You might not have realised but you already showed you have a bit of the time travelling knowledge in you!
In alinea one of Chapter 1 all the tenses you filled in were Present Simple.
In alinea two of Chapter 1 all the tenses you filled in were Past Simple.
And in the last alinea of Chapter 1 all the tenses you filled in were Future Simple.
Let's look at the Past Simple first, so join us in Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Past Simple
To go to the past, Yu always uses the same formula. He advises you to copy it down in your own notebook, so you can travel to the past with him! He will give you the form, use, some signal words and a couple of examples!
Form:VERB + ed Irregular form
Use:When an action is finished before now When talking about a past state of being
SW:Yesterday, Last ... (Monday/month/Summer), A ... ago (Spring/week/year),
Ex.: I walked home yesterday. He washed his car last week. We saw a beautiful bird a moment ago.
!!!: It is very important to know irregular verbs when using this tense.
The following link will take you to where you can find a complete list.
Via this link you can go to a Quizlet where you can find a lot of exercises to practice with.
If you want to want to say that something did not happen in the past, use didn't (did not). But if you do, use the whole verb.
Ex.: I didn't walk home yesterday. He didn't wash his car last week. We didn't see a beautiful bird a moment ago.
If you need more help, or want to look at the grammar from a different angle, watch the video. Pause regularly to try and guess answer, that way you maximize your learning gain.
And here is some extra help with irregular verbs:
Chapter 3: Present Simple
To go back to the present, Yu also uses a same formula. He advises you again to copy it down in your own notebook, so you can travel with him! He will give you the form, use, some signal words and a couple of examples of this tense!
Form: VERB If aboutI/You/We/They VERB + (e)s If about He/She/It (SHIT-rule) The 'e' is only used in words ending with 'o' (go = goes, do = does)
Use:When an action is a fact, or a habit.
SW:Never, Always, Normally, Often, Every ... (week, Winter, Friday),
Ex.:Normally I make my homework in my room. The sun alwaysrises in the east.
We go to training every Sunday morning.
!!!: The signal word 'always' always comes before the verb.
If you want to want to say that something did not happen in the present, use don't (do not) or doesn't (does not (only with He/She/It)). If you do, use the whole verb.
Ex.: I don't like exercising every morning. She doesn't have a new pencil, it is old. We don't visit the museum often.
To go forward into the future, Yu has one more formula. He advises you once more to copy it down in your own notebook, so you can travel alongside him! He will give you the form, use, some signal words and a couple of examples!
Form: Will + VERB
Use:When an action begins and ends in the future.
SW:Tomorrow, Next ... (month/Tuesday/Autumn), In a ... (century, week, year)
Ex.:I will see you in a week.
The dog will go home tomorrow. Next summer we will be on a sailboatduring our vaction.
If you want to want to say that something will not happen in the present, use won't (will not). If you do, follow up using the whole verb.
Ex.:I will not see you in a week.
The dog won't go home tomorrow. Next summer wewon't beon a sailboatduring our vaction.
We last left Yu, who was asking a lot of questions and speculation about the Future. Lets dive deeper into how to form proper questions with the Simple Tense. Just to help miss T. Eacher recorded a video to help.
Have fun watching!
Mixed Tense Exercise
We left Yu wondering in his rocket, let's see what happened all this time and see what will happen next. Fill in the correct form of the tense, dont forget to look at time indicators, and who the subject is.
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2018-11-17 11:50:44
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Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:
You'll make fun exercises flying through time while learning to use the Past, Present and Future form of the Simple tense.
Become a literary time traveller too!
engels, future simple, past simple, present simple, tenses
You'll make fun exercises flying through time while learning to use the Past, Present and Future form of the Simple tense.
Become a literary time traveller too!
engels, future simple, past simple, present simple, tenses
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