suits you.
  3. Ask a classmate, or somebody else that you know well, if they agree with you. Ask them why.
  4. Research how many of your characteristics are also needed for your dream job. Write down how these are needed.


Project C: To do or not to do

Work together with a classmate.
You are going to make a list of things that you should or should not do at a job interview.

Download the form and fill in the table.

Finished? Compare your list with that of a classmate.
Did you write down the same things?
Discuss the differences.


Test je kennis. Maak de diagnostische toets.

What did you learn?

You started this theme you with a test in the section Need to know.

  • Take the test again.
  • Have your results improved?

At the end of each lesson, you answered evaluation questions. Use these answers to answer the following questions:

  • What new things did you learn?
  • Which exercise was the best one to learn from?
  • Are you able to do what you have to do?

In the introduction of each period there is an indication of the amount of time you need to do the activities.
Was the indication of the amount of time you needed correct? Or did you need more / less time?

Group work

What did you think of working in a group?
Did every group member do the same amount of work?



De Verderkijker biedt bij dit thema passende externe linkjes naar uitleg, oefenmateriaal of filmpjes. Voor het thema Jobs zijn de volgende items geselecteerd.

Grammatica - active and passive form:

Grammatica - if en when:

Lezen - Schrijven - Luisteren - Kijken - Spreken:

In de Verderkijker wordt gebruikgemaakt van beeld- en filmmateriaal dat beschikbaar is op internet. Bij het gebruik zijn we uitgegaan van fair use. Mocht u vragen/opmerkingen hebben, of constateert u een niet-werkende link, horen wij dit natuurlijk graag. Dit kan via onze helpdesk.


  • Het arrangement Thema Jobs - hv12 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2024-08-14 11:53:50

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding en publicatie onder dezelfde licentie vrij bent om:

    • het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
    • het werk te bewerken - te remixen, te veranderen en afgeleide werken te maken
    • voor alle doeleinden, inclusief commerciële doeleinden.

    Meer informatie over de CC Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie.

    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Dit thema valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor havo en vwo, leerjaar 1 en 2. Dit is thema 15 'Jobs'. Het thema omvat de volgende onderwerpen: Choosing between jobs, Changing jobs, Talking about jobs en Applying for a job. Grammatica gaat in dit thema over 'active and passive' en 'if and when'.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    9 uur en 30 minuten
    active/passive en if/when, applying for a job, arrangeerbaar, changing jobs, choosing between jobs, engels, hv12, jobs, stercollectie, talking about jobs

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    Oefeningen en toetsen

    Name of the job

    Jobs D-toets

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