The subject of this double period is the hospital.
Work together with three or four classmates.
Make a list of at least twelve English words that have to do with the hospital.
Write down a list of twelve English words that have to do with the hospital. Try to come up with the words yourself and not use a dictionary.
Behind each English word, write down the Dutch translation of the words. Again, avoid using a dictionary.
Work together with another group and check each other’s wordlist. Pay attention to the following:
Are the words spelled correctly?
Are the words translated correctly?
Find out what you already know.
Step 1
listening Day in the life of a registered nurse
You can understand a video about a registered nurse and answer questions about it.
Step 2
reading Hospital rules
You can understand a text about hospital rules and answer questions about it.
Step 3
You can understand and use the vocabulary about injuries and medical problems.
Step 4
grammar Much, many, few and little
You can understand and use much, many,few and little.
Step 5
speaking Arriving in the emergency room
You can explain what is going on when you arrive in the emergency room.
Step 6
writing An email
You can write an email about going to the hospital.
Step 7
Reflecting on what you have learnt.
Step 1 - Listening
Day in the life of a registered nurse
You are going to watch a video about a nurse’s workday.
Watch the video and do exercise 1.
Do exercise 2.
Step 2 - Reading
Hospital rules
You are going to read a text about hospital rules.
Work together with three or four classmates.
Read a text and do exercise 1 and 2.
Hospital house rules
Our hospital wants to provide a pleasant and safe environment for its patients, visitors and staff. That’s why we have drawn up some house rules.
Smoking is prohibited in this hospital. The only area in which smoking is permitted is in the smoking area opposite the mortuary on the ground floor and on De Orangerie terrace under the smoke umbrella and under the smoke umbrella outside at the front of the hospital, 30 metres to the left of the main entrance as you leave the building.
Use of mobile phone
In the hospital you can use your mobile phone, including the internet, but not everywhere in the building. Loud ring tones and alarms could be confused with alarms on medical equipment, and as mobile phones emit electromagnetic signals, they could also interfere with medical devices. Areas where mobile phones and tablets cannot be used are clearly marked. Ask a member of staff at the hospital if you are unsure where you can use your mobile phone.
In order to ensure the patients rest as much as possible, generally no more than two visitors per patient are allowed at one time. We expect everyone to behave with respect. Animals are not permitted inside the building. Cats, dogs and other animals can carry infectious diseases that can be a risk to the patients.
Shaking hands
When you enter our hospital or meet with our doctors and nurses we will great you with a smile. Shaking hands transmits micro-organisms like viruses. So, we don’t shake hands anymore and ask you do the same. The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us that this can be a risk for everyone’s health. By not shaking your hand we give viruses less chance to spread.
When visiting your loved ones in our hospital, please keep your voice down. A lot of patients share a room, so be respectful to the needs and privacy of the other patients. Even if your friend or family member has a room of their own, it is still important to keep the noise level to a minimum.
If the friend of family member you are visiting is well enough to do so, you can meet them in the friends and family room on their floor. Here you don’t have to mind your volume. There are also board games and puzzles available to pass the time and have some fun.
In Dutch we have one word to talk about a large amount (veel) and one word to talk about small amounts (weinig). Last school year you learnt about the English translation of ‘veel’: much and many. Do you remember how to use these words? Which one you use depends on the word that comes next.
He has much money.
I have many books.
The same is true for the English translation of ‘weinig’: little and few.
He has little money.
I have few books.
Study the explanation of much, many, little and few in the Kennisbank.
This about this question: When do you use little and when do you use few?
Het arrangement 13.3 - The hospital - hv12 is gemaakt met
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Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:
Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor havo en vwo, leerjaar 1 en 2. Dit is thema 13 'Health and welfare'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: The hospital. Deze les gaat over het ziekenhuis, de spoedeisende hulp, huisregels van het ziekenhuis, bezoek aan het ziekenhuis en er worden verschillende medische klachten besproken. In de grammaticaopdracht worden de woorden 'few' en 'little' besproken.
VWO 2;
VWO 1;
Leerinhoud en doelen
1 uur en 40 minuten
arrangeerbaar, engels, few and little, huisregels van het ziekenhuis, hv12, spoedeisende hulp, stercollectie, the hospital, ziekenhuis, ziekenhuisbezoek
13.3 - The hospital - hv12
2024-07-31 15:33:50
Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor havo en vwo, leerjaar 1 en 2. Dit is thema 13 'Health and welfare'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: The hospital. Deze les gaat over het ziekenhuis, de spoedeisende hulp, huisregels van het ziekenhuis, bezoek aan het ziekenhuis en er worden verschillende medische klachten besproken. In de grammaticaopdracht worden de woorden 'few' en 'little' besproken.
arrangeerbaar, engels, few and little, huisregels van het ziekenhuis, hv12, spoedeisende hulp, stercollectie, the hospital, ziekenhuis, ziekenhuisbezoek
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