Around here, you will find all the tips and tricks you will need to get that A+ mark on your final exam. This site is useful for any high school student who is in their final year.
Take a look around and make sure you read and do everything.
To start off, please watch the video below :)
To avoid being like Tim
Simply follow all the steps on this website
And you'll be fine!
To go to the next page, click there ↘
Why reading?
Not only will reading be the biggest part of your final exam, it also makes you smarter, more thoughtful and more creative. Reading basically gives you superpowers:
Some of you might not have come here to get superpowers. No problem, I still want to help you to get better at reading.
If you want to see how I can help, go to the next page by clicking right there ↘
This website will not give you boring information about reading texts, but helpful information on how to approach a text the best way. Stick with us for the rest of the pages and make yourself a pro-reader! You will learn several things:
- Reading strategies
- Recognise trustworthiness of the text
- Vocabulary hints
You will get to know many things about reading through reading, doing little tests and scanning through interactive areas online. Sit back, get a drink, and let yourself dive into the great world of reading!
To summarise, at the end of this digital lesson, you:
- Know how to regocnise the reliablility of a text
- Know how to approach a new text
- Know what to do when you see a word you don't understand
- Learned that reading from paper is better than from a screen
Have fun! :)
The lesson
Welcome to the first lesson! The coming few slides will give you great information on how to approach a reading text the smartest way. Have a read and test yourself afterwards. Good luck and have fun!
Fake news: one of the hottest topics of the moment.
How do you test the reliability of a text? How can you check if a specialist has written the article or text? Well, that is fairly easy!
- A trustworthy text always mentions the author's name. Just web-search the name of the author and find out if their job is related to the subject of the text. If he/she is a specialist, you're reading a good text! If the writer is not a specialist, please do not take everything written as the truth.
- Find out where the text is from. A reliable website, a well-known magazine or just a random site that looks like it has been made by a 4 year old? Bad sources often mean bad texts, so be careful!
- Date of publishment: have a look at the date of the publishment of the text. Old texts may provide old information. Don't take everything in there for granted! Check if the given information is still relevant.
Get to know the text
Before reading, there are several things you could do to make the process of reading easier. Watch the video below to know what to do.
You see a word you haven't heard of before. Oh no! What do you do now?
No worries, there are several ways to try and find out what the word means.
Take it out of the context. It's often just a single word you won't understand, not the entire sentence. Try to translate or understand the rest of the sentence. If you get everything but that one little word you haven't heard of before, it's often possible to get it out of the sentence.
For example: You don't know the word egg in the sentence The little chicken was born out of the egg after 27 days. You know that a little chicken was born. Chickens come out of....... those round hard things, EGGS!
Some English words look like Dutch words so try and figure it out that way.
For example: You don't know the word supermarket in the sentence The family bought bread, tomatoes and cheese at the supermarket. The English word supermarket looks like the Dutch word supermarkt. Easy, right? :)
Not if you're reading a text from a web page or e-book. According to research from O'Hara and Sellen (1997), reading online makes you remember the text less well, compared to reading the same text on paper.
And still you're here, learning from a digital text...
Luckily, we've got you covered anyway. You can't play videos from a paper, or do interactive tests.
Please watch the video below for even more helpful information about reading!
Het arrangement Information about reading is gemaakt met
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