1HAT - history - Ancient Greece

1HAT - history - Ancient Greece


Dear 1HAT classes,

Today we start with a multimedia assignment about democracy.
This assignment will guide you through your learning process in five steps.
In each step we ask something different of you.

  1. The first step wants you to practise your knowledge about ancient Greece and its geography.
  2. The second step asks you to practise topic related vocabulary: practise, practise, practise!
  3. The third step is an important step which might be more of a challenge. Here you will learn more about how the Athenian democracy worked. You will watch a video and answer a few questions about this video. Make sure you write all the important information that you have gathered, down in your notebook!
  4. The fourth step asks of you to first summarize and organise all the gathered information in the form of a list of features. In this list you discuss the features of Athenian democracy. Secondly, we ask of you to gather information about democracy in the Netherlands nowadays. Can you describe the differences and similarities compared to the ancient Athenian democracy?
  5. The fifth step wants you to visualise everything that you have learned. In pairs you are going to create a video which discusses the differences and similarities between both democracies. You will present this video to your class and teacher.

Your teacher will grade your work, commitment and video. All of it, ofcourse done in English!

Have fun and good luck!

Step 1: Map of ancient Greece

Step 1 tests your knowledge about the geography of ancient Greece and ancient Greek city-states.
Some facts are already discussed during your history lesson(s).

Read the instructions carefully before you start the assignments.

Good luck!

Oefening:Geographical build-up of ancient Greece

Oefening:Ancient Greece's geography

Oefening:Lay-out of ancient Greek city-states

Step 2: Subject related vocabulary

Study the subject related vocabulary by using Memrise.

Click on the correct link to join your class in Memrise.

1HAT1 Memrise

1HAT2 - Memrise

Check with your teacher, before you continue with the next step of this assignment.




Step 3: Athenian democracy

Have you all studied the vocabulary? Only then you will be ready for the next learning activity.

Please watch the clip about Athenian democracy in ancient Greece. (until 3.41 min).


Make notes about the important information in this videoclip.

  • When you are finished watching the clip, check your understanding by answering the questions in the multiple choice test below. (copy this information in your notebook)


Video assignment - Athenian democracy

Toets:Questions about video "ancient Greek democracy"

Step 4: Research

Now that you have learned about ancient Athenian democracy, you need to make sure that you create an overview of the most important features of ancient Athenian democracy.
Organize the information of step 3, in case you haven't already done this.
Now you need to conduct some research about today's democracy in The Netherlands.
Use the features of the ancient Athenian democracy and see if you can discover how this works in the Dutch democracy nowadays. Make sure that you also list these features in your notebook. Google search tips: keywords: Dutch democracy, Dutch government, for kids.
You should have created an overview in your notebook of features of both the ancient Athenian democracy and the Dutch democracy nowadays. You will be able to explain at least one difference and one similarity between both democracies.
What democracy do you like best and for what reason? Write this down in your notebook as well.


Step 5: Democracy video assignment

Now you are going to process all the information that you have gathered online and in your notebook about the ancient Athenian democracy and the Dutch democracy of nowadays.

You will create an informative video in which you compare the democracy in ancient Athens to democracy nowadays in the Netherlands. In this video you will show and discuss differences and similarities between these two democracies. Which one do you prefer and why?


  • You work together in pairs, so you will work together with a classmate (Your teacher divide the class into pairs);
  • Together you will create a video (max. 3 min) in which you discuss at least one difference and one similarity between ancient Athenian democracy and the Dutch democracy of nowadays. End with a conclusion. Which democracy do you prefer and why? We recommend using the iMovie application;
  • Both of you, in an equal amount of speaking time (50/50), will have to explain (talk) these differences and similarities using voice-over. TIP: Make sure you both use script (text you are going to record) before recording your explanation;
  • In your video you have to use topic related pictures/drawings/photos to support your explanation (voice-over);

Hand in your video in Google Classroom before the set date (deadline = see your online agenda).
You will have to show/present your video to the rest of the class and your teacher.