H4 Opzet Wikiwijs English skills 2018-2019 H4_2 - shayla

H4 Opzet Wikiwijs English skills 2018-2019 H4_2 - shayla

General information on your files

Listening file

Assignment: reading & literature files

A language is most easily and efficiently learnt when you are submerged by it: when you hear and read a lot of English, the language will become easier and easier for you to understand and to use. This is why we ask you to read and listen to English texts at home, and to report on your experiences. Aside from this, we ask you to apply the literary theory that you've learnt in Dutch class to the English books you've read.

To help you fulfill this requirement, your teacher will ask you to make your own Wikiwijs Arrangement and to keep your teacher updated on your progress. Your teacher will set deadlines during your 4th year for you to copy your reports to Wikiwijs. This way, you won't lose your reports and your teacher can give you feedback on your work.  


Literature file

To be able to participate in the SET Speaking, you are required to have read at least 4 English novels. You will have to hand in your literature file, consisting of 4 reports, two weeks before the SET is scheduled (in Havo 5). This means that it is imperative that you keep your reports safe, and that you won't lose them. When you pick a book, discuss with your teacher whether it is an appropriate book: it has to be of a certain level. The books have to be at least 120 pages long.

After having read a book, write a book report according to the format below and copy it to Wikiwijs. A literature report should be at least 2 pages long and can be written in both English and Dutch.

Literatuur verslag

A.   Relevante informatie


1.    Titel

2.    Schrijver

3.    Editie

4.    Aantal pagina’s

5.    Thema(‘s)

6.    Perspectief

7.    Plaats

8.    Tijd

A.   Samenvatting & korte beschrijving personages

B.   Uitgebreide eigen mening

For the SET Listening you are required to make at least 8 listening reports, without which you won't be allowed to participate in the SET Listening. Two weeks before this SET is scheduled, you have to hand in your listening file.

To make a listening report you watch an English programme, for example on the BBC, or on the internet. Make sure that there are no Dutch subtitles, only English subtitles are allowed. During your watching, you take notes of keywords that you hear. You put these on your listening report. When you’re done, you write a short summary (in English) of the programme you’ve watched. Don´t forget to give your opinion. You will find a format for your listening report below, please note that it should be written in English and that it should be one page long.

Of the eight reports that you will make in total, you are allowed to watch a maximum of 2 films. If you watch an episode of a series, you are allowed to make a maximum of 2 episodes per series. Please make sure that your vary in the type of programmes you watch; try to watch as many documentaries and news reports as possible.


Listening report

A.   Relevant data

  1. Title of programme
  2. Time and duration of programme
  3. Channel/source
  4. Subject

B.   Keywords

(type or write here the keywords you hear while you are watching/listening)

C.   Summary & personal opinion

(write a summary and give your opinion of the item you’ve watched)

Info Wikiwijs: maak je eigen arrangement

1. Zorg er eerst voor dat je een eigen Wikiwijspagina aanmaakt. De instructie die je stap voor stap uitlegt hoe dit moet, vind je in de studiewijzer.

2. De gemaakte opdrachten moeten direct zichtbaar zijn. Dat betekent dat je de teksten typt in Wikiwijs of kopieert vanuit Word. Je mag geen Worddocument toevoegen als bijlage!

3. Geef op het tabblad  'Overview books' een volledig overzicht van de gelezen boeken. Zo kun je in één oogopslag zien welke boeken je gelezen hebt. Noteer van elk boek: de titel, de auteur, het niveau van het boek en het aantal sterren dat je het boek zou geven. Hierbij geldt dat 5 sterren maximaal is. Houd dit overzicht up-to-date!

4. Voor elk boek en elke luisterverslag gebruik je vervolgens een nieuw tabblad.


Literature file

Overview Books

List the books you've read here: author - title - date of publication, your rating

Jenny Downham - Before I die - 2007 - 4 stars

Book 1 - havo 4

Literatuur verslag, before I die



A    informatie

1. Titel: Before I die

2. schrijver: Jenny Downham

3. editie: 2010 (2007)

4. pagina’s: 327

5. thema: ziekte, liefde

6. ik-perspectief

7. plaats: in en rondom het huis van Tessa, het ziekenhuis

8. tijd: 21e eeuw


B    samenvatting & beschrijving personages

De hoofdpersoon is Tessa een meisje van 16 en ze heeft kanker.

Het boek bevat natuurlijk ook bijpersonages.

Zoey: zij is de beste vriendin van Tessa. Haar vader, en haar moeder die later in het verhaal terugkomt. Cal; het broertje van Tessa. Scott; de vader van het kind van Zoey. En Adam; de buurjongen van Tessa en haar vriendje verder in het boek.



Tessa heeft kanker. Het gaat steeds slechter met Tessa en daarom maakt ze een lijst met wat ze nog wil doen voordat ze dood gaat. Op het lijstje stond seks, Zoey haar beste vriendin heeft haar hier mee geholpen toen ze uitgingen. Daarna ging ze op alles ja zeggen, dat is haar ook gelukt. Het 3e was drugs gebruiken, hier hebben Adam en Zoey mee geholpen. Vier was zoveel mogelijk misdaden plegen op 1 dag, vijf was autorijden, zes was beroemd worden en 7 was haar ouders bij elkaar brengen. Nummer 8 op haar lijstje was verliefd worden, dit was gelukt, zij en Adam waren stapelverliefd op elkaar en met kerst geeft hij Tessa een zilveren armband. Haar laatste nummer op het lijstje is de baby van Zoey zien maar dat heeft ze niet meer gered.


C  mening

Ik herkende het boek omdat de film ervan op Netflix staat. Ikzelf heb de film nog niet gezien maar het sprak me wel aan daarom koos ik het boek. Ik vond het een leuk boek met een leuke hoofdpersoon. Haar ziekte is natuurlijk niet leuk maar de ziekte is wel in een mooi jasje gestoken. Het ging wel meer over het lijstje dan over de ziekte en dat vond ik wel mooi omdat je kunt zien dat ze nog niet veel aan haar dood dacht en dat ze alles wat ze nog wilde doen ze gewoon deed. Er werd veel geschreven vanuit de gedachte van Tessa wat soms wel verwarrend was. Als je het boek leest komen er veel verschillende emoties los, soms moet je lachen om kiets wat er gebeurt en de andere keer moet je bijna huilen. Ik vind het heel knap va de schrijver dat je iemand kunt laten lachen en huilen in een boek, uberhaupt al dat als iemand je boek leest dat je bij iemand emoties los kunt maken. Ook vond ik het een interessant boek omdat Tessa van onze leeftijd is en omdat kanker vaak voorkomt in Nederland dus dan kan ik me beter inleven in een boek.

Dus ik vond het een mooi boek.



Book 2 - havo 4

Copy your book report here

Book 3 - havo 4

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Book 4 - havo 5

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Listening file

Listening report 1

Capted for 18 years: the Jaycee Lee story

Duration: 48 minuts

source: netflix

subject: kidnapping


  • Jaycee Lee Dugard
  • 11 years old
  • Shy
  • Blond
  • Blue eyes
  • Kidnapping
  • 10-06-1991
  • Phillip and Nancy Garrido
  • School bus
  • South lake Tahoe, California
  • Grey ford
  • Rape
  • Backyard
  • Sex slave
  • Antioch

This documentary is about Jaycee Lee Dugard who was abducted as an 11 year old girl. She is a very shy girl with blond hair and blue eyes. On 10-06-1991 she was abducted by Phillip and Nancy Garrido while she was walking to her school bus. She lived in South Lake Tahoe, California where nothing like that ever happens. Jaycee was kidnapped in a grey ford that described her stepfather to the police, but the car was never found. Her stepfather was suspected of the kidnapping but for many years she was never found. Phillip and Nancy lived in Antioch. There Jaycee was kept as a sex slave in their garden in a few runs and sheds. In the 18 years of her imprisonment she had 2 children.

I thought it was a beautiful documentary with a beautiful storyline, well put together. Some things were quite shocking about the fact that for example the neighbours of Phillip and Nancy didn't notice anything, and the fact that Jaycee was allowed on the internet and did nothing to be rescued.

Listening report 2

  1. Relevant data
  1. Natascha Kampusch: 3096 gefangenschaft
  2. 51 minutes
  3. Netflix
  4. Captivity
  1. -     Strasshof
  • Vienna
  • 2 march 1998
  • Natascha: Glasses, 1,45m, light brown hair with a pony, blue eyes
  • White Van
  • Mattress
  • Witness
  • Daily visit
  • Intercom
  • Entrance: hidden hatch, heavy cabinet, safe, steel and concrete door, wooden door
  • One hour to open cell
  • Police questioned 1520 white van owners & 650 others
  • Wolfgang Priklopil
  • Unmarried
  • 35 years old
  • Only child
  • Good relationship with mom
  • Light timer
  • 14 April 1998, second tip
  • Upstairs household
  • BMW
  • Starve
  • Cleaning
  • Elastic bags
  • Bold
  • Showing food
  • No crying
  • Dominating
  • High demands
  • 18 July 2002
  • Books
  • Math
  • Grave
  • Garden
  • Weak/heavy work
  • Forgiving
  • Kidnapping solution
  • After 7 years: streets
  • Holzapfel
  • 01.04 pm 23 august 2006; escaped
  • Suicide
  • Media abused



C.        Summary & personal opinion

This documentary was about Natascha kampusch. She was abducted when she was ten years old. She lived in Strasshof, Vienen. On march the 2nd 1998 she was abducted bij a man in a white van. One twelf years old girl saw it and testfied at the police. The police guastioned 1520 white-van-owners and 650 others. They also came to Wolfgang the man who abducted Natascha. But thet didn’t searched enough to find her in his house. Maybe because the way to Natascha was so hard. First you had to pass through a hatch in the garage. Then you have to move a heavy cabinet with a safe behind it. Slide the safe out of the wall and then you have to crawl through that hole. Then you have to close a door of 150 kilo's made of steal and concreet. Finally to the left of you you see a wooden door where the 5km2 room of natascha is. Natasca tells in het documentary that sometimes he had to take one hour to come to see her. Wolfgang Priklopil is unmarried and was when he abducted her 35 years old. He lived with his mom in the house. Over the years Natascha was allowed to go upstairs and to the garden. Finally she was allowed to go on a skitrip.


I liked the documentary very much. I think what Natascha has been thru is horrible. The beatings and not eaten much for 8 years is very hard. Also is t special that she is escaped I think that is very bolt. I saw the movie of her story to visualise it. Overall I thought it was nice to watch and I recommend it to others.

Listening report 3

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Listening report 4

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Listening report 5

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Listening report 6

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Listening report 7

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Listening report 8

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Writing file

Under construction

Writing file 1

Copy/type your writing file here


In 2018 I failed the year, which was very sad because many of my friends passed. After that I went on a holiday with my friends to Terschelling. I liked it because we went out every evening. With my parents I went on vacation to Limburg, it was so much fun because I made new friends and it was very hot. the new year in havo 4 I made new friends wich is a nice advantage and now I get what Iearn.


One resolution fot 2019 is that my health get better, and that I can do everything like i did before I got ill. I want to make more time for my friends, so we can chill more often. This year I wat to pass the year and I think I can do it, so I am gonna work hard for it.

writing file 2

Scotland, March 31- April 5

Last week I went to Scotland with my school. Sunday at one o’clock we left at school and drove to the boat in Ijmuiden. We had 16 hours on the boat before we arrived in Newcastle. When we arrived in Newcastle we drove around 2 and a half hours to our hostel in Edinburgh, Scotland. After we settled at our hostel we went to Edinburgh castle. This castle was very big but we only had one hour to look around because after the castle we had to go straight to the restaurant. We ate fish and chips but I did not like it that much. The next day we went to The Scottish gallery of modern art. I think it was boring because I don’t like art as much as the teachers do. After that we had some spare time in Edinburgh, so I went shopping with my friends. In the evening we bowl. Wednesday we first went to Rosslyn chapel, a little church that was beautiful decorated in the stones. After that we drove to Glasgow and het some spare time there. It was a rainy day so me and my friend spend a lot of time inside the McDonalds. In the evening we went to Dumbo, which was a great movie. At Friday we first saw Alnwick garden and castle and after that we went back home.


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    2019-08-22 14:46:05

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    HAVO 4;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Nederlands; Literatuur;
    english, havo4, havo5, listening files, reading files

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    Haarman, Michelle. (z.d.).

    H4 Opzet Wikiwijs English skills 2018-2019 H4_2


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