Before you scroll down and read the text, watch this video for the explanation of the present continuous and answer the questions below.
Extra uitleg present continuous
Herhaling uitleg present continuous
Hier nog eens de hehaling van de regels van de present continuous.
De present continuous gebruik je wanneer je vertelt dat er iets op dit moment gebeurt.
Deze tijd wordt gevormd door een vorm van to be + het hele werkwoord + ing.
Vorm van to be + hele ww + ing
I am play ing
You are play ing
He is play ing
She is play ing
It is play ing
You are play ing
We are play ing
They are play ing
Er zijn nog een aantal uitzonderingen bij de present continuous. Eén daarvan is wanneer het werkwoord op een -e eindigt, dan valt de -e in de present continuous vorm weg. Een voorbeeld hiervan is het werkwoord 'give'.
Vorm van to be + ww - e + ing
I am giv ing
You are giv ing
He is giv ing
She is giv ing
It is giv ing
You are giv ing
We are giv ing
They are giv ing
De tweede uitzondering is bij werkwoorden van 1 lettergreep en eindigend op een klinker(a,e,i,o,u) gevolgd door een medeklinker. Een voorbeeld hiervan is het werkwoord 'swim'.
Vorm van to be + hele ww + extra medeklinker + ing
I am swimm ing
You are swimm ing
He is swimm ing
She is swimm ing
It is swimm ing
You are swimm ing
We are swimm ing
They are swimm ing
De laatste uitzondering komt ook het minste voor. Wanneer een werkwoord eindigt op de letter -c, komt er een -k bij in de present continuous vorm. Een voorbeeld hiervan is het werkwoord 'panic'.
Vorm van to be + hele ww + k + ing
I am panick ing
You are panick ing
He is panick ing
She is panick ing
It is panick ing
You are panick ing
We are panick ing
They are panick ing
Exercise 1: fill in
Exercise 1
Now you've seen the kennisclip, you can practice with the present continuous.
Exercise 2: fill in
Exercise 2
The next exercise is a little bit harder. Try to think about the rules.
Results exercise 1 and 2
Exercise 1: 8 or more correct?
Exericse 2: 5 or more correct?
Then you can skip exercise 2.1 and move on to exercise 3.
Exercise 2.1
Oefening: Present continuous
This is an exercise to practice some more with the present continuous and to make sure you fully understand the structure of the present continuous.
Fill in the correct form of the present continuous.
You can now go further with the next step: making your own sentences.
In the exercise below, you see eight pictures. Make correct sentences using the present continuous.
Example: He is waiting for the bus.
Exercise 3
Exercise 4: Describe an action
Now write your own story using the present continuous. Describe an everyday action.
Example: Action: sewing a button to a jacket.
Firstly, I am choosing a thread that matches the jacket.
Then I am putting the thread through of the needle.
Next, I am stiching eight times times through the little holes of the button.
After that, I am checking whether it is firmly attached to the jacket.
Lastly, I am cutting the thread.
Requirements of the exercise:
Use the present continuous
Minimal five sentences.
Don't use the example action
The exam
This test is about everything you've learned today. Good luck!
The end
By filling in the test, you know whether you understand the present continuous. If you have 9 or more correct, you passed!
Otherwise, don't worry! Try to practice some more by doing these exercises again.
I hope you enjoyed working with wikiwijs.
Let's see if we reached the aims of today.
By now you are able to:
Know when to use the present continuous and how it is made.
Make sentences using the present continuous to describe what someone is doing at the moment.
Max Pixel . 2016. 20 januari 2019.
Beard, Rosemary, et al. Stepping Stones. Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers, 2013.
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Gianna Koehl
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2019-02-04 19:40:49
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Oefeningen en toetsen
Present continuous
IMSCC package
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