WEBQUEST: The Commonwealth

WEBQUEST: The Commonwealth


This lesson you will learn something about the Commonwealth.  The Commonwealth as we know it today, consists of many countries which were previously colonies of the British Empire. Over the course of the 20th century, many colonies were given their independence. These countries formed an association and became The Commonwealth. There are 52 member states in the Commonwealth, with approximately 2.4 billion inhabitants. A remnant of the colonial origins, the Head of the Commonwealth is King Charles III, King of the United Kingdom.

In The Commonwealth every race is represented, due to the fact that the British Empire stretched across the whole globe. Hundreds of languages are spoken, and all major religions are practised.

Yet they have many things in common. To start with, in most of these countries English is spoken alongside other languages. They are all equal and have the desire to improve people’s lives. They all have a form of democracy and they have a similar legal and educational system.


Find out which countries belong to the Commonwealth by looking here:



Then choose one of the countries to find out the following:

  1. When did your country join the Commonwealth? Find the answer here:
  2. What languages are spoken in your country?
  3. Using the following resources, write a brief history of your country. Why do you think English is spoken in your country? Why do you think your country joined the Commonwealth?


Present your country to your teacher (in a vlog) speaking for about 3-5 minutes, remembering to include the following:

1.      When your country joined the Commonwealth

2.      What languages are spoken in your country

3.      A brief history of your country

4.      Say why your country is a member of the Commonwealth and why English is spoken there.


You will be assessed on 4 points:

1.      Your English

2.      Your Powerpoint (you may include a short clip, but does not count for your speaking time)

3.      Your presentation skills

4.      The information you give.

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    2022-10-06 12:44:42

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    Auteur oorsponkelijk materiaal: Esther Groot (Don Bosco College). Bewerkt door Dick Kwakman (Don Bosco College)

    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Learn about the Commonwealth.
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