American Politics

American Politics

The three branches of government

The first step in understanding how American politics work is knowing what the three branches of government are. The three branches of government are outlined in the constitution.
In the first assignment you will be working on discovering what the three branches of government are.

Three Branches of US Government

Assignment 1 Three branches of Government:

Create a poster of a powerpoint in which you show what the three branches are and what each of them does.


1a. Which French philosopher came up with the seperation of powers?

1b. Looking at the period of time in which this philosopher lived. Why did the philosopher come up with this idea?

US federal government
2a. Outline the three branches of Government.

2b. For each of the branches find a picture that shows what branche it is.

2c. Explain what the main tasks are for each branche.
2d. Explain how many people are elected to branche.

Checks and Balances

3a. Explain the principle of Checks and Balances.
3b. Which branche has most of the power?




American Political Parties

In this assignment, you will be working on figuring out which parties there are in the US.

Crash Course - American Political Parties

Assignment 2 American Political Parties

Create a mindmap in which you show the differences between the two main political parties.
Include the following:


1. Which two parties dominate the political spectrum?

2. What is their logo? Where does it come from?

3. What are the main issues for these parties?

4. What are the differences between the two (politically seen)?

5. List 4 famous presidents from each party.

6. In which states are these parties most popular and why?

7. Who are the current party leaders (Normally the president or the leaders of the Congres)?

8. Give a brief history of the rise of these parties.

9. Describe to which party you would belong to and give examples/reasons.

The European Union

Assignment 3

During this assignment you will be working on a comparison sheet between the EU and the USA.
Repeat assignment 1 but now do it for the EU.
Show in a mindmap how the trias politca affects the EU.


When you are done:

1. What are the similarities?

2. What are the differences?

3. Does the EU president have more or less power than the president of the USA?

4. Does the EU parliament have more or less power than the US Congres?

5. In your opinion what lacks in both governements?

Comparison EU/US

How does the EU funtion?

Political Parties EU

Assignment 4 Political parties EU

During this assignment, you will be looking at different political parties in the EU parliament.
Coming May there are going to be elections about seats in the EU parliament.
When you are eligible to vote, you can vote on Dutch parties.


Answer the following questions:

- Which Dutch political parties will be on the ballot coming elections?

- How many seats does the EU parliament have?

- How many seats does the Netherlands have in the EU at the moment?

- Which country has the most and which has the least?

- How do political parties in the EU work together? Include factions in your answer as well.

- To which faction do the VVD, PVV, PVDA, D66 and ChristenUnie belong to?



Political Parties EU

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    During this project you will learn more about how American government and politics work. It is important to understand how the system works, because it will help you understand how other democracies function.
    4 uur en 0 minuten


    Bron Type
    Three Branches of US Government
    Crash Course - American Political Parties
    Comparison EU/US
    How does the EU funtion?
    Political Parties EU
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