Facts and stories about the UK

Facts and stories about the UK


Dear students,

In today's class, you will meet many figures, from the famous nessie to the very first king of England.

This lesson will be different from all other lessons. Instead of teaching you grammar, you will learn about the United Kingdom. At the end of this lesson, you will not just know the story of the six beheaded wives of a former king, but you will also be able to answer some questions about some of the legends and the monarchy of the UK.

All of these subjects will be explained throughout this wikiwijs page. You will first receive the information on all of the subjects, so pay close attention! When you received all information, there will be some exercises to practice applying your newly found knowledge. At the end of these exercises, there will be a final test to test both your knowledge and your creativity!


(YES, this is indeed the first mythical creature you encounter in this presentation!)

What is the English monarchy?

The UK has known many different monarchs. However, the English monarchy is quite a unique monarchy. The UK might have a king and queen, but their power is limited. The main activities of the monarch and head of the state are official, ceremonial, diplomatic and representational. The current monarch of the United Kindom is Elizabeth II. She is the longest reigning monarch, having reigned for almost 67 years already. The succesor and heir apparent for the throne is Elizabeth's firstborn son, the 70 years old prince Charles, prince of Wales.

Elizabeth II

The past and current monarchs

Many, many kings and queens

Fun facts









Myths and legends


The past and current monarchs assignment

Alrighty, let's start making some assignments! For this assignment, you need to create a post on the padlet wall. In this post, you will describe a minimun of 3 things you would change if you were to rule the United Kingdom. Use 100 - 150 words.


Gemaakt met Padlet


Myths and legends assignment

Alright, let's start with the assignment! You will make a post on the wall of investigations. Think of a catchy title and write about your ideal trip to the UK to investigate the sites of the myths and legends. Make sure that your trip is clear and attractive to other people as well, because it is a contest! Your story may contain a maximun of 150 words. I made a very short example of what is expected of you.

After you've written out your trip, read the other trips on the wall and vote for the one that you like best. Do note: you cannot vote on your own trip and you may only vote once. The student who wrote the post with the most votes will get to pick the homework assignment from a list of homework assignments that all others have to do before the next class. The winner will not have to do the homework, so write like you've never written before!


May the odds be ever in your favor



Gemaakt met Padlet







Gemaakt met Padlet


Already finished the other assignments? Then it's time to test your knowledge. Try to make the following test, and see if you really did pay close attention...


Good luck!


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    today we will be discussing certain interesting facts and some interesting stories about the UK
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