1HAT - Life in Roman times

1HAT - Life in Roman times


Learning goals:

  • After completing this assignment you will understand more about 'life in the Roman Empire' during the Pax Romana.

               - different people in the Empire: you will learn about at least two different social groups of

               - culture in the Empire: you will learn at least three different features of Roman culture.

  • You will have developed your research skills a bit more. (answering research questions, searching for reliable information, writing in your own words, source annotation)
  • You will have developed your skills in working together with a classmate to achieve your goals and deadline.


Every time that you are not sure how to continue you will ask the teacher for help.


A) Who do you want to be in the Roman Empire?

Choose your character:

- Roman soldier












- Senator in Rome

BrickLink - Minifig col133 : Lego Roman Emperor - Minifigure only Entry  [Collectible Minifigures:Series 9 Minifigures] - BrickLink Reference Catalog

- Slave


B) Create your profile

Who are you?

In this section you will have to create a profile for your chosen character.

Go to Google Classroom and work in the document '1HAT - Meet the Romans - work-document'


Your profile consists out of the following elements:

- Pictures (Maximum three different pictures which make clear who you are.)

- Name

- Address

- Motto

- Hobbies

- Dream / ambitions


Even though your profile should historically be correct, that does not mean you can not make it funny!


C) Research

Your main goal is to make clear what the life of your character was like in Roman times. You do so by using at least three features of Roman culture. Therefor you will need to conduct some research.

First: Read/study the four questions beneath.

1. What is the job of your character? Explain in detail what tasks and responsibilities your character has.

2. Where in the Roman Empire does your character live? Explain why your character lives there and what life was like in that area of the Roman Empire.

3. What does your character do in his/her free time? Describe in detail what he/she would do in his/her free time and where.

4. What future plans / ambitions / dreams does your character have? Describe in detail.


Second: Search for information so that you can answer the questions 1 up until 4 (step 1).

- Use your book and online search engines to look up information you can use to answer the four research questions.

Tip: Use keywords. Look at who and when the website (source) is made. Don't use scholieren.com. And last, but not least: add 'history for kids' to your search engine. This will help you to find websites which are easier to read and understand.

- Use different sources and don't forget to note them down.

- Make sure that you discuss at least three different Roman cultural elements (e.g. architecture, food, clothing, art, traditions) in your answers to the research questions. Do you have doubts about what Roman culture is? Use your book for information or ask your teacher.


Third: Write the answers down in your OWN words. Don't forget to note down the sources you have used (for what part of your text.). The total of your answers should contain at least 400 words. Your answers should be based on facts, so your answers should be historically correct. Of course  you can use you imagination in creating your character's life. (It doesn't need to be a real person.)

- Tip: Use 'footnotes' or ask your teacher how to do this.


Fourth, and last: Read what you have written (typed). Did you use capital letters? Correct mistakes. Is it clear enough?



D) Output - choose which format you want to use

Use your research to create one of the following final products:

- Diary

- Movie (The life of ...)

- Vlog

- Cartoon

- Facebook (Fakebook) http://www.classtools.net/FB/home-page

Tip: if you have another idea for a final product, discuss this with your teacher.


1) What do you need before you can start? (camera, script, pictures, etc.)

2) When are you going to work on it? (goal = to reach the deadline) (make a realistic planning)

3) With whom are you going to work together?

4) Make sure that the written and/or spoken English is good. (Check your English)

5) Use your own creativity.


They see me Roman, they hatin' : HistoryMemes

E) Reflect

What did you learn?

Write a paragraph (about 100 words) about for example:


- What did you like about this assignment?

- What would you do different next time?

- Would you have liked it if you were that person in Roman times? Explain your answer.

- Can you compare your character to someone from our time? If yes, with whom?  If no, why is comparing difficult?



F) Check yourself

Here is a checklist.

Your document should contain the following parts before you hand it in using Google Classroom:

1. Profile

2. Research --> 4 questions and answers (in own English words) and sources

3. Workplan for your product (diary, movie, cartoon, facebook, or...)

4. Reflection


Check your use of English! Make sure the lay-out is clear and that the information is in the correct order.

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    2021-03-26 09:32:16

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Choose one of the Roman characters and get to know all about him or her.
    VWO 1;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Verspreiding van de Grieks-Romeinse cultuur en de confrontatie met de Germaanse cultuur; Grieks-Romeinse cultuur; Geschiedenis; De tijd van Grieken en Romeinen (3000 v C - 500 n C);

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    Heesbeen, Tessa. (2019).

    1AGT - Life in Roman times


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