English TL+ 2019

English TL+ 2019

Outdoor Experience

Week 1 - lesson 1

To make sure your reading skill is getting better, you will start with a new concept. This is called Sci Learn; where you can read, talk and check yourself and your teacher can check you as well.

For today, you will start with the pretest.


School: CSV Veenendaal
Username: laatste vier nummers van je studentnummer (*****7440)
Password: laatste vier nummers van je leerlingnummer + geboortedatum (*****74400105)

Sci Learn

Week 1 - lesson 2


Writing assignment:

Look at the website below and write an email to the organiser of Rat Race Adventure Scotland.


Insert the following bulletpoints:

  • Vertel dat je jezelf graag wilt aanmelden.
  • Vertel dat je goed kunt rennen, maar geen spullen hebt voor kanoen en mountainbiken en of je dit van tevoren kunt krijgen.
  • Vraag of er genoeg eet- en drinkposten zijn.
  • Geef je mening over het rennen voor het goede doel.
  • Vraag of supporters welkom zijn en overal goed bij kunnen komen.


Week 2 - lesson 3.1

Sci Learn

1. Choose a new book
2. Do step 1, 2 and 3


Sci Learn

Week 2 - lesson 3.2

Vocab A


Outdoor Experience A

Week 2 - lesson 4

Grammar A: prepositions

Watch the video to gain more information. You can do the exercises online the make sure you understand which preposition to use when.

Meestergijs slide 1

Meestergijs slide 2

Week 3 - lesson 5.1

Sci Learn

Week 3 - lesson 5.2

Vocab B

Outdoor Experience B

Week 3 - lesson 6

Grammar B: when to use a or an? And what about the plural forms? First, watch the video. Then you can do the exercises.

Meestergijs video 1

Meestergijs slide 1

Plural exercises

Meestergijs video 2

a/ an exercises

Week 4 - lesson 7

Salomon tv

Write a review about the video. Give your opinion and name a positive and negative point.

Week 4 - lesson 8

Vocab and grammar text (40 minutes)

Vocab A and B
Grammar A and B

Week 5 - lesson 9

Preparation PTA reading test

Make sure you practise your reading skills and follow the steps:

Step 1: look at the title and pictures

Step 2: read the first question

Step 3: read the text/ first paragraph

Step 4: delete two answers and find the right answer in the text.

Step 5: answer the question

Week 5 - lesson 10

Preparation PTA writing test

To prepare yourself well, make sure you know how to write a review. A review is when you give your opinion about something. During this test, you will review your own magazine.


Opdracht 'Outdoor Experience'



During this period of time, you will introduce your outdoor experience to the people back in Canada. The main goal for this experience is that Canadians are able to compete here in Veenendaal. To make sure it is an interesting journey, you will individually create a Jilster magazine (www.jilster.nl) or a flyer (Publisher 2016) for them. You can use the information from the website below.


The information is divided in different topics:

  1. Route: create a map
  2. Trip: where do you stay? Flight information.
  3. Program: create a three days’ stay
  4. Price: tickets, hotel, food, etc.
  5. Information: what can they expect every day?
  6. Extra

Meestergijf Slide 2

Coast to coast

Health and care

Week 1 - lesson 1

To make sure your reading skill is getting better, you will start with a new concept. This is called Sci Learn; where you can read, talk and check yourself and your teacher can check you as well.

For today, you will start with the pretest.


School: CSV Veenendaal
Username: laatste vier nummers van je studentnummer (*****7440)
Password: laatste vier nummers van je leerlingnummer + geboortedatum (*****74402606)

Sci Learn

Week 1 - lesson 2.1

Part 1.1:

Part 1.2:

Part 1.3:

Part 1.4:

Part 1.5:

Part 1.6:

Part 1.7:

Part 1.8:

Part 1.9:

Part 2.0:

Part 2.1:

Week 1 - lesson 2.2

Create your own mindmap about the NHS (National Health Service).

Make sure you know what it is and what the problems are. Write at least 20 words around the word NHS.

Use the following link to create a mindmap

Week 2 - lesson 3

Vocab A

Vocabulary A

Week 2 - lesson 4

Grammar A: prepositions

Watch the video to gain more information. You can do the exercises online the make sure you understand which preposition to use when.

Meestergijs Slide 1

Meestergijs Slide 2

Week 3 - lesson 5.1

Vocab B

Vocabulary B

Week 3 - lesson 6

Grammar B: when to use a or an? And what about the plural forms?

Meestergijs video 1

Meestergijs slide 1

Plural exercises

Meestergijs video 2

a/ an exercises

Week 4 - lesson 7

Week 4 - lesson 8

Week 5 - lesson 9

Week 5 - lesson 10

Opdracht 'Health and Innovation'

PTA test. Letter to Daniel Blake

During your PTA test you have to read and do a writing test. The writing test is about a letter to Daniel Blake, the main character of the movie you will watch the following weeks.

Our future home

Dear students,

As you might know, you will start this period with creating your own sustainable home. During the English lessons, you will learn more about technology, innovation and durability. In the end you will design your own future home. Furthermore, you will create your own TED talk which will be your speaking assignment.


Learning goals


During this new theme, you will learn a few new things. The most important competence you will develop, is presenting a topic.


Learning goals this week:

  1. You can listen to a TED talk and answer the questions about the content.
  2. You can talk English in front of other people without answering any questions.


Week 1

This week has the following learning goals:

1. Start developing your reading skill with Sci Learn. It helps you improve your reading level and is easy to check.
2. You will hear different videos about technology and sustainability. You understand those videos and can do the assignments.

Week 1 - lesson 1.1

To make sure your reading skill is getting better, you will start with a new concept. This is called Sci Learn; where you can read, talk and check yourself and your teacher can check you as well.

For today, you will start with the pretest.


School: CSV Veenendaal
Username: laatste vier nummers van je studentnummer (*****7440)
Password: laatste vier nummers van je leerlingnummer + geboortedatum (*****74402606)

Sci Learn

Week 1 - lesson 1.2

Watch the following TED video. Recap the information you have just heard and talk about it with someone else.

Talk about:
- What do you find interesting?
- What could you use in your own design?
- Which information is new?
- How could you design technology in your future home for people with low incomes?

TED video 1: Technology

Week 1 - lesson 2.1

Watch the following video about Sustainable Home. 

Sustainable home

Week 1 - lesson 2.2

Write an email to your friend about the video you have seen. Make sure you use the right lay out of an email and the right grammar. Add all the following bullet points to your mail.

  • Start your email with a short introduction. How are you and why you're writing this email.
  • Tell him/her about the new theme
  • Tell him/her you saw an interesting video about technology (recap the video)
  • Give your opinion
  • Tell the inspiration you got from this video


Hand in your email online

Lay out email
Lay out email

Week 2

This week has the following learning goals:

1. Start developing your reading skill with Sci Learn. It helps you improve your reading level and is easy to check.
2. You will know the difference between the past simple and present perfect

Week 2 - lesson 3.1

Start your Sci Learn after you have done the pretest.

Sci Learn

Week 2 - lesson 3.2

You will vocab A during leerhuis. Make sure you:

- Write the list in your notebook
- Practise with Quizlet

Future Home A

Week 2 - lesson 4

Grammar A: prepositions

Watch the video to gain more information. You can do the exercises online the make sure you understand which preposition to use when.

Week 3

This week has the following learning goals:

1. Start developing your reading skill with Sci Learn. It helps you improve your reading level and is easy to check.
2. You will know when to use the demonstrative and relative pronouns.

Week 3 - lesson 5.1

Start your Sci Learn during class

Sci Learn

Week 3 - lesson 5.2

Voor het thema Future Home presenteren jullie de nieuwe ideeën voor het huis. Het is de bedoeling dat je per persoon 1.5 minuut aan het woord bent.

In het Engels vertel je over jullie ideeën met een PowerPoint. Let op dat je geen hele teksten in een slide zet, maar maximaal 3 steekwoorden. De PowerPoint leveren jullie hier in.

Groep 1: vertelt over hoe het huis in elkaar zit.
Groep 2: vertelt over innovatieve ideeën


Tweetallen - minimaal 3 minuten presenteren (één gekozen onderwerp)
Drietallen - minimaal 4.5 minuten presenteren (beide onderwerpen)


Docent techniek beoordeelt inhoud.
Docent Engels beoordeelt het gebruik van Engelse taal.

Week 3 - lesson 6

Presentations TED talk


Week 4 - lesson 7.1

Start your Sci Learn during class.


If there are any questions about the grammar, you can ask them today.

Sci Learn

Week 4 - lesson 7.2

You will vocab B during leerhuis. Make sure you:

- Write the list in your notebook
- Practise with Quizlet

Future Home B

Week 4 - lesson 8

Grammar B

Week 5

Prepare yourself for the test.

Test vocab and grammar

- Learn vocab A and B
- Learn grammar A and B

Opdracht 'Huis van de Toekomst'

Our future home - TED talk (speaking exam II)


At the end of this theme, you will have to do a TED talk. As an individual, you will talk about a topic that has something to do with ‘Our Future Home’. As an introduction, you have watched several talks about Artificial Intelligence, technology and a sustainable home. During the project, you have designed a future home yourself. In this show, you will present your future home and talk about topics like the ones you saw.


Where: collegezaal
How long: 3-5 minutes
What to use: PowerPoint or Prezi
When: week 5, during English class