English history

English history




Hi all,


Welcome to the History Of England!
In this lesson we are going to learn about the history and events that took place before the England formed as a country and the events that took place that formed the England of today.


Who are the British? Why are they Great? Which people eventually formed the Englishmen we know today? These will be a couple of the questions you will know at the end of this course. Be prepared to learn a lot because England was not built in one day. There is a big history behind this nation and this course will help you understand the most things we still see today.

All the wars, horrors and changes that took place almost two-thousand years ago formed this big and (once) powerful nation. Are you ready to go back in time?  

Follow these steps and you will get there!

Step 1. Read the "Leerdoelen"
Step 2. Take the Entree test
Step 3. Read the heads
Step 4. Answer the questions
Step 5. Finish the TEST



Deze doelen zijn bedoeld als "checklist" voor jou. Als het goed is moet je aan het einde van de les:

1. Weten wat het verschil is tussen de landen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk (United Kingdom)

2. Weten welke rijk het eerst Groot-Britanie aan heeft gevallen

3. Weten wat de Romeinen hebben achtergelaten in Britanie

4. Wie de Anglo-Saxons zijn + wat ze hebben nagelaten

5. Wie de "Normans" zijn en wat ze hebben gedaan

6. Waarom de koninklijke familie een "nieuw" geloof ging volgen

Entree toets

Welcome student,

This test is to check if you have the basic knowledge to start this course.
Most of the questions are general knowledge and not something you've learned from me.

You'll have to answer 4 questions to continue to start this course

Toets: Intro toets


Great Britain & Ireland



This lesson will be about Great Britain. But what is Britain? And why is it Great? What are the countries that are in Great Britain? What is the United Kingdom? What's the difference between these two?

These are questions we are going to answer at the end of this chapter. So at the end of this chapter you will know the answer to these question.


Almost 2000 years ago the Romans settled in Britain and named the South of Britain, Britannia. They also had a different name for Scotland (Caledonia) for Wales (Cambria) and for Ireland (Hibernia). Of course a lot has changed after the Romans, but that's something for the next chapter.

Great Britain is an island, not far from us. On that island there are 3 countries. Scotland, England and Wales. And next to that island there is Ireland. One island with 2 countries: Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.


1. on the left Ireland and on the right Great Britain

If you look at picture 1., you can see two islands. One is Ireland and the other Great Britain. Britain was called Great because there was also a place called Britagne in France. So for people to tell the difference they called it Great Britain (the island). Ireland was one country till they started a religious conflict and decided to seperate from the Republic of Ireland. They started a new country called Northern Ireland and joined the Kingdom of Britain and thus formed the United Kingdom

So in short,

Great Britain = England, Scotland and Wales

United Kingdom  = England + Scotland + Wales + Northern Ireland

Ireland = Republic of Ireland + Northern Ireland


                                                   2.Each country has his own flag, colour and symbol


As you see, Every country has his own sybol and flag. England's symbol is the rose and the flag is called the Saint George's Cross. Scotland's symbol is the thistle and the flag is called the Saint Andrew's Cross. Wales' symbol is the leek/daffodil and their flag is called the  Dragon of Cadwallader. The Irish flag is called the Saint Patrick's Cross and their national symbol is the shamrock.


This lesson will be about Great Britain. But what is Britain? And why is it Great? What are the countries that are in Great Britain? What is the United Kingdom? What's the difference between these two?

These are questions we are going to answer at the end of this chapter. So at the end of this chapter you will know the answer to these question.


Almost 2000 years ago the Romans settled in Britain and named the South of Britain, Britannia. They also had a different name for Scotland (Caledonia) for Wales (Cambria) and for Ireland (Hibernia). Of course a lot has changed after the Romans, but that's something for the next chapter.

Great Britain is an island, not far from us. On that island there are 3 countries. Scotland, England and Wales. And next to that island there is Ireland. One island with 2 countries: Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.


1. on the left Ireland and on the right Great Britain

If you look at picture 1., you can see two islands. One is Ireland and the other Great Britain. Britain was called Great because there was also a place called Britagne in France. So for people to tell the difference they called it Great Britain (the island). Ireland was one country till they started a religious conflict and decided to seperate from the Republic of Ireland. They started a new country called Northern Ireland and joined the Kingdom of Britain and thus formed the United Kingdom

So in short,

Great Britain = England, Scotland and Wales

United Kingdom  = England + Scotland + Wales + Northern Ireland

Ireland = Republic of Ireland + Northern Ireland


                                                   2.Each country has his own flag, colour and symbol


As you see, Every country has his own sybol and flag. England's symbol is the rose and the flag is called the Saint George's Cross. Scotland's symbol is the thistle and the flag is called the Saint Andrew's Cross. Wales' symbol is the leek/daffodil and their flag is called the  Dragon of Cadwallader. The Irish flag is called the Saint Patrick's Cross and their national symbol is the shamrock.




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Kahoot! Britain exercise

History of England

Welcome students,

Today we are going to learn about the history of Britain.
Lots of events happened till today. Why did this happen? How did this happen?

We're going to learn a lot today so prepare yourself!

Invasion of Britain by Julius Ceaser (26th / 31st August 55BC)

It was 55 B.C., Julius Caesar and his army stepped foot on, what is now known as, England.
The first invasion, in late summer, was unsuccessful. Julius Caesar crossed the Channel with a force of around 10,000 soldiers. They landed on the beach at Deal and were met by a force of Britons. The Romans eventually took the beach and waited for cavalry back up to arrive from France. However, a storm prevented the back up force from reaching Britain and Caesar had to withdraw, gaining the Romans little else besides a beachhead on the coast of Kent. The second invasion achieved more: the Romans installed a king,Mandubracius. You can't find much back from the Roman occupation of England besides the Hadrian's Wall and a couple of Roman baths.

Hadrians Wall

   Hadrian's Wall was a wall 80 miles long to separate the Romans from the barbarians

The second attempt (July / Sept 54BC)

Julius Caesar crossed the Channel with a force of around 27,000 infantry and cavalry. They landed again at Deal and were unopposed – the Britons had retreated to higher ground. The Romans marched inland and met a large force of Britons led by Cassivellaunus north of the River Thames. After a hard battle the Romans defeated the Britons and some tribal leaders surrendered to the Romans. Cassivellanus ordered crops to be burned and made guerrilla attacks on Roman forces.  But the Romans were too strong and Cassivellanus was forced to surrender. In September Caesar was forced to return to Gaul (France) to deal with problems there and the Romans left Britain.

The Romans leave Britain (410 AD)

To clarify, the ‘Romans’ didn’t leave Britain.

With Rome fighting civil wars and then invasions from the Visigoths (including the siege of Rome itself), troops were removed from Britain and never really returned. It was not an over night process, but a series of events over a course of a number of Emperors.

All Romans had been recalled to Rome and the Emperor Honorious told the people of Britain that they no longer had a connection to Rome and that they should defend themselves.

The Germanic invasion (410-1066)

After the Romans left, a number of tribes (stammen) from Europe invaded and settled in large numbers.
Two of these tribes were the Angles and the Saxons (German). These Anglo-Saxons soon invaded the south-east part of the country. They also tried to attack an invade the west, but their attempt was stopped by the legendary King Arthur. However, years later their way of life started to dominate in almost all of Britain.

The Anglo-Saxons didn't like big towns or cities. They were more effective on the countryside where they build self-sufficient villages, which formed the basis of English society for the next thousand or so years.


Britain experienced another wave of Germanic invasion in the 8th century. These Germanic invader were known as the Vikings and are from Scandinavia. They settled at the coast of Scotland and Ireland. Their conquest was stopped by King Alfred of the Saxon. Because of that loss, they could only settle at the coast or Scotland.

However, the cultural differences were so small between the Anglo-Saxons and the Danes that, at the end of the 8th century, they decided to join power and so united a kingdom with a Germanic culture. As a resul, the name England is used for the first time in 973! The name refers to the Anglos.

The invasion of the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings

The Norman Invasion (1066-1458)

The Norman invasion!

The most famous date in English history is the 14th of October in 1066. On that day the Norman Duke William the Conqueror (Willem de Veroveraar) defeated the English King Harold at the Battle of Hastings. It will be remembered as the last succesful invasion of England.

Unlike the Germanic invasion, the number of invasions were small. Norman soldiers who had invaded land were given ownership of the land and the people living on it became their peasents. This formed the feudal system.(as illustrated bellow)

The feudal system

King William finished a book in 1086 he called the Domesday Book. In that book he had a very detailed record of all the people and their possessions in his kingdom. The system of strong government, which was introduced by King William, made the Anglo-Norman kingdom the absolute power in Britain and Ireland.

Also, it was in this period that the democratic body of our society was being created. The word Parliament comes from the French word 'parler' which means to speak. 



Test yourself (Norman invasion)

King Henry the 8th (1509-1547)

Maybe the most well-known and controversial king England ever had was King Henry the 8th
He ruled over England from 1509 till 1547.

1. King Henry the 8th

Henry was a bad tempered,(but very intelligent) King and really wanted a son. His first wife gave him a daughter and that was for him a reason for a divorce. The Catholic Church didn't give him permission to divorce his wife. This upset him and he called out his own church called the Anglican Church and put himself as the head of the church. After that he divorced his wife and married another woman. She also couldn't give him a son so he divorced her as well. His 3rd marriage was a "succes" and gave him a son. His wife died "mysteriously" right after she gave birth. Henry the 8th married 6 times in his life. His daughters Mary & Elizabeth later became the queens of England.


2. Queen Mary I


3. Queen Elizabeth I




Test your knowledge!

Oefening: The History of Britain


The test!

The test!!




James O\'Driscoll ISBN:9780194306447











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    Ceaser landed in England in 55 BC. for the first time. His army came for the second time, in 45 AD. and stayed there till 410 AD. There are (almost) no remains left of the Romans ruling in England except for the Haydrian's Wall and the Roman bath-houses in England.

    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Dit hoofdstuk gaat over de geschiedenis van de taal dat we gaan leren. Waar komen de Engelsen vandaan? Hoe is het taal veranderd in de loop van de jaren? Hoe is Engeland zo een sterk en machtig koninkrijk geworden? Daar gaan we het dit hoofdstuk over hebben!
    VWO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engels; Lezen; Lezen om informatie op te doen; Opleiding; Luisteren en kijken; Geschiedenis; Oriënterend lezen;
    1 uur en 0 minuten


    Bron Type
    Kahoot! Britain exercise
    The invasion of the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings
    The Norman invasion!
    The test!!